The Feeling of Cold: Where Does It Come From?

  • Thread starter blt93932
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In summary, the feeling of cold comes from the absence of heat and the difference between your body heat and the temperature around your body. The sensation is created when heat leaves our body at a faster rate, causing our nerves to be sensitive to temperature differences. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as wind, sweat, and the functioning of specific temperature receptors in our skin. Our sense of temperature is a fundamental human sense and is still being studied to better understand how temperature receptors work in our bodies.
  • #1
Where does the feeling of cold come from? Is it from heat rushing past cells, when we step outside in the cold, that creates this feeling we signal as cold?
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  • #2
blt93932 said:
Where does the feeling of cold come from? Is it from heat rushing past cells, when we step outside in the cold, that creates this feeling we signal as cold?

Coldness is the absense of heat and the difference between your body heat and the temperature around your body. The sensation comes from the feeling of heat leaving our body at a faster than comfortable rate. This can be an isolated or global feeling. So if you touch an ice cube it feels cold because the ice cube is drawing heat away from your hand and into the ice cube until it melts and creates an equilibrium between the temp of your hand and the ice cube. This is a laymans explanation.
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  • #3
An endothermic reaction. So I was sort of correct with my explanation, the feeling of heat rushing past the cells and leaving the body.
  • #4
Your body has to work harder to maintain its constant internal temperature when the environmental temperature is lower, even when there is no wind to rush past. So your nerves have evolved to be sensitive to temperature differences.

When it's hot with a wind and you sweat, the sweat evaporates, and by basic physics that cools your skin, and the nerves there sense that.
  • #5
I would like to suggest that a "sense of temperature" is in fact a fundamental human sense, such as sight, taste, smell, etc. I would welcome other thoughts on this.
  • #6
You're right Rade,
The feeling of heat/cold doesn't exist without a system in our body.
They are speaking about physics but there is effectivelly a transition of the physical event (cold) to a neuron firing carried by Alpha D fibres in human. Warmth is carried by C fibres.
  • #7
I remember something about coagulating proteins that cause certain nerves to fire??
  • #8
The wiki offers help:
Thermoception is the sense by which an organism perceives temperature. In larger animals, most thermoception is done by the skin. The details of how temperature receptors work is still being investigated. Mammals have at least two types of sensor: those that detect heat (i.e. temperatures above body temperature) and those that detect cold (i.e. temperatures below body temperature).

FAQ: The Feeling of Cold: Where Does It Come From?

1. What causes the feeling of cold?

The feeling of cold is caused by the stimulation of thermoreceptors in the skin, which send signals to the brain to interpret as a sensation of cold. This can be triggered by a drop in temperature, exposure to cold objects or substances, or even emotional responses such as fear or anxiety.

2. Why do we feel cold in certain parts of our body more than others?

Certain parts of our body, such as our extremities (hands, feet, nose), have a higher concentration of thermoreceptors, making them more sensitive to changes in temperature. Additionally, these areas may have less insulation or blood flow, making them more susceptible to feeling cold.

3. Is the feeling of cold the same for everyone?

No, the feeling of cold can vary from person to person. Factors such as age, body fat percentage, and overall health can affect how sensitive an individual is to cold temperatures. Additionally, cultural and environmental factors can also play a role in how people perceive and react to cold.

4. Can we adapt to feeling cold?

Yes, our bodies can adapt to feeling cold through a process called acclimatization. This involves gradually exposing ourselves to colder temperatures, allowing our bodies to adjust and become more tolerant to the cold. However, this process can take several weeks and is not a permanent change.

5. How does our body regulate the feeling of cold?

Our bodies have several mechanisms for regulating the feeling of cold. These include shivering to generate heat, vasoconstriction to reduce blood flow to the skin and retain heat, and goosebumps to trap a layer of air to insulate the body. Additionally, our bodies can also release hormones such as adrenaline and thyroxine to increase metabolism and generate heat.

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