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The equations of variable mass systems are usually deduced from some very informal argument. It is so at least for the books I know.
So I tried to construct a formal proof based on the continuous media equations.
Criticism, remarks etc are welcomed.
Let ##D\subset \mathbb{R}^q## be an open and bounded domain with ##C^1-##smooth boundary ##\partial D##. The cases ##q=1,2,3## are physically reasonable.
The space ##\mathbb{R}^q## is endowed with an inertial frame of reference ##Ox^1,\ldots,x^q##, where ## x=(x^1,\ldots,x^q)## are the standard Cartesian coordinates:
$$\boldsymbol{x}=x^i\boldsymbol{e}_i\in \mathbb{R}^q.$$ A theorem we formulate below has an invariant form but we use the Cartesian coordinates just for convenience.
Let ##(\cdot,\cdot)## denote the standard inner product in ##\mathbb{R}^q##.
Note also that in the Cartesian frame there is no need to distinguish co- and contravariant components of tensors.
Let $$\boldsymbol w(t,x)=w^i(t,x)\boldsymbol e_i,\quad w^i\in C^1(\mathbb{R}^{q+1})$$ stand for a vector field in ##\mathbb{R}^q## and ##g^t_{t_0}(x)## be its flow:
$$\frac{d}{dt}g^t_{t_0}(x)=\boldsymbol w(t,g^t_{t_0}(x)),\quad g^{t_0}_{t_0}(x)=x.$$ We assume that ##g^t_{t_0}(x)## is defined for all real ##t,t_0## and for all ##x\in \mathbb{R}^q##.
Introduce a notation $$D(t)=g^t_{t_0}(D).$$
Loosely speaking ##\boldsymbol w## is a velocity of the volume ##D(t)##.
Assume that the domain ##D(t)## is filled with a continuous media with a mass density ##\rho(t,x)## and a flow velocity field ##\boldsymbol{v}(t,x)=v^i(t,x)\boldsymbol{e}_i##;
$$v^i,\rho\in C^1(\overline\Omega),\quad \Omega=\{(t,x)\mid x\in D(t),\quad t\in\mathbb{R}\}\subset\mathbb{R}^{q+1}.$$
The local conservation of mass equation is
$$\rho_t+\mathrm{div}(\rho\boldsymbol{v})=0$$ or
\rho_t+\frac{\partial (\rho v^i)}{\partial x^i}=0.\qquad(1)$$
Let $$\boldsymbol{F}(t,x)=F^i(t,x)\boldsymbol{e}_i,\quad F^i\in C(\overline\Omega)$$ stand for a force per unit mass. So that the whole matter in ##D(t)## experiences a net force $$\boldsymbol{G}(t)=\int_{D(t)}\rho(t,x)\boldsymbol{F}(t,x)dV,$$ where ##dV## is the volume element.
We denote the stress tensor by ##p^{ij}(t,x)##. The boundary ##\partial D(t)## experiences the following external contact net force
$$\boldsymbol{P}(t)=\int_{\partial D(t)}\boldsymbol{p}_n dS,\quad \boldsymbol{p}_n=p^{ij}n_j\boldsymbol{e}_i,$$
where ##\boldsymbol{n}=n^i\boldsymbol{e}_i## is the outer unit normal to ##\partial D(t)##; ##dS## is the area element of the surface;
$$p^{ij}\in C^1(\overline\Omega).$$
The local equation of linear momentum balance is
\rho\Big(v^k_t+\frac{\partial v^k}{\partial x^i}v^i\Big)=\rho F^k+\frac{\partial p^{kj}}{\partial x^j}.\qquad (2)$$
$$\boldsymbol{Q}(t)=\int_{D(t)}\boldsymbol{v}(t,x)\rho(t,x) dV$$stand for the linear momentum of ##D(t)##.
THEOREM. The equation of linear momentum balance for the volume ##D(t)## is as follows
$${\boldsymbol{\dot Q}}=\boldsymbol{G}+\boldsymbol{P}+\boldsymbol{R},$$where
$$\boldsymbol{R}=-\int_{\partial D(t)}\boldsymbol{v}(\boldsymbol{v}-\boldsymbol{w},\boldsymbol{n})\rho dS.$$PROOF. By the well-known theorem from the integral calculus and due to (2) it follows that
$$\frac{d}{dt} Q^k=\int_{D(t)}\big( v_t^k\rho+ v^k\rho_t+\mathrm{div}\,(\rho v^k\boldsymbol w) \big)dV$$
$$=\int_{D(t)}\Big[ \Big(F^k-\frac{\partial v^k}{\partial x^j}v^j\Big)\rho+\frac{\partial p^{kl}}{\partial x^l}+ v^k\rho_t\Big] dV$$
$$+\int_{D(t)}\mathrm{div}\,(\rho v^k\boldsymbol w)dV.$$
Integration by parts gives
$$\int_{D(t)}\frac{\partial v^k}{\partial x^j}v^j \rho dV=\int_{\partial D(t)} v^kv^j n_j\rho ds-\int_{D(t)} v^k\mathrm{div}(\rho\boldsymbol{v})dV$$
$$\int_{D(t)}\frac{\partial p^{kl}}{\partial x^l} dV=\int_{\partial D(t)} p^{kl}n_ldS,$$
\int_{D(t)}\mathrm{div}\,(\rho v^k\boldsymbol w)dV=\int_{\partial D(t)}\rho v^kw^jn_jdS.$$
To finish the proof it remains to employ (1).
The Theorem is proved.
