The general equation of the superposition of orthogonal waves?

In summary, the conversation discusses the derivation of the general formula for two orthogonal waves with a given amplitude and frequency, in terms of the difference in phase between the two waves. The final result is an equation representing an ellipse, which can be traced out by plotting the parametric curve of the superposition of the two waves. This has practical applications in resolving the electric field of an EM wave passing through birefringent materials.
  • #1
Homework Statement
derive the general formula of the superposition of two waves which are orthogonal ?
Relevant Equations
x^2-2xy*cos(δ)+y^2 = A^2 sin(δ)^2
hi guys
i was trying to derive the general formula of two orthogonal waves
$$x^{2}-2xycos(δ)+y^{2} = A^{2} sin(δ)^{2}$$
where the two waves are given by :
$$x = Acos(ωt)$$
$$y = Acos(ωt+δ)$$
where ##δ## is the different in phase , i know it seems trivial but i am stuck on where should i begin ?
my trial :
$$x^2 = A^2 cos(ωt)^2$$
$$y = A[cos(ωt)cos(δ)-sin(ωt)sin(δ)]$$
squaring ##y## :
$$y^2 = A^2[cos(ωt)cos(δ)-sin(ωt)sin(δ)]^2⇒ y^2 = A^2 [cos(ωt)^2cos(δ)^2+sin(ωt)^2sin(δ)^2-2cos(ωt)cos(δ)sin(ωt)sin(δ)] $$
it seems that it got more complicated 🤔 where to continue from here , or is there another method to get :
$$x^{2}-2xycos(δ)+y^{2} = A^{2} sin(δ)^{2}$$
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  • #2
Don't stop now, you're basically there! You have$$\begin{align*}x^2 + y^2 &= A^2[\cos^2{\omega t} + \cos^2{\omega t}\cos^2{\delta} + \sin^2{\omega t} \sin^2{\delta}] - 2A^2 \sin{\omega t}\cos{\omega t}\sin{\delta}\cos{\delta} \\ \\ -2xy\cos{\delta} &= -2A^2 \cos^2{\omega t}\cos^2{\delta} + 2A^2 \sin{\omega t}\cos{\omega t}\sin{\delta} \cos{\delta}\end{align*}$$What do you get if you add them together? Now it's just a case of applying ##\sin^2{\theta} + \cos^2{\theta} = 1## a couple of times 😄
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  • #3
Umm.. what has this to do with orthogonality?
  • #4
haruspex said:
Umm.. what has this to do with orthogonality?
this is the true statement of the problem , i guess because one wave is on the x and other on the y and has nothing to do with the more sophisticated meaning of the "orthogonality" :smile:
  • #5
haruspex said:
Umm.. what has this to do with orthogonality?

I think we have two orthogonal waves, one defined by ##x = A\cos{(\omega t - kz)}## and another defined by ##y=A\cos{(\omega t - kz + \delta)}##, both propagating along the ##z## axis. Then we consider the wave formed by superposing those two. For the purposes of this problem, it would suffice to just consider the interference ##z=0##.

[I think a real life application of this type of thing is resolving the electric field of an EM wave passing through a birefringent material w.r.t. the fast and slow axes, for instance!]
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  • #6
etotheipi said:
I think we have two orthogonal waves, one defined by ##x = A\cos{(\omega t - kz)}## and another defined by ##y=A\cos{(\omega t - kz + \delta)}##, both propagating along the ##z## axis. Then we consider the wave formed by superposing those two. For the purposes of this problem, it would suffice to just consider the interference ##z=0##.

[I think a real life application of this type of thing is resolving the electric field of an EM wave passing through a birefringent material w.r.t. the fast and slow axes, for instance!]
In that model, wouldn't the superposition be ##A\cos{(\omega t - kz)}\hat x+A\cos{(\omega t - kz + \delta)}\hat y##?
The algebra in your solution does not seem to have used any property of the wave pair other than having the same amplitude and frequency.
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  • #7
haruspex said:
In that model, wouldn't the superposition be ##A\cos{(\omega t - kz)}\hat x+A\cos{(\omega t - kz + \delta)}\hat y##?
The algebra in your solution does not seem to have used any property of the wave pair other than having the same amplitude and frequency.

