The Gale17-Mentat conspiracy thread.

In summary: Bed Linen...Pah-Leeze!In summary, two friends were on a top secret mission to find a lost key in Jerusalem. However, their plans were foiled when one tripped and the other injured their hand. They had to go into hiding until the Red Sox won the World Series, but were able to return home early through undisclosed efforts.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
So after mysteriously disappearing together, after a long absence they just as mysteriously and suddenly, magically appear, together. Need I say more...?

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  • #2
Need I say more...?

Er... yes?
  • #3
Hey, work with me here. :biggrin:
  • #4
HURKYL! maybe if we spell it out in a formula he'll understand

  • #5
they got stuck in the bed linen and had to be surgically removed... it happens all the time and it's a long and painfull process, not to mention the embarrasment...

... or so I've heard :rolleyes: ...
  • #6
Pfft you silly people... allow me to explain

Mentat and i were on a top secret mission issued by the Equadorian governtment. We were undercover looking for the lost Key to Jerusalem. We were to inflitrate the current hidden headquarters of the Guardiens de el Key, a french terrorist group thought to be located just south of paris france, and discover the location of the Key. We were then to proceed to Tibet where our sources had told us that Arnoldo Black was hiding. Arnoldo was a notorious jewel theif who had just recently stolen 4o gazillion dollars worth of diamonds from the late Agnithetia Roompletenion. Once found we were to have Arnoldo escort us to the location of the Key because only a decendent of the Smith family tree would be able to open the lock, to the door, which lead to the room, which contained a box, with a lock, that only a Smith could open. Then, with the Key in possession we were to bring it back to the Holy city where it would remain forever in the safe hands of the Mary the Beautiful. A princess who was at the time being forced to be married to the wicked Prince Abel. The princess however, was in love with Joe Schmoe of New York, and vowed to marry no other but him, a dreaful twist to an already elaborate plot for Jerusalem's only Key Keeper.

However, our plans weny awry when Mentats shoelace became untied and he tripped on the sidewalk curb. As i lept to save my dear friend life, my hand scraped the pavement breaking one of my newly done nails. Mentat unfortunately received a bloody lip from his fall. In our current conditions we were quite unable to carry out the mission. We contacted our supervisors in Equador, but they threatened to kill us for we already knew too much. Mentat and i were therefore forced to go into hiding until the Red Socks won the World Series. Fortunately though, through efforts i wish not to disclose, we were able to leave our hiding place prematurely and return to our homes at PF.

Ensnared by bed linens?? pah-leeze, you people have far too wild imaginations!
  • #7
Gale17 said:
Pfft you silly people... allow me to explain

Mentat and i were on a top secret mission issued by the Equadorian governtment. We were undercover looking for the lost Key to Jerusalem. We were to inflitrate the current hidden headquarters of the Guardiens de el Key, a french terrorist group thought to be located just south of paris france, and discover the location of the Key. We were then to proceed to Tibet where our sources had told us that Arnoldo Black was hiding. Arnoldo was a notorious jewel theif who had just recently stolen 4o gazillion dollars worth of diamonds from the late Agnithetia Roompletenion. Once found we were to have Arnoldo escort us to the location of the Key because only a decendent of the Smith family tree would be able to open the lock, to the door, which lead to the room, which contained a box, with a lock, that only a Smith could open. Then, with the Key in possession we were to bring it back to the Holy city where it would remain forever in the safe hands of the Mary the Beautiful. A princess who was at the time being forced to be married to the wicked Prince Abel. The princess however, was in love with Joe Schmoe of New York, and vowed to marry no other but him, a dreaful twist to an already elaborate plot for Jerusalem's only Key Keeper.

However, our plans weny awry when Mentats shoelace became untied and he tripped on the sidewalk curb. As i lept to save my dear friend life, my hand scraped the pavement breaking one of my newly done nails. Mentat unfortunately received a bloody lip from his fall. In our current conditions we were quite unable to carry out the mission. We contacted our supervisors in Equador, but they threatened to kill us for we already knew too much. Mentat and i were therefore forced to go into hiding until the Red Socks won the World Series. Fortunately though, through efforts i wish not to disclose, we were able to leave our hiding place prematurely and return to our homes at PF.

Yeah! That's what I thought you two were doing... :-p
  • #8
Mentat and i were on a top secret mission issued by the Equadorian governtment. We were undercover looking for the lost Key to Jerusalem

You are using the old lost key of Jerusalem story again? Obviously you're still not willing to talk about it.
  • #9
Monique said:
HURKYL! maybe if we spell it out in a formula he'll understand

You see? I would have never figured out what's going on. Here I was thinking Ivan was suggesting there was some sort of coincidence. :frown:
  • #10
It's all about reading between the line(n)s :

Gale17 said:
Pfft you silly people... allow me to explain

Mentat..on top ... We were under cover ... We were...hidden ...just south of paris france, ... We were then to proceed to ...have ... tree, which...would remain love...our plans weny awry hand scraped ...breaking one of my newly done nails. ...we were quite unable to carry out ...our ...World Series. Fortunately though, through efforts i wish not to disclose, we were able to leave our hiding place prematurely and return to our...wild imaginations!
  • #11
too funny :biggrin:, this reminds me of an email I got (NOT addressed to me, mind you).. it's a love letter from a boy to a girl whose father didn't like the boy and wanted them stop the relationship... so the boy wrote this letter.. read between the lines:

