The electric force by the surface of the earth, help please

In summary, the electric field of the Earth at its surface is approximately 120 V/m. To find the force on an oxygen-ion in this field, we can use the electric field equation and Coulomb's law. The oxygen-ion has a charge of 3,204*10^-19C, and using Coulomb's law we can calculate the force. The acceleration of the ion can also be found using Newton's second law. However, it should be noted that this calculation assumes the ion has no contact with other molecules or ions. It is also important to clarify if the oxygen molecule is doubly ionized.
  • #1
I'm having a little problem with this one

The electric field of the Earth (surface), is about 120 V/m.

1. what is the force on a oxygen-ion in this field?

Okey we have 120 V/m = 120 N/C,
so E = 1/(4π€0) * q/(r^2) = 120 N/C (electric fiels equation), where 1/(4π€0) = 9*10^9N*m^2/C^2.

An oxygen has 2 excess electrons, so it’s charge must be 1,602*10^-19C * 2 = 3,204*10^-19 = q
We can isolate r to be r =√(q/(E/(9*10^9))) = 4,902*10^-6m= 0,005mm (this seems to small I think)

Now I would use coulombs law to find the force F = 1/(4π€0) * q1q2/(r^2), but I don’t have q2 .

I don’t know if I’m on the right track here, any help would be highly appreciated, thx.

2. find the acceleration of this ion, treating it as if it had no contact with other molecules or ions.

Should I use Newton's second law here?

Kind regards

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  • #2
Treat this as the force on a charge in a uniform E field. F=E*q. Forget the r^2 bit. Are you sure they mean doubly ionized oxygen?
  • #3
oh yea sorry I left that out, it says dobbelcharged oxygen molecule.

okey F=E*q makes sense, a bit easier to:)

thanks alot

FAQ: The electric force by the surface of the earth, help please

1. What is the electric force by the surface of the earth?

The electric force by the surface of the earth, also known as the electric field, is a force that exists around any charged object. It is caused by the interaction between the charged object and the charged particles in the earth's surface.

2. How is the electric force by the surface of the earth measured?

The electric force by the surface of the earth is measured in units of Newtons per Coulomb (N/C). This represents the amount of force experienced by a charged object placed in the electric field, per unit of electric charge.

3. What factors affect the strength of the electric force by the surface of the earth?

The strength of the electric force by the surface of the earth depends on the magnitude of the charged object and the distance between the object and the earth's surface. The closer the object is to the surface, the stronger the electric force will be.

4. How does the electric force by the surface of the earth affect objects on the earth's surface?

The electric force by the surface of the earth can cause objects on the earth's surface to become charged. This can lead to objects sticking together or repelling each other, depending on their charges. It can also cause objects to experience a force if they are conductive and come into contact with a charged object.

5. Can the electric force by the surface of the earth be shielded or blocked?

Yes, the electric force by the surface of the earth can be shielded or blocked by materials that are good conductors, such as metal. These materials can redirect the electric field and prevent it from affecting objects on the other side. However, it is not possible to completely eliminate the electric field.
