The difference btn positive and negative potential quantum well

In summary, the difference between a bluff and a wall is that the particle can only be found on one side of a wall, while it can be found on both sides of a bluff.
  • #1

Homework Statement

(a) Determine the reflectivity spectrum [tex]R(E)[/tex] of a free particle of mass [tex]m[/tex] reflected from an infinite jump [tex]V(x)[/tex], where
[tex]V(x)=0[/tex] if [tex]x\leq0[/tex], [tex]V(x)=-\infty[/tex] if [tex]x>0[/tex]

The other similar problem is:
(b) Determine the energy levels of a particle of mass [tex]m[/tex] confined to an infinite barrier [tex]U(x)[/tex] of width [tex]L[/tex], where
[tex]U(x) = -\infty[/tex] for [tex]x<0, x>L[/tex], [tex]U(x) = 0[/tex] for [tex]0\leq x \leq L[/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Actually, I can solve these problems. One just solves the Schrodinger equation and matches the boundary conditions at each area. But what I wondered is, how about if we change the problem from a negative potential to a positive potential? (i.e. change the [tex]-\infty[/tex] in the problems to [tex]\infty[/tex])
I think the method to solve the problems are still the same, and the boundary conditions should be the same! So, the solutions would be the same if we change the potential from a bluff to a wall! But intuitively, the bluff and the wall are quite different.
Can anyone explain this physically to me? any ideas would be appreciated, thanks!
Physics news on
  • #2
ismaili said:

Homework Statement

(a) Determine the reflectivity spectrum [tex]R(E)[/tex] of a free particle of mass [tex]m[/tex] reflected from an infinite jump [tex]V(x)[/tex], where
[tex]V(x)=0[/tex] if [tex]x\leq0[/tex], [tex]V(x)=-\infty[/tex] if [tex]x>0[/tex]

The other similar problem is:
(b) Determine the energy levels of a particle of mass [tex]m[/tex] confined to an infinite barrier [tex]U(x)[/tex] of width [tex]L[/tex], where
[tex]U(x) = -\infty[/tex] for [tex]x<0, x>L[/tex], [tex]U(x) = 0[/tex] for [tex]0\leq x \leq L[/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Actually, I can solve these problems. One just solves the Schrodinger equation and matches the boundary conditions at each area. But what I wondered is, how about if we change the problem from a negative potential to a positive potential? (i.e. change the [tex]-\infty[/tex] in the problems to [tex]\infty[/tex])
I think the method to solve the problems are still the same, and the boundary conditions should be the same! So, the solutions would be the same if we change the potential from a bluff to a wall! But intuitively, the bluff and the wall are quite different.
Can anyone explain this physically to me? any ideas would be appreciated, thanks!
Physically, the difference is that the particle is in different areas. First, remember that potential is always "relative" to some value. In the first problem, the potential is 0 for [itex]x\le 0[/itex], [itex]-\infty[/itex] for x> 0. That means that the particle can only be found at x> 0 (the probability of it being found with [itex]x\le 0[/itex] is 0. If you were given that the potential is [itex]+\infty[/itex] for [itex]x\le 0[/itex], 0 for x> 0, that would only change the "reference" and the solution would be exactly the same: the particle can only be found at x> 0.

If you were given either
1) potential 0 for x< 0 or x>L, [itex]-\infty[/itex] for [itex]0\le x\le L[/itex] or
2) potential [itex]\infty[/itex] for x< 0 or x> L, 0 for [itex]0\le x\le L[/itex]
then the particle can only be found between 0 and L for both problems.

In your second problem you have an infinite potential barrier between x= 0 and x= L. In that case, the particle can only be found at x< 0 or x> L. Where there is an infinite barrier, whether it is potential 0 as compared to a potential of [itex]-\infty[/itex] or infinite potential as compared to potential 0, you cannot find the particle in the barrier.

You will probably start shortly on finite potential wells or barriers. In that case, the Schrodinger equation cannot be solved exactly and you will need to find approximate solutions, probably using the "WKB approximation". In that case, you can find the particle in the barrier or sides of the well. In fact, if the barrier is narrow enough the particle may be able to "tunnel" to the other side.

FAQ: The difference btn positive and negative potential quantum well

What is a quantum well?

A quantum well is a structure in which a particle (such as an electron) is confined in one or more dimensions, leading to quantized energy levels. This structure is typically created by sandwiching a thin layer of a material with a lower bandgap between two layers of a material with a higher bandgap.

What is the difference between positive and negative potential in a quantum well?

The potential in a quantum well refers to the energy difference between the confined particle's energy levels and the surrounding material's energy levels. A positive potential indicates that the confined particle's energy levels are higher than those of the surrounding material, while a negative potential indicates the opposite.

How does the potential in a quantum well affect the behavior of particles?

The potential in a quantum well determines the allowed energy levels for the confined particles. This, in turn, affects their behavior and properties, such as their motion, interactions with other particles, and emission of light or energy.

What is the significance of positive and negative potentials in quantum wells?

The presence of a potential well in a material allows for the manipulation and control of particles, which is crucial in various technologies, such as semiconductor devices and quantum computing. The sign of the potential plays a crucial role in determining the behavior and properties of confined particles in these applications.

Can the potential in a quantum well be changed or controlled?

Yes, the potential in a quantum well can be changed or controlled by altering the thickness or composition of the layers that make up the well. This can be achieved through techniques such as molecular beam epitaxy or ion implantation, allowing for the customization of the potential to suit specific applications.
