The Effects of Radiation on Lead: Examining the Tsar Bomb

In summary, lead is a good absorbing material for gamma rays, and it has a relatively large attenuation parameter. It is not good for creating additional mass in a nuclear bomb, and it is less likely to be activated by neutrons than other materials. Steel is the preferable material for vacuum chambers when dealing with nuclear physics experiments.
  • #1
Sean Conley
I've read that the Tsar Bomb used a lead casing for the second and third stages of the bomb instead of a uranium casing. A uranium casing would have resulted in fast fusion but would have created too much fallout. Typical Hydrogen bombs use uranium casings. A uranium casing would have indeed resulted in fast fusion but would have created too much fallout therefore the soviets chose to use lead instead.

My question is, what happens to lead after it has absorbed so much radiation? Does it change and become another element?
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  • #2
I am not sure if that's what applied on nukes...but, lead is a good absorbing matterial for gamma rays.
The gammas are either absorbed (photoelectric effect) or scatter off (compton effect) the electrons. So the gamma rays mainly interact with the lead's electrons and not nucleus,so they don't create other elements.
Lead has a relatively large attenuation (or absorption) parameter [itex]\mu[/itex] which suppresses/brings down the intensity of radiation [itex]I_0[/itex] exponentially with distance:

[itex]I(r) = I_0 e^{-\mu r}[/itex]
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  • #3
The lead nuclei will absorb some of the neutrons that get emitted, and change their isotope. Some neutrons convert stable isotopes to other stable isotopes, but some produce radioactive isotopes that decay afterwards (mainly to bismuth). Still much better than uranium.
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  • #5
A good choice for what? For simulating additional mass of the bomb and absorbing gamma rays, it is not bad (everything more dense is much more expensive).
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  • #6
Thank you for your responses guys, it's much appreciated. I read that Uranium was the initial choice for the Soviets for the simple fact that it would have resulted in fast fusion, thus increasing the yield of the bomb to somewhere around 80 MT. Their final choice of using lead instead brought the actual yield to about 50 MT. I couldn't help but think the nuclei would absorb some of the radiation, which made me wonder what would happen to the lead atoms at that point. Mfb, your explanation answered this. I can't help but wonder if the lead shielding used in radioactive laboratories eventually becomes spent and less effective. Your explanation makes believe the answer would be yes.
  • #7
Outside of nuclear weapons and reactors, you never get enough irradiation to change a significant fraction of your material.
  • #8
mfb said:
Outside of nuclear weapons and reactors, you never get enough irradiation to change a significant fraction of your material.

Further, the places you find lead shielding in most nuclear labs is for creating "low background environments" for sensitive gamma-counting experiments, where the amount of radiation is very small. So the possibility of activating the lead enough to be significant is even lower.

Now, there are situations where you do worry about activating your material - in vacuum chamber design. You're never going to "change a significant fraction of your material", but you don't need to do much to make something radioactive, and in nuclear experiments, you tend to get a fair amount of neutrons (not a lot, but enough to worry about).

So to deal with this, in general, vacuum chambers for nuclear physics experiments are made from aluminium rather than stainless steel, as aluminium has a smaller probability of neutron capture than steel.
  • #9
In addition to the lower cross-section, aluminium has nice (non-)activation chains. Natural aluminium is 27Al, if it catches a neutron the 28Al quickly (minutes) decays to 28Si which is stable even if it captures one or two additional neutrons.

Natural iron has about 5% 54Fe, if it catches a neutron to become 55Fe it has a half-life of 2.7 years. Too long to wait, too short to ignore. A small fraction of 59Fe with a half-life of 44 days does not help either. And steel has tons of other elements in it, some of them produce other nasty isotopes when activated.
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FAQ: The Effects of Radiation on Lead: Examining the Tsar Bomb

1. How does radiation affect lead?

Radiation can cause lead to become more brittle and prone to fractures, as well as altering its physical and chemical properties.

2. What is the Tsar Bomb and how does it relate to radiation on lead?

The Tsar Bomb was a powerful nuclear weapon tested by the Soviet Union in 1961. It produced intense levels of radiation that were used to study the effects of radiation on different materials, including lead.

3. What were the findings of the study on the effects of radiation on lead using the Tsar Bomb?

The study showed that lead exposed to high levels of radiation from the Tsar Bomb experienced changes in its structure and properties, such as increased brittleness and a decrease in electrical conductivity.

4. Are there any potential dangers of radiation on lead in everyday life?

In everyday life, the levels of radiation are not high enough to significantly affect lead. However, exposure to high levels of radiation, such as in a nuclear disaster or in a laboratory setting, can have harmful effects on lead and other materials.

5. How can we protect ourselves from the effects of radiation on lead?

The best way to protect ourselves from the effects of radiation on lead is to limit our exposure to high levels of radiation. This can be done through proper safety measures in nuclear facilities and avoiding exposure to radioactive materials.

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