That's indeed the superposition we're after! But we're just interested in deriving that identity ##x^{2}-2xy\cos(\delta)+y^{2} = A^{2} \sin(\delta)^{2}## for the ##x## and ##y## values on the resultant wave corresponding to any chosen ##z##, so I don't think it's more complicated than that.
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  • #8
It took me a while to realize what the equation ##x^{2}-2xy\cos(\delta)+y^{2} = A^{2} \sin(\delta)^{2}## represents. I'll make a comment in case anyone else was having the same problem.

If you define a vector ##\vec V = A\cos{(\omega t )}\hat x+A\cos{(\omega t + \delta)}\hat y## and draw the vector from the origin of the x-y system, then the tip of ##\vec V## traces out a curve as a function of time.

The parametric represent of the curve is ##x(t) = A\cos{(\omega t )}##, ##\,\,\,y(t) = A\cos{(\omega t + \delta)}##.

Eliminating the parameter ##t## yields the direct relation between ##x## and ##y##. The result is the equation of the ellipse ##x^{2}-2xy\cos(\delta)+y^{2} = A^{2} \sin(\delta)^{2}##.
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  • #9
If you plot the parametric curve ##(x,y,z) = (\cos{(\omega t - kz)}, \cos{(\omega t - kz + \delta)}, z)##, representing the superposition of two orthogonal waves of equations ##x = \cos{(\omega t - kz)}## and ##y=\cos{(\omega t - kz + \delta)}##, you end up with something like


If you vary ##t##, the wave translates in the ##z## direction. If you vary ##\delta##, you change the eccentricity of the projection of the wave onto the ##x-y## plane.
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  • #10
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  • #11
TSny said:
You can play with this visualization

That's awesome! I found a nice summary of the relevant Physics here:

There's also the interesting case where you have birefringence, ##\Delta n \neq 0##, which results in the two 'component waves' having different wavenumbers, and if we add the components in the normal way we can work how the plane of polarisation has changed after exiting the crystal!

I think I need to read it again to fully understand it, but I hope @patric44, you also find it useful!
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Likes patric44

FAQ: The general equation of the superposition of orthogonal waves?

1. What is the general equation of the superposition of orthogonal waves?

The general equation of the superposition of orthogonal waves is given by y(x,t) = ΣAnsin(knx - ωnt + φn), where An represents the amplitude of each wave, kn represents the wave number, ωn represents the angular frequency, and φn represents the phase shift of each wave.

2. What does it mean for waves to be orthogonal?

Orthogonal waves are waves that are perpendicular to each other, meaning they have a 90-degree angle between them. In the context of the general equation of superposition, this means that the waves do not interfere with each other and can be added together without affecting each other's amplitudes or frequencies.

3. How is the general equation of superposition applied in real-life situations?

The general equation of superposition is used in many fields, including physics, engineering, and signal processing. It can be applied to describe the behavior of electromagnetic waves, sound waves, and water waves, among others. It is also used in the study of quantum mechanics and in the construction of complex waveforms for communication and signal processing.

4. What is the significance of the phase shift in the general equation of superposition?

The phase shift in the general equation of superposition represents the difference in the starting point of each wave. It determines how the waves will interfere with each other and can result in constructive or destructive interference. In some cases, the phase shift can also represent the time delay between the waves.

5. Can the general equation of superposition be applied to non-orthogonal waves?

No, the general equation of superposition is only applicable to orthogonal waves. For non-orthogonal waves, a more complex equation, known as the general equation of superposition for non-orthogonal waves, is used. This equation takes into account the angle between the waves and how they interfere with each other.

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