The force of 9.8 Newtons. torque equated to watts

In summary: The round-trip efficiency will be terrible. The device will spend most of its time just holding air and waiting for the wind to come back.In summary, the conversation discusses the construction of a hydro gravity generator and how to determine the amount of air needed to release in order to achieve 800w of power. The person asking the question also clarifies that this is not a perpetual motion machine and explains their plan to use wind and solar power to charge a battery, with the buoyancy power serving as an alternative when there is no wind or solar energy available. The expert warns against the inefficiency of this method and provides a rough estimate of the amount of air needed for the generator to produce 800w.
  • #1
Im makeing a hydro gravity genoratetor I need to no how much air to release to give 800w
Engineering news on
  • #2
thesleeper000 said:
Im makeing a hydro gravity genoratetor I need to no how much air to release to give 800w

Welcome to the PF.

Since it's a hydro generator, why are you asking about air? Not understanding the question so far...
  • #3
the air is conpressed down 30 feet of pipe in water released into a bag connected to a bike chain the air rises in the water turning a cogg connected to a genorator.
How much air do i need to release to achive 800w. Or how many kg of force/air to achive 1w of power
  • #4
thesleeper000 said:
the air is conpressed down 30 feet of pipe in water released into a bag connected to a bike chain the air rises in the water turning a cogg connected to a genorator.
How much air do i need to release to achive 800w. Or how many kg of force/air to achive 1w of power

That's not how hydro generators work...
  • #5
I no
This is a generator that uses water and gravity .What would you call It ?
Do you no the answer or not ?
  • #6
thesleeper000 said:
I no
This is a generator that uses water and gravity .What would you call It ?
Do you no the answer or not ?

I do know what a hydroelectric generator is. You are talking about using pumped air for something, so that would be called something different. It also sounds very inefficient. Standard hydroelectric power generation is very efficient (~90%):

Why would you want to have to power an air pump to try to tap power out of your arrangement?
  • #7
This looks a lot to me like a buoyancy-based perpetual motion machine:

Step 1: Air compressor inflates a bag underwater.
Step 2: Bag rises, pulling a cable or chain, which turns an electric generator, which powers the air compressor and produces excess energy.
Step 3: Balloon reaches the surface, deflates, and sinks. Go to Step 1.

Is this what you are trying to do, thesleeper? If so, it is not possible, as it clearly violates conservation of energy.

However, the power calculation: power is buoyant force times the ascent rate of the bag. The problems are:
1. Buoyant force is variable, since the bag expands as it rises.
2. Ascent rate is difficult, since it depends on the drag of the water and is probably going to want to be a pre-selected value to give you constant RPM in your generator.

Figure for a rough guess, you'll want the bag to rise at most 1 m/s, so you'll need 800N of buoyancy, which based on water's weight density requires .08 cubic meters of displacement. Pressure is determined by starting depth.

And if this is about perpetual motion, we'll probably need to lock the thread...
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  • #8
Hi Russ
This is not a perpetual motion machine .
The compresser is powered by a wind turbine and sola panel.
Charging a 12 v battery .
The bouyancy power is an alternative when no wind or sola.
In theory can bouyancy force run a asinchronised generator to power a microwave 800w if so how much air needs to be released at 10m to achive 800w.
Or should I work backwards shaft torque is x bouyancy force is y ascent rate is z start depth 10m so y + z = x
  • #9
thesleeper000 said:
how much air needs to be released at 10m to achive 800w.
.08 cubic meters, at any depth. But it'll need to be deep in order to give you more than a few seconds of power.

This is not a great way to store energy.
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Related to The force of 9.8 Newtons. torque equated to watts

1. What is the force of 9.8 Newtons?

The force of 9.8 Newtons, also known as the gravitational acceleration, is the force exerted by Earth's gravity on an object with a mass of 1 kg. It is a constant force that determines the weight of an object.

2. How is torque equated to watts?

Torque and watts are two different units of measurement used to describe different physical quantities. Torque is a measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate, while watts measure the rate at which work is done. These two units can be equated by multiplying torque (in Newton meters) by angular velocity (in radians per second).

3. Is the force of 9.8 Newtons constant?

Yes, the force of 9.8 Newtons is considered a constant on Earth's surface. However, it may vary slightly in different locations due to variations in the strength of Earth's gravitational field.

4. How is the force of 9.8 Newtons used in everyday life?

The force of 9.8 Newtons is used in everyday life to determine the weight of objects. It also plays a role in activities such as jumping, climbing, and lifting, where the force of gravity is acting on the body.

5. Can the force of 9.8 Newtons be changed?

The force of 9.8 Newtons is a fundamental constant and cannot be changed. It is a result of the strength of Earth's gravitational field and the mass of the object. However, the perceived weight of an object can be changed by altering its mass or by changing its distance from the center of the Earth.
