The Cooper pair box Hamiltonian in the matrix form

In summary, the conversation discusses using Mathematica (or any other program) to calculate and plot energy bands of the Cooper pair box with different values of E_C and E_J. The Hamiltonian for the box is given in a matrix form and it is suggested to use the Eigenvalues function in Mathematica to find the eigenvalues and plot the energy bands. The poster is having trouble using the Eigenvalues function and is asking for help.
  • #1

In my problem I need to
Use Matematica (or any other program) to calculate and plot energy bands
(eigenvalues) of the Cooper pair box with (i)E[itex]_C[/itex] = 70, E[itex]_J[/itex] = 10 and (ii) E[itex]_C[/itex] = 20,
E[itex]_J[/itex] = 20
We are advised to create the Cooper pair box Hamiltonian in a matrix form in the charge basis for charge
states from 0 to 5. Here is the Hamiltonian we are given

[itex]H=E_C(n-n_g)^2 \left|n\right\rangle\left\langle n\right|-\frac{E_J}{2}(\left|n\right\rangle\left\langle n+1\right|+\left|n+1\right\rangle\left\langle n\right|)[/itex]
Which in the matrix form looks like
\ddots & & & & &\\
& E_C(0-n_g)^2 & -\frac{E_J}{2} & 0 & 0 &\\
&-\frac{E_J}{2} & E_C(1-n_g)^2 & -\frac{E_J}{2} & 0 &\\
&0 & -\frac{E_J}{2} & E_C(2-n_g)^2 & -\frac{E_J}{2} &\\
&0 & 0 & -\frac{E_J}{2} & E_C(3-n_g)^2 &\\
& & & & &\ddots
Because we are being asked for this matrix from states 0 to 5 I presume this means

E_C(0-n_g)^2 & -\frac{E_J}{2} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\
-\frac{E_J}{2} & E_C(1-n_g)^2 & -\frac{E_J}{2} & 0 & 0 & 0\\
0 & -\frac{E_J}{2} & E_C(2-n_g)^2 & -\frac{E_J}{2} & 0 & 0\\
0 & 0 & -\frac{E_J}{2} & E_C(3-n_g)^2 & -\frac{E_J}{2} & 0\\
0 & 0 & 0 & -\frac{E_J}{2} & E_C(4-n_g)^2 & -\frac{E_J}{2} \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -\frac{E_J}{2} & E_C(5-n_g)^2

It is then suggested we put this into Mathematica and use the Eigenvalues function to return the eigenvalues so we can then plot the energy bands. I have tried using Mathematica with this matrix but am not getting any results I understand. Is there a method for finding the eigenvalues of this matrix by hand? I am quite lost with this question, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  • #3
I don't know if this thread is relevant anymore, since it is already a week old. But what was the problem with using the Eigenvalues[] function? It should be quite straightforward. The Mathematica documentation can assist you in using it.

FAQ: The Cooper pair box Hamiltonian in the matrix form

What is the Cooper pair box Hamiltonian in the matrix form?

The Cooper pair box Hamiltonian is a mathematical model used to describe the behavior of a superconducting quantum device known as the Cooper pair box. It is represented as a matrix, with each element corresponding to a specific energy level of the device.

How is the Hamiltonian matrix constructed?

The Hamiltonian matrix is constructed using the Hamiltonian operator, which takes into account the kinetic and potential energy of the Cooper pair box. The matrix elements are dependent on the system's physical parameters, such as the charging energy and Josephson coupling energy.

What are the main applications of the Cooper pair box Hamiltonian matrix?

The Cooper pair box Hamiltonian matrix is primarily used in the field of quantum computing, as it allows for the simulation and analysis of the behavior of a superconducting qubit. It is also used in research on superconductivity and quantum information processing.

What are the advantages of representing the Hamiltonian in matrix form?

Representing the Hamiltonian as a matrix allows for easier analysis and calculation of the energy levels and transition probabilities of the Cooper pair box. It also provides a more intuitive understanding of the system's behavior and allows for the application of various mathematical techniques.

How does the Cooper pair box Hamiltonian matrix relate to other quantum mechanical concepts?

The Hamiltonian matrix is related to other concepts in quantum mechanics, such as the Schrödinger equation and the energy eigenstates of a quantum system. It also plays a crucial role in the study of quantum coherence and tunneling phenomena in superconducting devices.

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