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Hello Physics Forum!
My name is Gio and am currently a sophomore in high school. I possesses high interests in Math, Science, and Technology. I am very into self teaching and have begun to teach myself computer programming and also other mathematics fields that are necessary to begin learning physics. I have a very strong interest in physics, everything about it fascinates and intrigues me. I prefer to learn things on my own and hope to have a good foundation of physics and computer science before I attend college. I aspire to be a physicist as well as a programmer. I possesses a very strong self discipline and determination needed to reach my goals. I believed this to be a good place to get started, so I may surround myself with people who share similar interests. If there are any self taught physicists or programmers who can spare the time I would love to have a chat with you!
My name is Gio and am currently a sophomore in high school. I possesses high interests in Math, Science, and Technology. I am very into self teaching and have begun to teach myself computer programming and also other mathematics fields that are necessary to begin learning physics. I have a very strong interest in physics, everything about it fascinates and intrigues me. I prefer to learn things on my own and hope to have a good foundation of physics and computer science before I attend college. I aspire to be a physicist as well as a programmer. I possesses a very strong self discipline and determination needed to reach my goals. I believed this to be a good place to get started, so I may surround myself with people who share similar interests. If there are any self taught physicists or programmers who can spare the time I would love to have a chat with you!