Other theorems (the angular momentum balance and the energy balance) can be deduced by the same way.
So I tried to construct a formal proof based on the continuous media equations.
Criticism, remarks etc are welcomed.
Let ##D\subset \mathbb{R}^q## be an open and bounded domain with ##C^1-##smooth boundary ##\partial D##. The cases ##q=1,2,3## are physically reasonable.
The space ##\mathbb{R}^q## is endowed with an inertial frame of reference ##Ox^1,\ldots,x^q##, where ## x=(x^1,\ldots,x^q)## are the standard Cartesian coordinates:
$$\boldsymbol{x}=x^i\boldsymbol{e}_i\in \mathbb{R}^q.$$ A theorem we formulate below has an invariant form but we use the Cartesian coordinates just for convenience.
Let ##(\cdot,\cdot)## denote the standard inner product in ##\mathbb{R}^q##.
Note also that in the Cartesian frame there is no need to distinguish co- and contravariant components of tensors.
Let $$\boldsymbol w(t,x)=w^i(t,x)\boldsymbol e_i,\quad w^i\in C^1(\mathbb{R}^{q+1})$$ stand for a vector field in ##\mathbb{R}^q## and ##g^t_{t_0}(x)## be its flow:
$$\frac{d}{dt}g^t_{t_0}(x)=\boldsymbol w(t,g^t_{t_0}(x)),\quad g^{t_0}_{t_0}(x)=x.$$ We assume that ##g^t_{t_0}(x)## is defined for all real ##t,t_0## and for all ##x\in \mathbb{R}^q##.
Introduce a notation $$D(t)=g^t_{t_0}(D).$$
Loosely speaking ##\boldsymbol w## is a velocity of the volume ##D(t)##.
Assume that the domain ##D(t)## is filled with a continuous media with a mass density ##\rho(t,x)## and a flow velocity field ##\boldsymbol{v}(t,x)=v^i(t,x)\boldsymbol{e}_i##;
$$v^i,\rho\in C^1(\overline\Omega),\quad \Omega=\{(t,x)\mid x\in D(t),\quad t\in\mathbb{R}\}\subset\mathbb{R}^{q+1}.$$
The local conservation of mass equation is
$$\rho_t+\mathrm{div}(\rho\boldsymbol{v})=0$$ or
\rho_t+\frac{\partial (\rho v^i)}{\partial x^i}=0.\qquad(1)$$
Let $$\boldsymbol{F}(t,x)=F^i(t,x)\boldsymbol{e}_i,\quad F^i\in C(\overline\Omega)$$ stand for a force per unit mass. So that the whole matter in ##D(t)## experiences a net force $$\boldsymbol{G}(t)=\int_{D(t)}\rho(t,x)\boldsymbol{F}(t,x)dV,$$ where ##dV## is the volume element.
We denote the stress tensor by ##p^{ij}(t,x)##. The boundary ##\partial D(t)## experiences the following external contact net force
$$\boldsymbol{P}(t)=\int_{\partial D(t)}\boldsymbol{p}_n dS,\quad \boldsymbol{p}_n=p^{ij}n_j\boldsymbol{e}_i,$$
where ##\boldsymbol{n}=n^i\boldsymbol{e}_i## is the outer unit normal to ##\partial D(t)##; ##dS## is the area element of the surface;
$$p^{ij}\in C^1(\overline\Omega).$$
The local equation of linear momentum balance is
\rho\Big(v^k_t+\frac{\partial v^k}{\partial x^i}v^i\Big)=\rho F^k+\frac{\partial p^{kj}}{\partial x^j}.\qquad (2)$$
$$\boldsymbol{Q}(t)=\int_{D(t)}\boldsymbol{v}(t,x)\rho(t,x) dV$$stand for the linear momentum of ##D(t)##.
THEOREM. The equation of linear momentum balance for the volume ##D(t)## is as follows
$${\boldsymbol{\dot Q}}=\boldsymbol{G}+\boldsymbol{P}+\boldsymbol{R},$$where
$$\boldsymbol{R}=-\int_{\partial D(t)}\boldsymbol{v}(\boldsymbol{v}-\boldsymbol{w},\boldsymbol{n})\rho dS.$$PROOF. By the well-known theorem from the integral calculus and due to (2) it follows that
$$\frac{d}{dt} Q^k=\int_{D(t)}\big( v_t^k\rho+ v^k\rho_t+\mathrm{div}\,(\rho v^k\boldsymbol w) \big)dV$$
$$=\int_{D(t)}\Big[ \Big(F^k-\frac{\partial v^k}{\partial x^j}v^j\Big)\rho+\frac{\partial p^{kl}}{\partial x^l}+ v^k\rho_t\Big] dV$$
$$+\int_{D(t)}\mathrm{div}\,(\rho v^k\boldsymbol w)dV.$$
Integration by parts gives
$$\int_{D(t)}\frac{\partial v^k}{\partial x^j}v^j \rho dV=\int_{\partial D(t)} v^kv^j n_j\rho ds-\int_{D(t)} v^k\mathrm{div}(\rho\boldsymbol{v})dV$$
$$\int_{D(t)}\frac{\partial p^{kl}}{\partial x^l} dV=\int_{\partial D(t)} p^{kl}n_ldS,$$
\int_{D(t)}\mathrm{div}\,(\rho v^k\boldsymbol w)dV=\int_{\partial D(t)}\rho v^kw^jn_jdS.$$
To finish the proof it remains to employ (1).
The Theorem is proved.
Other theorems (the angular momentum balance and the energy balance) can be deduced by the same way.