The Evidence Behind Human Evolution: Probability & Chance

In summary, the age of the universe and the Earth are known with a high degree of accuracy, life on Earth began some 4.5 billion years ago, evolution is the result of many random mutations, and human beings could not have arisen at any other time.
  • #1
We know the exact age of Universe and the earth.
We know when life began on earth.
Is the formation of life a result of random grouping of atoms and molecules?
Is evolution the outcome of random mutations?
If so, is the chances of such series of random mutations resulting in formation of human beings, consistent with probability theories that it might be possible in some 4.5 billion years.
My motto is "I doubt that although Human Evolution may be outcome of random events and hence a happening of chance, we could appreciate it for a rare outcome."
But since I know almost nothing on this subject, feel free to teach me the basics.
Biology news on
  • #2
I_am_learning said:
We know the exact age of Universe and the earth.
We know when life began on earth.
Is the formation of life a result of random grouping of atoms and molecules?
Is evolution the outcome of random mutations?
If so, is the chances of such series of random mutations resulting in formation of human beings, consistent with probability theories that it might be possible in some 4.5 billion years.
My motto is "I doubt that although Human Evolution may be outcome of random events and hence a happening of chance, we could appreciate it for a rare outcome."
But since I know almost nothing on this subject, feel free to teach me the basics.
First, you've confused evolution with abiogenesis.

Then read the FAQ on evolution.

Please start making an effort to at least search for basic information on the internet and reading FAQs that we have gone to the trouble of posting.
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  • #3
I_am_learning said:
We know the exact age of Universe and the earth.
We know when life began on earth.
Is the formation of life a result of random grouping of atoms and molecules?
Is evolution the outcome of random mutations?
If so, is the chances of such series of random mutations resulting in formation of human beings, consistent with probability theories that it might be possible in some 4.5 billion years.
My motto is "I doubt that although Human Evolution may be outcome of random events and hence a happening of chance, we could appreciate it for a rare outcome."
But since I know almost nothing on this subject, feel free to teach me the basics.

We don't know the exact age of the universe and earth. We have a pretty decent idea about Earth. The Universe relies on the assumption that we can exactly reverse the current rate of the expansion of the universe to a tiny point and call that the beginning; I'm not sure how valid that assumption is, but you might ask the cosmology subforum what they think.

The chances are near zero, of course, with no a priori knowledge. But the chances are exactly one with our posteriori knowledge.

Whether we should appreciate it or not is not really a scientific question, but many scientists think we should. One of my favorite examples is Carl Sagan who always raved about us being made of the rarest material in the universe and that we are made from star stuff.

As for abiogenesis, there is a wonderful video that's been posted here before that explains how easy it would be fore life to come about in early Earth conditions.

If you want to get right to the technical details, go to ~2:42 or click here:

for the whole viewing (which includes dispelling creation myths) enjoy the full video here:
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  • #4
I_am_learning said:
We know the exact age of Universe and the earth.
We know when life began on earth.
Within a few hundred million years we have an idea but that's not "exact". Also the formation of Earth and life were not single events but long processes.
I_am_learning said:
Is the formation of life a result of random grouping of atoms and molecules?
See the good answers others have given above
I_am_learning said:
Is evolution the outcome of random mutations?
No mutations are a small part of evolution. Whilst mutations are random they have non-random effects determined by the environment.
I_am_learning said:
If so, is the chances of such series of random mutations resulting in formation of human beings, consistent with probability theories that it might be possible in some 4.5 billion years.
It's not so much a question of probability as a journey across a fitness landscape.
I_am_learning said:
My motto is "I doubt that although Human Evolution may be outcome of random events and hence a happening of chance, we could appreciate it for a rare outcome."
But since I know almost nothing on this subject, feel free to teach me the basics.
Human beings could not have arisen at any other time. We are the product of our lineage and could no more have arisen at another time than you could have been born to your ancestors.

For the basics read and watch the resources linked above, our evolution intro also has links at the bottom to further resources.
  • #5
I_am_learning said:
Is the formation of life a result of random grouping of atoms and molecules?

Stuart Kauffman in "At Home in the Universe" proposes that life is a result of "autocatalytic sets" in which the molecules in the set speed up the very reactions by which they themselves are created: A makes B, B makes C, C makes A again. He suggests it is these autocatalytic sets which are at the heart of life. The book is non-technical (basically) and you might find it interesting.
  • #6
Mutation is, according to our best understanding, entirely random. Other ways in which genetic diversity arise such as methylation, gene transfer, and sexual shuffling, are also largely random.

The observed directionality of biological evolution is attributable to natural selection.
Whereby those variations that produce optimal phenotypes for reproductive success in the prevailing environment are favored.

It must be remembered that environments themselves are also in a state of dynamic flux. This provides an explanation for the phenomenon of "punctuated" evolution. Sometimes biological evolution has to wait for the environment to "catch up", if you will excuse the metaphor.
For example, the emergence of large multicellular organisms was unable to occur until after atmospheric oxygen levels became sufficiently high.

Turning to the quite separate issue of abiogenesis, one of the most intractable of the many problems with trying to derive a mechanism is that of the development of the cell.
While lipid vesicles can quite easily be generated in the lab (and I have used the fatty coacervate jacket model in some of my own early writings) they do not meet the requirement for two way selective interaction with the surrounding medium that is required for a cell to survive, let alone the quintessential proton pump.
The most plausible proposition I have come across so far is the alkaline thermal vent model.
This is discussed in the very fine book "Life Ascending" by Nick Lane which is available in most public libraries.
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Related to The Evidence Behind Human Evolution: Probability & Chance

1. What is the evidence that supports human evolution?

The evidence for human evolution comes from a variety of sources, including fossil records, genetic studies, and comparative anatomy. Fossils of ancient human species, such as Homo habilis and Homo erectus, show a gradual progression from more primitive to more modern features. Genetic studies have also revealed similarities and differences between human and non-human primates, providing further evidence of a common ancestor. Additionally, comparative anatomy between different species of primates shows similar bone structures and functions, indicating a shared evolutionary history.

2. How likely is it that human evolution occurred by chance?

The probability of human evolution occurring purely by chance is incredibly low. The process of evolution involves a combination of random genetic mutations and natural selection, which acts on these mutations to produce changes in a species over time. This process is not purely random, as natural selection favors traits that are beneficial for survival and reproduction, leading to a gradual progression towards more complex and advanced species. While there is an element of chance involved in evolution, it is not the sole driving force.

3. Can evolution be observed in real-time?

Yes, evolution can be observed in real-time through various studies, such as the famous example of the Galapagos finches observed by Charles Darwin. These finches showed changes in beak shape and size over time, as they adapted to different food sources on the islands. Other examples include the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria and the changes in body size and coloration in urban-dwelling animals.

4. Is there any evidence for human evolution in our DNA?

Yes, there is strong evidence for human evolution in our DNA. Genetic studies have shown that humans share a high percentage of DNA with other primates, such as chimpanzees and gorillas. This indicates a common evolutionary ancestor. Additionally, there are genetic markers and sequences that are unique to humans and provide further evidence for our evolutionary history.

5. Can environmental changes affect the process of human evolution?

Yes, environmental changes can play a significant role in the process of human evolution. Changes in climate, food sources, and other environmental factors can lead to changes in the selective pressures on a species, causing them to adapt and evolve in response. For example, the development of bipedalism in early human species is thought to have been influenced by changes in the environment and the need to walk upright to navigate new landscapes.

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