The Enlightenment Test: Are You a Sheep or Wolf?

  • Thread starter Scientific Method
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In summary, the author of the quiz believes that those who answer all the questions without taking into account the context are "enlightened." However, this is not scientifically verifiable, and the author has personal subjective morals that do not agree with scientific facts.
  • #1
Scientific Method

This is the most eccentric philosophy quiz I have ever taken:

My score:

"MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 03 (0-4): borderline Enlightened. Purgatory; the countercultural realm. The more interesting Atheists, Libertarians, Transhumanists, and Modern Satanists dwell here, together with other freethinking and politically incorrect types. Congratulations, you're just a couple candles short of Enlightenment! Keep honing those clearly present rational, taboo-smashing instincts, and one day you too might become an Enlightened Transtopian Master."
Physics news on
  • #2
same score. it seems I need just a little more work.
  • #3
Me too and I'm Darwinist to the core: It's all a matter of survival.
  • #4
Before the "sheep" follow this link, I suggest reading the main page...

  • #5
If a person relies on a test to tell them whether they are "enlightened" or not, they already have their answer: They are NOT Englightened. A free minded individual would not rely on an IQ test to determine their intelligence, nor a test off the internet to determine their englightenment.

In seeking wisdom thou art wise; in imagining that thou hast attained it - thou art a fool.
Lord Chesterfield
  • #6
Problem+Solve=Reason said:
If a person relies on a test to tell them whether they are "enlightened" or not, they already have their answer: They are NOT Englightened. A free minded individual would not rely on an IQ test to determine their intelligence, nor a test off the internet to determine their englightenment.

The author of the quiz combines personal subjectivity with scientific facts, and those that agree are deemed "Enlighened." So, while acknowledgment of the factual parts can be a a sign of "Enlightenment," the subjective moral parts he puts in are not scientifically verifyable.

I agree with you regarding the IQ/intelligence thing. There are different types of intelligence. IQ measures a type of intelligence that is needed to succeed in a technologically/scientifically advanced society. But, suppose one does not value this and rather values the ability to burp loud, or win a pie eating contest? In this situation, being extremely fat would be a sign of high intelligence because it leads to the desired results: burping loud and winning pie eating contests. So, intelligence depends on what one values.
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  • #7
Scientific Method said:
The author of the quiz combines personal subjectivity with scientific facts, and those that agree are deemed "Enlighened." So, while acknowledgment of the factual parts can be a a sign of "Enlightenment," the subjective moral parts he puts in are not scientifically verifyable.

which defies the whole point of your member name.
  • #8
MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 03 (0-4): borderline Enlightened. Purgatory; the countercultural realm. The more interesting Atheists, Libertarians, Transhumanists, and Modern Satanists dwell here, together with other freethinking and politically incorrect types. Congratulations, you're just a couple candles short of Enlightenment! Keep honing those clearly present rational, taboo-smashing instincts, and one day you too might become an Enlightened Transtopian Master.

What does it mean?

Am I Budha or what?

P.S: How(on what basis) does the Transtopia know(state) whether I'm enlightened or not?
  • #9
MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 01 (0-4): average. More than a few candles short of Enlightenment. The sheepish, conformist, intellectually lazy masses reign supreme here. Hell's overcrowded livingroom.

Cute. That's all I can say.
  • #10
Well the first time I took it I scored <1, a few candles short so I changed my programing, took it again answering yest to all the questions regardless of what the question asked and am now fully enlightened.
Even some of the questions are philosophically and logically inconsistent. Sorta like a random mixture of I, Robot and Predator versus Alien. We mere mortal humans have no place in such a world. Thank God! Oops, I guess I just blew my enlightenment by not being trans human PC or a PC.
  • #11
Mentat said:
MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 01 (0-4): average. More than a few candles short of Enlightenment. The sheepish, conformist, intellectually lazy masses reign supreme here. Hell's overcrowded livingroom.

