The Energy Expectation Value for a Moving Hydrogen Atom

In summary, the author is summarizing the content of a conversation. The author states that the integral over ##X## collapses into a delta function, and that ##\psi_0## is normalized. The author then calculates the expectation value of ##\psi_0## and finds that it is equal to ##E_0 + \frac{\hbar^2 |K|^2}{2m}\right). The author also calculates the total energy of the system as\left(\frac{\hbar^2 |K|^2}{2m} + E_0\right)
  • #1
Homework Statement
Let ##\Psi(X, x, t)## be given by
##\Psi(X, x, t) = \int_{\mathbb R^3} g(K) \psi_0(x) e^{iK\cdot X + \left(\frac{\hbar^2 |K|^2}{2m} + E_0\right)} d^3 K##
where ##X## is the center of mass coordinate, ##x## is the relative coordinate, and ##t## is the time. ##\psi_0(x)## is a normalized eigenfunction of the relative Hamiltonian ##H_{\text{Rel}}## such that ##H_{\text{Rel}} \psi_0 (x) = E_0 \psi(x)##. ##g(k)## is a function that peaks in the neighborhood ##K \approx K_0##.
Relevant Equations
##\Psi(X, x, t) = \int_{\mathbb R^3} g(K) \psi_0(x) e^{iK\cdot X + -\frac{i}{\hbar} \left(\frac{\hbar^2 |K|^2}{2m} + E_0\right)} d^3 K##
\langle E \rangle &=
\int_{\mathbb R^3}
\int_{\mathbb R^3}
\int_{\mathbb R^3}
\int_{\mathbb R^3}
g^\dagger (\tilde K) g(K) |\psi_0(x)|^2
\left(E_0 +\frac{\hbar^2 |K|^2}{2m}\right)
e^{i(K-\tilde K)\cdot X -\frac{i}{\hbar} \left(\frac{\hbar^2 |K|^2}{2m}-\frac{\hbar^2 |K|^2}{2m}\right)}
d^3 K d^3 \tilde K d^3 x d^3 X \\
\int_{\mathbb R^3} |\psi_0(x)|^2 d^3 x
\int_{\mathbb R^3}
\int_{\mathbb R^3}
\int_{\mathbb R^3}
e^{i(K-\tilde K)\cdot X} d^3 X
g^\dagger (\tilde K) g(K)
\left(E_0 +\frac{\hbar^2 |K|^2}{2m}\right)
e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar} \left(\frac{\hbar^2 |K|^2}{2m}-\frac{\hbar^2 |K|^2}{2m}\right)}
d^3 K
d^3 \tilde K
\\ &=
\left(\frac{\hbar^2 |K|^2}{2m} + E_0\right)

as the integral over ##X## collapses into a delta function, ##\psi_0## is normalized, and both integrals peak at ##K_0##. Is my reasoning correct? I apologize in advance if my math is poorly formatted. I am still new to the site.

