The depth at which physics was discovered

In summary, it is likely that famous physicists like Newton and Maxwell did not have the same level of knowledge in their respective fields as is taught at the graduate level today. They often discovered things in a much more elementary way and their understanding may not have been as advanced as what is currently taught. However, this does not diminish their accomplishments, as it is easier to learn about something than to discover it. Additionally, modern teaching methods and tools have evolved to make complex concepts more accessible to the masses.
  • #1
member 392791

I realize that there are many levels of physics that are taught to students (introductory, intermediate/advanced, then graduate)

But I was wondering, when the famous physicists like Newton and Maxwell, etc, discovered their respective phenomenon, did they know it at a graduate level of knowledge? Or when they learned it, was it more elementary? Or is it that they discovered it at a very advanced level, then later on it was simplified to what is now introductory level physics so that the masses of people could at least begin to grasp it?

Did Maxwell understand his theory at a depth of the almighty Jackson book?
Physics news on
  • #2
Woopydalan said:

I realize that there are many levels of physics that are taught to students (introductory, intermediate/advanced, then graduate)

But I was wondering, when the famous physicists like Newton and Maxwell, etc, discovered their respective phenomenon, did they know it at a graduate level of knowledge? Or when they learned it, was it more elementary? Or is it that they discovered it at a very advanced level, then later on it was simplified to what is now introductory level physics so that the masses of people could at least begin to grasp it?

Did Maxwell understand his theory at a depth of the almighty Jackson book?
Contemporary physicists benefitted from the body of knowledge from those who came before.

I recommend reading Steven Hawking's "On The Shoulders Of Giants"

Amazon Book Description said:
World-renowned physicist and bestselling author Stephen Hawking presents a revolutionary look at the momentous discoveries that changed our perception of the world with this first-ever compilation of seven classic works on physics and astronomy. His choice of landmark writings by some of the world's great thinkers traces the brilliant evolution of modern science and shows how each figure built upon the genius of his predecessors. On the Shoulders of Giants includes, in their entirety, On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres by Nicolaus Copernicus; Principia by Sir Isaac Newton; The Principle of Relativity by Albert Einstein; Dialogues Concerning Two Sciences by Galileo Galilei with Alfonso De Salvio; plus Mystery of the Cosmos, Harmony of the World, and Rudolphine Tables by Johannes Kepler. It also includes five critical essays and a biography of each featured physicist, written by Hawking himself.

The University of Edinburgh still has a record of books that Maxwell borrowed to take home while an undergraduate. These include

Cauchy, Calcul Différentiel
Fourier, Théorie de la Chaleur
Monge, Géometrie Descriptive
Newton, Optics
Poisson, Mechanics
Taylor, Scientific Memoirs
Willis, Principles of Mechanism

Maxwell's obiturary by Maxwell's friend and colleague Professor P. G. Tait -
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  • #3
Woopydalan said:

I realize that there are many levels of physics that are taught to students (introductory, intermediate/advanced, then graduate)

But I was wondering, when the famous physicists like Newton and Maxwell, etc, discovered their respective phenomenon, did they know it at a graduate level of knowledge? Or when they learned it, was it more elementary? Or is it that they discovered it at a very advanced level, then later on it was simplified to what is now introductory level physics so that the masses of people could at least begin to grasp it?

Did Maxwell understand his theory at a depth of the almighty Jackson book?

I don't know about physics, but I do know the answer for mathematics. The great mathematicians almost surely did not know the theory to the extend we teach it right now. They usually discovered things that were a very special case and their proofs were usually awfully complicated. Later, other mathematicians made significant generalizations and simplified things a lot.

For example, when Galois discovered Galois theory, he did not know anything about groups and fields. Yet, groups and fields are the tools which are used today to do Galois theory. Galois made his discoveries for the special case of the field of rational numbers. Right now, we teach Galois theory in a much general setting. I even doubt that Galois would recognize his theory if he read a current textbook on it.

As another example, it is well-known that Newton and Leibniz discovered calculus. But a lot of students who completed a calculus sequence (or analysis) right now have a much better grasp on calculus than Newton and Leibniz did. For example, the calculus that they did was very much non-rigorous. They had no idea what epsilon-delta definitions were (they were invented hundreds of years later). And many people back then made very elementary calculus mistakes that students right now wouldn't make.
Of course, this does not diminish their accomplishments. It is always much easier to learn about something than it is to discover it. I do believe that a lot of students know calculus better than Newton and Leibniz did back in their days, but I doubt that those students were capable of discovering calculus on their own.
  • #4
Well a typical non - honors introductory EM class, for example, is definitely very, very dumbed down IMO compared to say what Maxwell wrote in his original treatise on electrodynamics as well as his later works. Of course at the graduate level things might not be so black and white. A typical graduate GR class now would probably introduce differential geometry using index - free notation and exterior calculus \ take a more modern geometric approach rather than use the index based classical tensor calculus methods around when Einstein first formulated GR.
  • #5
Woopydalan said:

I realize that there are many levels of physics that are taught to students (introductory, intermediate/advanced, then graduate)

But I was wondering, when the famous physicists like Newton and Maxwell, etc, discovered their respective phenomenon, did they know it at a graduate level of knowledge? Or when they learned it, was it more elementary? Or is it that they discovered it at a very advanced level, then later on it was simplified to what is now introductory level physics so that the masses of people could at least begin to grasp it?

Did Maxwell understand his theory at a depth of the almighty Jackson book?

In the old days the tools were very crude. I once read an ancient manuscript about how to multiply by 7. It was very complicated and I could not understand it. So the mental challenge to someone like Archimedes to invent his methods was the same as advanced math today.

What Galileo and Franklin did seems simple now. The difficulties were convincing yourself that the subject was worth studying, getting enough time to work on science as opposed to working hard to survive, and avoiding being burned at the stake by the Church. All in all scientists have it easier today.

When Maxwell came up with his equations it was expressed in terms of quaternions. I think he had a mechanical model in mind that involved gears. Vectors were not much used, much less vector calculus.

The world then did not have the material wealth we have today. Abel had difficulty affording stamps to mail out his manuscripts, then died young of tuberculosis.

Most new things these days are quite complex. It is like mining or drilling for oil in that the easy-to-get stuff is found first. The big exception is the theory of relativity, which is simple but conceptually very weird.

FAQ: The depth at which physics was discovered

1. What is the significance of the depth at which physics was discovered?

The depth at which physics was discovered refers to the level of understanding and knowledge that humans have acquired about the fundamental laws and principles that govern the physical world. It is significant because it allows us to explain and predict natural phenomena, develop new technologies, and deepen our understanding of the universe.

2. When was physics first discovered?

The discovery of physics can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Egyptians, and Chinese. However, modern physics as we know it today began in the 17th century with the works of scientists such as Galileo, Kepler, and Newton.

3. How has the depth of physics knowledge changed over time?

The depth of physics knowledge has significantly increased over time as new discoveries and advancements have been made. From classical mechanics and electromagnetism to quantum mechanics and relativity, our understanding of the physical world has expanded and deepened with the development of new theories and technologies.

4. What are the key areas of physics that have been discovered at different depths?

Physics can be divided into several key areas, each discovered at different depths. These include classical mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and relativity. More recent areas of exploration include astrophysics, particle physics, and cosmology.

5. How does the depth of physics discoveries impact our daily lives?

The depth of physics discoveries has a significant impact on our daily lives. From the technology we use, such as smartphones and computers, to the medical treatments and transportation methods we rely on, all are possible because of our understanding of physics. Furthermore, many everyday phenomena, such as gravity, electricity, and light, are explained and utilized through the principles of physics.
