The Full Equation for Mass-energy Equivalence

In summary, the conversation discusses two different versions of the mass-energy equivalence equation, one using relativistic mass and the other using rest mass. While both equations are correct, the second one is more commonly used due to its convenience and lack of confusion.
  • #1
Jason Kim

I've seen a video by MinutePhysics that talked about the mass-energy equivalence equation,
usually known as E=mc^2.

It said that there is an extra part to it, and I didn't really understand what it meant.

(E^2)=((mc^2)^2)+((pc)^2) seems to be the full one (p being momentum)

So, any ideas?

By the way:
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  • #2
Jason Kim said:

I've seen a video by MinutePhysics that talked about the mass-energy equivalence equation,
usually known as E=mc^2.

It said that there is an extra part to it, and I didn't really understand what it meant.

(E^2)=((mc^2)^2)+((pc)^2) seems to be the full one (p being momentum)

So, any ideas?

By the way:

Each equation uses a different definition of mass. e=mc^2 uses m="relativistic mass," which increases the faster the mass is moving relative to the observer. The second equation uses m="rest mass." The first equation was Einstein's, the second is used more these days because it is usually more convenient and less confusing.

Each equation is correct, given its definition of m.
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  • #3
If one starts from E = mc[itex]^{2}[/itex] and replaces m by [itex]\frac{m_{0}}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}[/itex] where m[itex]_{o}[/itex] is the mass at rest, one gets the other version of the equivalence equation.
  • #4
E=mc2 is just the special case where p=0.

ImaLooser said:
Each equation uses a different definition of mass. e=mc^2 uses m="relativistic mass," which increases the faster the mass is moving relative to the observer. The second equation uses m="rest mass." The first equation was Einstein's, the second is used more these days because it is usually more convenient and less confusing.

I don't think this interpretation works, since nobody today uses relativistic mass, but everyone uses E=mc2.
  • #5
I am just curious, I am not a physics student or anything.

Hello there,

I can help clarify the full equation for mass-energy equivalence for you. The equation E=mc^2 is a simplified version of the full equation (E^2)=((mc^2)^2)+((pc)^2), where p represents momentum. This full equation takes into account the total energy of an object, which includes both its rest mass energy (mc^2) and its kinetic energy (pc^2).

The addition of momentum in the full equation is important because it shows that the total energy of an object is not solely determined by its mass, but also by its velocity and momentum. This is in line with Einstein's theory of special relativity, which states that energy and mass are fundamentally related and can be converted into each other.

I hope this helps clarify the full equation for you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Keep being curious and exploring the wonders of science!

FAQ: The Full Equation for Mass-energy Equivalence

1. What is the full equation for mass-energy equivalence?

The full equation for mass-energy equivalence is E = mc^2 (pronounced as "E equals m c squared"), where E represents energy, m represents mass, and c represents the speed of light in a vacuum (approximately 299,792,458 meters per second).

2. Who discovered the full equation for mass-energy equivalence?

The full equation for mass-energy equivalence was first proposed by Albert Einstein in his groundbreaking paper "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?" published in 1905. However, the concept of mass-energy equivalence had been explored by others before Einstein, including Henri Poincaré and Friedrich Hasenöhrl.

3. How does the full equation for mass-energy equivalence relate to nuclear reactions?

The full equation for mass-energy equivalence is crucial for understanding nuclear reactions, as it explains how a small amount of mass can be converted into a large amount of energy. During nuclear reactions, such as those that occur in the sun or in nuclear power plants, the mass of the nuclei involved is converted into energy according to the equation E = mc^2.

4. Can the full equation for mass-energy equivalence be applied to all types of energy?

Yes, the full equation for mass-energy equivalence can be applied to all types of energy, including thermal, chemical, electrical, and nuclear energy. This equation shows that energy and mass are interchangeable and can be converted into one another.

5. What are some real-life applications of the full equation for mass-energy equivalence?

The full equation for mass-energy equivalence has many practical applications in our daily lives. It is used in nuclear power plants to generate electricity, in medical imaging technologies such as PET scans, and in the development of nuclear weapons. It also has important implications in our understanding of the universe and the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels.

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