Do I need a factor of ##2 \pi## for the delta function? The expectation value must real because it is observed right? So, I believe that the phase must cancel. Originally, I was curious if one could argue that
##\frac{\hbar^2 |K|^2 - \hbar^2 |\tilde K|^2}{2m} \approx A \frac{\hbar^2 2K}{2m}##
when ##|K-\tilde K|\le\epsilon## and
##A = \frac{1}{\frac{4}{3}\pi\epsilon^3} \int_{\mathcal B(K, \epsilon)} |\tilde K| - |K| d^3 \tilde K##
fixing ##K## and considering ##\tilde K## to be free. This strengthening of the approximation would have introduced a phase. Is that why ##X## has to introduce the ##\delta## function to cancel it out. What are the purpose of ##g(K)## and ##g^\dagger (\tilde K)##?
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  • #2
I observe time t is missing which should appear in the phase factor. I do not catch "relative" Hamiltonian relative to what, and what is small k.
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  • #3
For clarification: If you treat the hydrogen atom as a (non-relativistic) two-body problem with the proton and the electron, then you can introduce new coordinates, the center of mass and relative coordinates,
$$\vec{X}=\frac{1}{M}(m_e \vec{x}_e + m_p \vec{x}_p), \quad \vec{x}=\vec{x}_e-\vec{x}_p.$$
Since there are no operator-ordering problems in writing down the Hamiltonian, working in Gaussian electromagnetic units,
$$\hat{H}=\frac{\vec{p}_e^2}{2m_e} + \frac{\vec{p}_p^2}{2m_p} -\frac{e^2}{|\vec{x}_e-\vec{x}_p|}$$
in terms of the new coordinates and canonical momenta: The canonically conjugated momentum to ##\vec{X}## is ##\vec{P}=\vec{p}_e+\vec{p}_p##, i.e., the total momentum of the entire hydrogen atom, and the canonical momentum to ##\vec{x}## is given by ##\vec{p}=\mu \mathring{\vec{x}}##, where ##\mu=m_e m_p/M## is the reduced mass of the electron-proton system. The Hamiltonian expressed in these coordinates and their conjugate momenta reads
$$\hat{H}=\frac{1}{2M} \vec{P}^2 + \frac{\vec{p}^2}{2 \mu} -\frac{e^2}{r}=\hat{H}\, \quad r=|\vec{x}|.$$
The center of mass thus moves as a free particle, and the energy eigenfunctions are the product of these free-particle energy-eigenfunctions with the usual hydrogensolutions ##\psi_{n \ell m}(\vec{x})##. For the center-of-mass energy eigenfunctions it's most convenient to choose the corresponding momentum eigenfunctions, i.e., the plane waves,
$$u_{\vec{P}}(\vec{X})=\frac{1}{(2 \pi \hbar)^{3/2}} \exp(\mathrm{i} \vec{X} \cdot \vec{P}).$$
With these you build your wave packet for the center-of-mass motion as given as "Relevant Equation".

For the OP: Your reasoning is almost right. You only forgot the normalization factor ##1/(2 \pi \hbar)^{3/2}##. Also I don't understand, why you first calculate the position representation for the center-mass wave function. It's much simpler to just stay in the momentum-representation, i.e., work with the two-body function
$$\Psi(\vec{P},\vec{x})=g(\vec{P}) \psi_0(\vec{x}).$$
Then you don't need to do any calculations at all ;-)).
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  • #4
@vanhees71 Thank you so much for the insight. I didn't mention this originally, but the question asked me to solve it in position space as a way to build my mathematical stamina. I agree that it would have been nicer in momentum space. @anuttarasammyak Sorry, that I forgot the factor of ##t## while I was typing. ##k## was also supposed to be ##K##. I just joined the site a week ago, and I still don't know how to preview my latex. Is there a button I should be pressing? Thanks again.
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  • #5

Preview button is on the right side up.
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Related to The Energy Expectation Value for a Moving Hydrogen Atom

What is the energy expectation value for a hydrogen atom in motion?

The energy expectation value for a moving hydrogen atom refers to the average energy calculated from the quantum mechanical wave function of the system. It takes into account both the kinetic energy of the nucleus and the electron, as well as the potential energy from their interactions.

How does the motion of the hydrogen atom affect its energy levels?

The motion of the hydrogen atom primarily affects its kinetic energy. The total energy of the system is the sum of the kinetic energy of the nucleus and the electron, and the potential energy between them. As the atom moves, the kinetic energy increases, which can shift the overall energy levels of the system.

What role does the center-of-mass frame play in calculating the energy expectation value?

The center-of-mass frame simplifies the problem by separating the motion of the center of mass from the internal motion of the electron relative to the nucleus. In this frame, the total energy can be expressed as the sum of the kinetic energy of the center of mass and the internal energy of the hydrogen atom, making calculations more manageable.

How do you account for relativistic effects in the energy expectation value for a moving hydrogen atom?

Relativistic effects become significant when the velocity of the hydrogen atom approaches the speed of light. To account for these effects, one would use the Dirac equation instead of the Schrödinger equation, which incorporates relativistic corrections to both the kinetic and potential energy terms.

Can the energy expectation value be experimentally measured for a moving hydrogen atom?

Yes, the energy expectation value can be experimentally measured using spectroscopic techniques. By observing the spectral lines of hydrogen and their shifts due to motion (Doppler effect), one can infer the kinetic energy and thus the total energy of the moving hydrogen atom.

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