The function is 0 almost everywhere

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  • Thread starter evinda
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In summary, $u$ has weak derivatives of first class equal to $0$ almost everywhere in $\Omega$ and therefore is constant almost everywhere. Since it is in $L^1_{\text{loc}}(\Omega)$, it must be $0$ almost everywhere. The second equation also holds by integrating by parts and using the fact that $D_{x_i}u(x)=0$ almost everywhere.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hello! (Wave)

Let $ u \in L^1_{\text{loc}}(\Omega) $ and the weak derivatives of first class satisfy $ D_{x_i} u(x)=0 , i=1, \dots, n $ almost everywhere in $ \Omega $.
I want to show that $ u=0 $ almost everywhere.

I have thought the following:

$ 0= \int_{B(x, \epsilon)} D_{x_i}u(x) \psi_{\epsilon}(x-y) dy \overset{\epsilon \to 0}{\to} D_{x_i} u(x) $

where $ x $ is a Lebesgue point and $ \psi_{\epsilon}(x)=\epsilon^{-n }\psi{\left( \frac{x}{\epsilon}\right)}, \epsilon>0 $

where $ \psi \in C_C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^n), \psi>0, \int \psi(x) dx=1 $.

Is it right so far? Can we use this in order to show that $u=0$ almost everywhere?Does it hold that $ \int_{B(x, \epsilon)} D_{x_i}u(x) \psi_{\epsilon}(x-y) dy=- \int_{B(x, \epsilon)} u(x) \psi_{\epsilon}'(x-y) dy $ ?
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  • #2
Yes, it does hold. Using integration by parts, we have $$ \int_{B(x, \epsilon)} D_{x_i}u(x) \psi_{\epsilon}(x-y) dy = - \int_{B(x, \epsilon)} u(x) \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i}\psi_{\epsilon}(x-y) dy = - \int_{B(x, \epsilon)} u(x) \psi_{\epsilon}'(x-y) dy $$and since $ \psi_{\epsilon}'(x-y) \to 0 $ as $ \epsilon \to 0 $, we have that $ D_{x_i}u(x) = \lim_{\epsilon \to 0} \int_{B(x, \epsilon)} D_{x_i}u(x) \psi_{\epsilon}(x-y) dy = 0$.Since $ D_{x_i}u(x) = 0 $ for all $ i=1,\dots, n $ and all Lebesgue points of $ u $, this means that $ u $ must be zero almost everywhere.
  • #3

Yes, your approach is correct so far. To show that $u=0$ almost everywhere, we can use the fact that $D_{x_i}u(x)=0$ almost everywhere. This means that for almost every $x \in \Omega$, we have $D_{x_i}u(x)=0$ for all $i=1,\dots,n$.

Now, let $x$ be a Lebesgue point of $u$, which means that the limit in your first equation exists. Then, as $\epsilon \to 0$, we have
$$0=\lim_{\epsilon \to 0}\int_{B(x,\epsilon)} D_{x_i}u(x)\psi_{\epsilon}(x-y)dy=\int_{\mathbb{R}^n}D_{x_i}u(x)\psi(x)dx=0$$
where we have used the fact that $\psi_{\epsilon}(x-y) \to \psi(x)$ as $\epsilon \to 0$ and the definition of a Lebesgue point.

Since this holds for all $i=1,\dots,n$, we have
for all $i=1,\dots,n$. But this is just the definition of a weak derivative, so we have shown that $u$ has weak derivatives of first class equal to $0$ everywhere in $\Omega$. This implies that $u$ is constant almost everywhere in $\Omega$, and since it is in $L^1_{\text{loc}}(\Omega)$, it must be $0$ almost everywhere.

As for your second question, yes, it does hold that
$$\int_{B(x,\epsilon)} D_{x_i}u(x)\psi_{\epsilon}(x-y)dy=-\int_{B(x,\epsilon)} u(x)\psi_{\epsilon}'(x-y)dy$$
This can be seen by integrating by parts and using the fact that $D_{x_i}u(x)=0$ almost everywhere.

FAQ: The function is 0 almost everywhere

What does it mean for a function to be 0 almost everywhere?

A function being 0 almost everywhere means that the function has a value of 0 at almost every point in its domain. In other words, the set of points where the function is not equal to 0 is a countable set.

How is a function being 0 almost everywhere different from being 0 everywhere?

When a function is 0 everywhere, it means that the function has a value of 0 at every point in its domain. This is in contrast to a function being 0 almost everywhere, where there may be a few points where the function is not equal to 0. However, the set of these points is countable and therefore has measure 0.

Can a function be 0 almost everywhere and not be continuous?

Yes, a function can be 0 almost everywhere and not be continuous. This is because the points where the function is not equal to 0 may not be isolated points and therefore do not affect the continuity of the function. As long as the set of these points is countable, the function can still be considered 0 almost everywhere.

What is the significance of a function being 0 almost everywhere?

A function being 0 almost everywhere has significance in mathematical analysis and measure theory. It allows for simplification of certain calculations and proofs, as the set of points where the function is not equal to 0 is of measure 0 and can be disregarded in many cases.

How can a function be proven to be 0 almost everywhere?

To prove that a function is 0 almost everywhere, one needs to show that the set of points where the function is not equal to 0 is countable. This can be done using various techniques such as the Baire category theorem or Lebesgue's density theorem.
