The equation has exactly m different solutions

  • MHB
  • Thread starter mathmari
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses how to show that the equation $x^n=1$ has exactly $m$ different roots in the algebraic closure $\overline{\mathbb{Z}}_p$ of $\mathbb{Z}_p$. This is demonstrated by showing that for any $x\in \mathbb{Z}_p$ satisfying $x^n=1$, it must also satisfy $x^m=1$. It is then proven that the converse is also true, and there are exactly $m$ roots of the equation in the algebraic closure.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey! :eek:

Let $n=p^rm$, where $p$ is a prime, $m \in \mathbb{N}, r \geq 0$ an integer and $(p,m)=1$.
I have to show that the equation $x^n=1$ has exactly $m$ different roots in the algebraic closure $\overline{\mathbb{Z}}_p$ of $\mathbb{Z}_p$.

I have done the following:

In $\mathbb{Z}_p$ it stands that $x^p=x$.

So, we have that
$$x^{p^r}=(x^{p})^{p^r-1}=x^{p^r-1}=(x^p)^{p^r-2}=x^{p^r-2}= \dots =x^p=x$$

That means that $x^n=1 \Rightarrow x^{p^rm}=1 \Rightarrow (x^{p^r})^m=1 \Rightarrow x^m=1$

Is this correct?? Do we conclude from that, that the equation $x^n=1$ has exactly $m$ different roots in the algebraic closure $\overline{\mathbb{Z}}_p$ of $\mathbb{Z}_p$ ?? (Wondering)
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  • #2
You're on the right track, but all you've shown is for $x\in \mathbb{Z}_p$, $x^m=1$.
So let S be the collection of all $p^rm$ roots of unity in the algebraic closure. Clearly S is finite (it contains at most $p^rm$ elements). Then let $F$ be the field obtained by adjoining S to $\mathbb{Z}_p$. $F$ is then a finite extension of the base field and so is finite with a power of $p$ elements, say $p^s$. Assume $x\in F$ satisfies $x^{p^rm}=1$. Let $t$ be the multiplicative order of $x$. Then $t$ divides the order of the multiplicative group of $F$, namely $p^s-1$. So $t$ divides the gcd of $(p^rm,p^s-1)$, a divisor of m since $p$ is prime $p^s-1$. Thus $x^m=1$. Conversely, it is clear that $x^m=1$ implies $x^{p^rm}=1$. Since $m$ is prime to $p$, the derivative of $x^m-1$ is not 0 and so has no multiple roots. Since we started in the algebraic closure, there are exactly $m$ roots of this equation.

FAQ: The equation has exactly m different solutions

1. What does it mean when an equation has exactly m different solutions?

When an equation has exactly m different solutions, it means that there are m distinct values for the variable(s) that satisfy the equation. These solutions could be real numbers, complex numbers, or any other type of mathematical entity depending on the nature of the equation.

2. How do you determine the number of solutions for an equation?

The number of solutions for an equation can be determined by examining the degree of the equation and the number of distinct terms. For example, a linear equation (degree 1) with one term has exactly one solution, while a quadratic equation (degree 2) with two distinct terms can have up to two solutions. However, the fundamental theorem of algebra states that a polynomial equation of degree n can have at most n solutions.

3. Can an equation have more than one solution?

Yes, an equation can have more than one solution. In fact, most equations have multiple solutions. For example, the equation x^2 = 4 has two solutions, x = 2 and x = -2. However, there are also equations that have infinite solutions, such as x = x or 2x + 3 = 2x + 3.

4. What does it mean when an equation has no solutions?

An equation has no solutions when there are no values for the variable(s) that satisfy the equation. This could happen if the equation is contradictory, such as 2 = 3, or if the equation involves an undefined operation, such as dividing by zero.

5. How can you find the solutions for an equation?

The method for finding solutions for an equation depends on the type of equation. For simple linear or quadratic equations, the solutions can be found by using algebraic manipulations. For more complex equations, numerical methods such as graphing, substitution, or iteration may be used. In some cases, the solutions may not be able to be determined analytically and may require the use of a computer or other advanced techniques.

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