The force net of a spring system

In summary, the conversation discusses a scenario where a block is attached to a spring and is compressed, then released. The force of the spring and the Earth are calculated in each step, as well as the momentum and velocity of the block. The position of the block is also updated in each step, with the final position being 0.119357 meters from the base. However, there is an error in the calculation of the net force in step three, which should be 0.10742N. The equations used in this problem are the Momentum Principle and average velocity calculation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A spring has a relaxed length of 20 cm (0.20 m) and its spring stiffness is 9 N/m. You glue a 80 gram block (0.08 kg) to the top of the spring, and push the block down, compressing the spring so its total length is 10 cm. You make sure the block is at rest, then at time t = 0 you quickly move your hand away. The block begins to move upward, because the upward force on the block by the spring is greater than the downward force on the block by the Earth. Calculate y vs. time for the block during a 0.21-second interval after you release the block, by applying the Momentum Principle in three steps each of 0.07-second duration.

We will only consider the y components in the following calculations, because there is no change in x or z.


Force: Just after releasing the block, calculate the force exerted on the block by the spring, the force exerted on the block by the Earth, and the net force:

Fspring,y = 0.9

FEarth,y = -0.784

Fnet,y = 0.116

Momentum update: Just after releasing the block, the momentum of the block is zero. Calculate the average net force during the next time interval by the force you just calculated. At t = 0.07 seconds, what will the new momentum and velocity of the block be?

py = .00812
vy = 0.1015

Position update: Initially the bottom of the block is at y = 0.10 m. Calculating the average velocity in the first time interval by the final velocity, what will be the new position of the bottom of the block at time t = 0.07 seconds?

y = .107105



Force: At the new position, calculate the force exerted on the block by the spring, the force exerted on the block by the Earth, and the net force:

Fspring,y = 0.836055

FEarth,y = -0.784

Fnet,y = .052055

Momentum update: Calculate the average net force during the next time interval by the force you just calculated. At time t = 2 × 0.07 = 0.14 seconds, what will the new momentum and velocity of the block be?

py = 0.01176385

vy = 0.147048125

Position update: Calculating the average velocity in the second time interval by the final velocity, what will be the new position of the bottom of the block at time t = 2 × 0.07 = 0.14 seconds?

y = .119357


Force: At the new position, calculate the force exerted on the block by the spring, the force exerted on the block by the Earth, and the net force:

Fspring,y = 0.72579

FEarth,y = -0.784

Fnet,y =

Momentum update: Calculate the average net force during the next time interval by the force you just calculated. At time t = 3 × 0.07 = 0.21 seconds, what will the new momentum and velocity of the block be?

py =

vy =

Position update: Calculating the average velocity in the third time interval by the final velocity, what will be the new position of the bottom of the block at time t = 3 × 0.07 = 0.21 seconds?

y =

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

For step three I am having problems with the net force. I tried adding both the force of the spring and the force of the Earth but it keeps telling me it is incorrect.
Physics news on
  • #2
Don't forget to put the units on your numbers.
Also please show your working - otherwise it looks like you are pulling numbers out of the air.

You last position looks like 0.119357m from the base
... the force from the spring is given by (0.9N/m)(0.119357m)=0.10742N ... not what you got.
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FAQ: The force net of a spring system

1. What is the force net of a spring system?

The force net of a spring system refers to the overall force acting on the spring, taking into account the sum of all forces exerted on the spring by its surroundings. This includes the force of the spring itself, as well as any external forces such as gravity or applied forces.

2. How is the force net of a spring system calculated?

The force net of a spring system can be calculated using the equation Fnet = kx, where Fnet is the net force, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement of the spring from its equilibrium position. This equation is derived from Hooke's Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to its displacement.

3. What factors affect the force net of a spring system?

The force net of a spring system can be affected by several factors, including the spring constant, the displacement of the spring, and any external forces acting on the spring. Additionally, the material and shape of the spring can also impact the force net.

4. How does the force net of a spring system relate to the behavior of the spring?

The force net of a spring system is directly related to the behavior of the spring. As the force net increases, the displacement of the spring also increases, resulting in a stronger force being exerted by the spring. This relationship is described by Hooke's Law.

5. Can the force net of a spring system be negative?

Yes, the force net of a spring system can be negative. This would occur when the external forces acting on the spring are greater than the force exerted by the spring itself, causing the spring to compress rather than extend. In this case, the net force would be in the opposite direction of the displacement of the spring.
