The first two times are 0.000169 s and 0.001724 s.

In summary, the equation y = 0.150 m sin(1.795 x + 2010.6 t) describes a wave on a string. To find the wave speed, you can use the formula velocity = λ * f and calculate the wavelength (λ) and frequency (f). The first two times when the vertical position is y = 0.050 m can be found by solving the equation 0.05 = 0.150 sin(1.795 x + 2010.6 t) for t, which gives the solutions 0.34/2010.6 and (pi - 0.34)/2010.6.
  • #1
A wave on a string is described by the equation y = 0.150 m sin(1.795 x + 2010.6 t).

Two questions:

1. How do I find wave speed?
velocity = λ * f​
My pathway λ → (2pi/λ) = 1.795 ... λ = 3.50m​
My pathway f → f = (ω/2pi) ... ω = 2010.6 ... f = 320 Hz​
velocity = λ * f ... velocity = (3.50m)*(320Hz) = -1120m/s (Motion→Left)​

2. What are the first two times when the vertical position is y = 0.050 m?
Not sure how to go about this...​
Physics news on
  • #2
1. You have sin(1.795 x + 2010.6 t).
If you evaluate for any pair (x, t), and also for pair (x-2010.6, t+1.795), you must get the same result. I.e. wave is moving in the -ve x direction at speed 2010.6/1.795.

2. 0.05 = 0.150 sin(1.795 x + 2010.6 t)
You don't say what x to use here, so I'll take it as zero.
0.05 = 0.150 sin(2010.6 t)
1/3 = sin(2010.6 t)
arcsin(1/3) = 0.3398... I'll use 0.34
2010.6 t = 0.34 + 2n.pi or pi - 0.34 + 2n.pi
The two smallest non-negative solutions are both with n = 0:
0.34, pi - 0.34
So t = 0.34/2010.6, (pi - 0.34)/2010.6

FAQ: The first two times are 0.000169 s and 0.001724 s.

1. How is wave speed defined?

Wave speed is defined as the distance a wave travels in a given amount of time. It is typically measured in meters per second (m/s).

2. What factors affect wave speed?

The factors that affect wave speed include the medium through which the wave is traveling, the frequency of the wave, and the amplitude of the wave. Additionally, temperature and density can also affect wave speed in some cases.

3. How do I calculate wave speed?

Wave speed can be calculated by dividing the wavelength of the wave by the period of the wave. The wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points on the wave that are in phase, while the period is the time it takes for one full wavelength to pass by a fixed point.

4. What are the units for measuring wave speed?

The units for measuring wave speed vary depending on the type of wave. For mechanical waves, such as sound waves, the unit is typically meters per second (m/s). For electromagnetic waves, such as light waves, the unit is meters per second in a vacuum (m/s), but in other mediums it may be different.

5. How does wave speed relate to frequency and wavelength?

The relationship between wave speed, frequency, and wavelength is described by the equation: wave speed (m/s) = frequency (Hz) x wavelength (m). This means that as the frequency of a wave increases, the wavelength decreases, and vice versa. Additionally, wave speed is directly proportional to frequency and inversely proportional to wavelength.