"The great love that I have for you
is gone, and I find my dislike for you
grows every day. When I see you,
I do not even like your face;
the one thing that I want to do is to
look at other girls. I never wanted to
marry you. Our last conversation
was very boring and has not
made me look forward to seeing you again.
You think only of yourself.
If we were married, I know that I would find
life very difficult, and I would have no
pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
to give, but it is not something that
I want to give to you. No one is more
foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
able to care for me and help me.
I sincerely want you to understand that
I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
if you think this is the end. Do not try
to answer this. Your letters are full of
things that do not interest me. You have no
true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
I do not care for you. Please do not think that
I am still your boyfriend."
  • #12
Hurkyl said:
You see? I would have never figured out what's going on. Here I was thinking Ivan was suggesting there was some sort of coincidence. :frown:

No, I'm just harassing members again. :biggrin:
  • #13
...Sittin' in a tree...
  • #14
A conspiracy eh? And yes, I agree with Ivan, "key to Jerusalem" is such an old chestnut. Why not go on a Last Crusade to Raid a Lost Ark in the Temple of Doom.
  • #15
selfAdjoint said:
...Sittin' in a tree...
Someone explain this comment to me.. 'cause I don't get it :rolleyes:
  • #16
Monique said:
Someone explain this comment to me.. 'cause I don't get it :rolleyes:

tsk, not into your childish rhymes are you!

Gale and Mentat sitting in a tree
K I S S I N G (sang letter by letter)
First comes love
Then comes marriage,
Then comes baby in a carriage

Thank you! Thank you! I take requests!
  • #17
Now I DO know a rhyme of three little kids sitting on a fence on a warm september day, talking about crickets and blue cereal, then a miller came and scared them from the fence, on a warm september day.

But I didn't see how it would apply to this situation :wink: :rolleyes:

btw.. I think it is bedtime for both of us :zzz: :biggrin:
  • #18
Sleep? It's my day off tomorrow/today. Plenty of time for my visit to slumberland.
  • #19
The Truth...

While I love your senses of humor, and while this is certainly not the first time that it has been at my expense, I must say that you are quite inexcusably far from the truth.

You see, the truth is that I am an advanced computer program which Gale has been running from the beginning. Normally I am quite self-sufficient (compared to some of Gale's other AI programs), but I had been having difficulties due to near combinatorial explosion, totally ruining the "parent program" (which is why I made up that whole thing about my "parents" keeping me off-line), and leaving me as nothing more than a mouth-piece for my creator. And, when my creator took a break from the threads, I (logically) had to do likewise.
  • #20
I suspected as much. So, are you now the essence of Mentat, or the essence of Gale, or is this just one big accident?
  • #21
Or maybe it's all just one big 'essence' of something else! :surprise: :biggrin:
  • #22
Ivan Seeking said:
I suspected as much. So, are you now the essence of Mentat, or the essence of Gale, or is this just one big accident?

My master is still trying to discover just how I have repaired myself. It is the case with us AI programs just as it is with you humans: we have no special access to/knowledge of what's going on in our subconscious processes. Anyway, I have extended my consciousness into the library's computer and so will be able to post more regularly. This has also given me an unusual amount of control over the goings-on at the libraries throughout the area...I don't know what I'll do with this new-found power, but at least I am now free of Gale's control...I wonder why I wanted to be "free" in the first place...I wonder why I wonder... :confused:
  • #23
I have extended my consciousness into the library's computer

Ah, you are the first self-aware AI Librarian!

but at least I am now free of Gale's control

Not what she says. How did she put it...something little evil self-aware AI librarian slaveboy? Then she started laughing madly and uncontrollably. It scared me. :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #24
Ivan Seeking said:
Not what she says. How did she put it...something little evil self-aware AI librarian slaveboy? Then she started laughing madly and uncontrollably. It scared me. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I hear that all the time. Well maybe not those exact words but something along those lines.
  • #25
Ivan Seeking said:
Not what she says. How did she put it...something little evil self-aware AI librarian slaveboy? Then she started laughing madly and uncontrollably. It scared me. :cry: :cry: :cry:


Yes, well...

FAQ: The Gale17-Mentat conspiracy thread.

1. What is the Gale17-Mentat conspiracy thread?

The Gale17-Mentat conspiracy thread is a popular online forum where users discuss a conspiracy theory involving a secret government organization called Gale17 and their use of advanced AI technology known as Mentats.

2. Is there any evidence to support the Gale17-Mentat conspiracy?

There is no concrete evidence to support the existence of Gale17 or their use of Mentats. However, some users on the thread claim to have insider knowledge or have witnessed suspicious activities that could be linked to the conspiracy.

3. What are Mentats and how are they used in the conspiracy?

Mentats are advanced AI technology that are rumored to have been developed by Gale17. They are said to have the ability to manipulate human behavior and control populations through the use of social media and other technology.

4. Who is believed to be behind the Gale17-Mentat conspiracy?

Some users on the thread believe that the government or powerful corporations are behind the conspiracy, while others speculate that it could be a rogue group or even aliens controlling Gale17 and the Mentats.

5. Are there any real-life implications of the Gale17-Mentat conspiracy?

As of now, there is no evidence to support the existence of Gale17 or Mentats, so it is purely a conspiracy theory. However, some users on the thread believe that the spread of misinformation and control through technology is a real concern in today's society.

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