The Creation of Man: A Tale of Equality and Humor

  • Thread starter Smurf
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation revolves around the creation of the world and man by God. One of God's angels questions the idea of equality among all creatures and God responds with a humorous remark about the flaws of humans. However, some individuals do not find the joke funny and defend Smurf's sense of humor.
  • #1
(In response to")

On the first day of creation, god created the world. He looked down upon it from the heavens and smiled. One of god's Angels gazed down upon with him and asked curiously what he was doing.
"This is my greatest creation" he said. "An entire world full of life in perfect equality and goodness. Some creatures will be fast, others will be strong. Some will be large, and some small. Some will use the light to grow, others will feed off of plants, and even others will have to eat other animals.

Next god created man.

"What is that?" The angel asked.
"Ahhhh, that is my most prized invention" he responded. "That is man. They're the strongest. They're the fastest. They're the Smartest and they will one day rule over the entire world."
"But GOD! I thought you said they would be EQUAL!" the angel objected.
"Ha!" laughed god "Wait 'till you see the loud mouthed *****es they have to mate with!"
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  • #2
This seems to be more hateful rather than humorous.

(Not that I'm saying Smurf is hateful, I'm just saying, well, it's not a funny joke.)
  • #3
Gee, Smurf, did you even read that thread that you are referencing? I may be wrong here, but it really seems that you jumped to a conclusion about the content of that thread based on the title.
  • #4
Damn, no wonder why nobody but me is funny anymore. Someone tries to tell a joke and you just berate the poor idiot.
I think that joke was funny for Smurf. Mentally retarded people laugh at things like that and you just need to understand that Smurf is special and you all should leave him alone.
I'm on your side Smurf. You are funny, and a good boy.

FAQ: The Creation of Man: A Tale of Equality and Humor

1. How long did it take for God to create the world?

According to the Bible, it took God six days to create the world. On the seventh day, he rested.

2. Did God create everything at once or in stages?

God created the world in stages. In the first three days, he created the light, sky, land, and sea. On the next three days, he created plants, animals, and humans.

3. Was the world created in literal 24-hour days?

The concept of "days" during creation is often interpreted as symbolic rather than literal. Many believe that each "day" represents a period of time rather than a literal 24-hour day.

4. How did God create the world?

According to the Bible, God spoke the world into existence. He simply said, "Let there be..." and it was so. This is known as divine creation or ex nihilo creation.

5. Why did God create the world?

The reason for God's creation is a matter of personal belief and interpretation. Some believe that God created the world out of love and a desire to share his goodness with others. Others believe that God created the world for a specific purpose or plan.
