The End of the Road: LHC Findings and the Fate of Physics

In summary, the LHC has successfully found the Higgs boson, but it is of a boring variety and bad news for SUSY. SUSY is now becoming obsolete and there are no new dimensions to investigate beyond the Standard Model. Any potential "new physics" may only be found at a much higher GUT scale, leaving a significant gap of 10^12 GeV. There may not be enough incentives to build a new accelerator, and the LHC may be the last one if a 100TeV accelerator is built and still finds nothing new. However, there are plans for new generation accelerators with higher energies, but they will take a decade to construct. The LHC will continue to collect and analyze data for the next
  • #1
It seems that LHC have done its job.
Higgs boson is found, unfortunately of the most boring variety - bad news for SUSY.
Anyway, it seems that SUSY is getting dead like a dodo.
No micro-BH either, so no new dimensions to investigate.
Nothing beyond Standard Model.
So it seems that any "new physics" might be only at GUT scale 10^16 GeV at the earliest.
So there is 10^12 GeV gap.
My suspicion: there may be not much incentives to build new accelerator.
LHC may well be the last and if one delivering 100TeV by any chance is built and found nothing new, then that will be it.
Any comments on that?
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  • #2
The LHC has taken 0.1% of the data that it will ever take. Drawing conclusions about what it didn't find after 0.1% is like deciding the World Series after the first inning on opening day.
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  • #3
Added to Vanadium 50's:
Well in my opinion, once an accelerator starts operating there can be ideas and plans for a new one, but the first has to finish its job first. The LHC for example took over FermiLab's accelerator (and some may whine, it did it too soon o0))
There are plans and talks for new generation accelerators with higher CoM energies (like the ILC etc). But these new colliders will need at least a decade to be constructed, and so CERN's lifetime is not going to be over soon : it has to collect more data and this data should be analyzed for the next years.
Finding new stuff might be exciting, but understanding better what we might think we know is even more important. LHC is not only dedicated into searching for new physics but there are a lot of efforts in understanding better the already known stuff not to mention how it feeds the rest of non-physical fields (Nobody would fund CERN if the only thing it was supposed to do was to search and find one or more hypothetical particles necessary only for physicists).
Then for the gap:
Maybe SUSY is in 100TeV, you can't possibly know - however it's unlikely because it loses then its "privileges" for which we came to like it. But you can't predecide where nature chooses to show itself and break up your plans or ideas. Maybe there is no SUSY and the next particle we find will be at 30TeV and be a Higgs-like particle). Higher energies can also help you put boundaries in the hypothetical particles (as an example for the SSM W', in the 8TeV run the mass for the W' was found by ATLAS to be at >3.2TeV, while for the Run 2 analysis that limit went to >4TeV)
  • #4
There are many searches that didn't even start because we need more data - and all searches will be able to extend their search range with more data (a factor of ~1000!).
Even if no new particles show up, the experiments will deliver a wide range of measurements that help to exclude possible new models, and measure various standard model parameters with an unprecedented precision. Top physics, precision electroweak physics, tetraquarks/pentaquarks, new mesons and baryons, flavor physics, rare decays... there is more than just the Higgs. And the Higgs measurements didn't stop with its discovery either, the next years will allow to measure its parameters with increasing precision.

Even without new particles, there is a good physics motivation for the ILC to measure top and Higgs (and some Z and W properties) more precisely than the LHC can.

A possible ~100 TeV collider: well... let's see.
  • #5
Recently the LHC has turned up some data that is not readily explained. A lot more experiments need to be done before its lifetime ends.

Google "large hadron collider news" for the month of December 2015.
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  • #6
We have a thread about the diphoton excess. The overall significance is not negligible, but it is too early for conclusions.

The LHCb deviations from lepton universality and the odd effects in one of their angular analyses are interesting as well. Same thing here: strange, but more data is needed.
  • #8
Getting 1000 times the events means improving the LHC's sensitivity to new particles by a factor of sqrt(1000) or about 30. That may be enough to discover new particles that do not interact by QCD and that do not produce signals as clean as the Higgs particle produces. This would include some of the lighter SUSY particles.

Related to The End of the Road: LHC Findings and the Fate of Physics

1. What is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It is located in a 27-kilometer long tunnel beneath the border between France and Switzerland, and is used by scientists to study the fundamental building blocks of matter and the forces that control them.

2. What are the main goals of the LHC?

The main goals of the LHC are to search for new particles, study the properties of the Higgs boson, and explore the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy. It also aims to recreate the conditions that existed right after the Big Bang and provide insights into the origin of our universe.

3. What are the implications of the LHC findings for the fate of physics?

The LHC has already made groundbreaking discoveries, such as the confirmation of the existence of the Higgs boson, which was crucial in completing the Standard Model of particle physics. Its findings have also opened up new avenues for research and have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. However, there are still many unanswered questions and the LHC will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of physics.

4. Has the LHC found evidence for new particles?

Yes, the LHC has discovered several new particles, including the Higgs boson, the top quark, and the pentaquark. It is also constantly searching for evidence of new particles that could help explain the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy.

5. How does the LHC contribute to the advancement of science and technology?

The LHC is not only a scientific instrument, but also a technological marvel. Its construction involved thousands of scientists and engineers from all over the world, pushing the boundaries of engineering and computing. The technologies developed for the LHC have also had a significant impact in other fields, such as medicine and energy production.

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