:blushing: I am happy and content with my score. :biggrin:
  • #12
Life is a delusion? Can you briefly explain that or is it below the horizontal line and therefore none of my business?

  • #13
MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 02 (0-4):...LAMERS who hit 'score it' without changing/reading anything; you know who you are...). Limbo.

I thought "maybe" would be best also because it only take one mouse click and a few mouse wheel pushes, interesting test though, this may be the lowest score possible.

I sent the author this question :mad:
What is the hardest thing to do with a multitude of conflicting truths?
Hint: change is evolution
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  • #14
saltydog said:
Life is a delusion? Can you briefly explain that or is it below the horizontal line and therefore none of my business?


Sorry for getting back to you so late. It was just a feeling I got a couple of months ago after experiencing a "bigger" consiousness.
  • #15
i got a 2. lol so only 1 person got a 4? can anyone tell me how this guy thinks that i am restricted by taboo? if i was describing myself that would Not be one of the words i would use... were there certain questions that i answered the "wrong" way that made him say that?

I am curious to see what ppl answered for the following questions:
13(I put down Yes)
  • #16
I got a 2, which is about what i could've expected anyways.

Its interesting though that the author, who must obviously be so enlightened since i would assume all the questions were his/her own opinions, took the time to create this spiffy online test so that everyone else in the world can realize how enlightened they're not.
I know that if i was enlightened that's certainly how i'd spend my free time.

i also probably would have agreed more with some of the questions, but they were awful extreme and exclusive. I had no choice but to vehemently agree or mildly oppose.
  • #17
MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 04 (0-4): the pinnacle. Transtopian, or pretty close to it. Progressive and hardcore with very few taboos. Looks like we have a WINNER here (either that or a major CHEAT)!

10: No
20: No
22: No

I put yes for the rest, but I did disagree with certain examples and put yes because I agreed with the overall context of the question. Some of them also required close reading since they stated laws of nature - they didn't always ask whether the laws of nature should or shouldn't be abided
  • #18
I won, I won - yippee!

MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 04 (0-4): the pinnacle. Transtopian, or pretty close to it. Progressive and hardcore with very few taboos. Looks like we have a WINNER here (either that or a major CHEAT)!

Well, well - I agreed with everything this twerp said and hey-presto, I'm on his level.

I suppose if I live by the bible, I must be a saint. Or perhaps if I read and live by Mau's Little Red Book, I'm a perfect communist.

Maybe if I rob, steal, cheat and grab my way to riches, I'll be the model capitalist.

Perhaps I'm off base here, but what if I'm a bit of all those things - does that make me a failure in all, or does it make me a genius at trying fit in?
  • #19
a genius at fitting in? phhhfft ...your to perfect to hang around with us...why don't you go play with your other enlightened friends. :P j/k

FAQ: The Enlightenment Test: Are You a Sheep or Wolf?

1. What is "The Enlightenment Test: Are You a Sheep or Wolf?"

"The Enlightenment Test: Are You a Sheep or Wolf?" is a psychological test designed to assess an individual's level of critical thinking, individualism, and skepticism. It challenges traditional beliefs and encourages individuals to question authority and think for themselves.

2. How does the test determine if someone is a sheep or a wolf?

The test presents a series of scenarios and questions that measure an individual's ability to think critically and independently. Based on their responses, the test determines if the individual is more likely to follow the crowd (sheep) or think for themselves (wolf).

3. What is the purpose of "The Enlightenment Test: Are You a Sheep or Wolf?"

The purpose of the test is to encourage individuals to think critically and question societal norms and authority. It aims to promote independent thinking and individualism.

4. Who can take "The Enlightenment Test: Are You a Sheep or Wolf?"

The test is open to anyone who is interested in assessing their level of critical thinking and individualism. It is not limited to a specific age group or profession.

5. Is "The Enlightenment Test: Are You a Sheep or Wolf?" a scientifically valid test?

While the test is not a scientifically validated assessment, it can provide individuals with insights into their thinking patterns and encourage them to further develop their critical thinking skills.
