The greatest invention since the light bulb?

In summary: I thought of it again.In summary, the conversation discussed a potential invention to make the bed automatically using a pulley system and small motors. The conversation also included humorous exchanges about the annoyance of making the bed and the laziness of people. The conversation ended with a joke about the inventor's day job.
  • #1
Gold Member
I have a great invention! It's great for many reasons!

1. I thought of it
2. People are lazy and will use it
3. Guys exist
4. Women are annoying
5. I thought of it

What's the most annoying thing that one has to do in their life? The most mind-numbing, boring, stupid thing one will ever encounter in their lives? That's right, making the bed. And what's worse then your girlfriend/wife coming into your room and saying "blah blah blah make the bed!"? Death? Nope, not by a long-shot. What I think should be invented is like, a pulley system that makes the bed for you! Tracks and small motors could be put into the frame and hooks could clamp onto the bed sheets using small implanted rings at the corners. The pulleys and motors would pull the bed open and maybe even automatically release the hooks when it's made up so you can walk in, pull teh sheets and go back to sleep.

Awesome idea? Yes. Will it make me billions? Yes. Is it all because another silly habbit society seems to have that men don't really understand? You bet!

Patent pending! That means you cyrus!
Physics news on
  • #2
F'ing genius! That's arguably better than the light bulb, or even penicillin.
  • #3
Pengwuino said:
I have a great invention! It's great for many reasons!

1. I thought of it
2. People are lazy and will use it
3. Guys exist
4. Women are annoying
5. I thought of it

What's the most annoying thing that one has to do in their life? The most mind-numbing, boring, stupid thing one will ever encounter in their lives? That's right, making the bed. And what's worse then your girlfriend/wife coming into your room and saying "blah blah blah make the bed!"? Death? Nope, not by a long-shot. What I think should be invented is like, a pulley system that makes the bed for you! Tracks and small motors could be put into the frame and hooks could clamp onto the bed sheets using small implanted rings at the corners. The pulleys and motors would pull the bed open and maybe even automatically release the hooks when it's made up so you can walk in, pull teh sheets and go back to sleep.

Awesome idea? Yes. Will it make me billions? Yes. Is it all because another silly habbit society seems to have that men don't really understand? You bet!

Patent pending! That means you cyrus!
It would be the worst killing of a great tradition since the invention of the electronic calculator.

Making a bed so neat and tight that you could bounce a quarter on it is the greatest tradition left in the world. The second greatest tradition is short sheeting half the beds in barracks being prepared for new recruits - the image of scared 18 year olds leaping into their short-sheeted beds and spending the entire night wrapped in a fetal ball because their too scared to get up and fix their beds can leave a devious person giggling all night.
  • #4
Pengwuino said:
What's the most annoying thing that one has to do in their life? The most mind-numbing, boring, stupid thing one will ever encounter in their lives? That's right, making the bed. And what's worse then your girlfriend/wife coming into your room and saying "blah blah blah make the bed!"?
You still live with your parents, don't you? :-p

The person who's actually picky about making the bed should be the one to make it; it's that simple. It doesn't make a lot of sense to nag someone else to do it, because if they didn't care that it was unmade in the first place, they're not ever going to do it "right" in the eyes of the person who wants it made.
  • #5
BobG said:
Making a bed so neat and tight that you could bounce a quarter on it is the greatest tradition left in the world.
I tend to find that tradition to be equally devious, if not more so, than short-sheeting, mainly because it can be employed on parents who insist you make all the beds in the house when company is coming. :devil: Yep, they look great, but when your parents go to get in bed at night, after a long day of entertaining company and then cleaning up, they realize the error of forcing children to make the beds while they're busy tugging and pulling the sheets and blankets out enough to get under the covers. :biggrin: Sometimes the best way to get out of a chore is to do it too well. :smile:
  • #6
Moonbear said:
I tend to find that tradition to be equally devious, if not more so, than short-sheeting, mainly because it can be employed on parents who insist you make all the beds in the house when company is coming. :devil: Yep, they look great, but when your parents go to get in bed at night, after a long day of entertaining company and then cleaning up, they realize the error of forcing children to make the beds while they're busy tugging and pulling the sheets and blankets out enough to get under the covers. :biggrin: Sometimes the best way to get out of a chore is to do it too well. :smile:

It helps if you know how to weld and have a staple gun.
  • #7
Pengwuino, you are beyond lazy
  • #8
Pengwuino, don't quit your day job. :biggrin:
  • #9
I don't make my bed because I'm just going to mess it up later anyway
  • #10
dav2008 said:
I don't make my bed because I'm just going to mess it up later anyway
Yep, same here. Having to install a contraption to make the bed for me and then push a button every morning would require more effort than I currently put into making the bed. I'm too lazy to use Pengwuino's invention. :biggrin:
  • #11
Ivan Seeking said:
Pengwuino, don't quit your day job. :biggrin:

but my day job is making up crappy ideas like this! :smile: :smile:
  • #12
Pengwuino said:
I have a great invention! It's great for many reasons!

Hmmm, let's just see about that...

1. I thought of it

...that can't be good...

2. People are lazy and will use it

3. Guys exist
...yes, and?...

4. Women are annoying
...I put you in this group...

5. I thought of it must be a pretty dumb idea...

What's the most annoying thing that one has to do in their life
The most mind-numbing, boring, stupid thing one will ever encounter in their lives??
Reading your posts.

That's right, making the bed. And what's worse then your girlfriend/wife coming into your room and saying "blah blah blah make the bed!"? Death? Nope, not by a long-shot. What I think should be invented is like, a pulley system that makes the bed for you!
...Do I smack my self in the forehead, or just punch you in yours?

Tracks and small motors could be put into the frame and hooks could clamp onto the bed sheets using small implanted rings at the corners. The pulleys and motors would pull the bed open and maybe even automatically release the hooks when it's made up so you can walk in, pull teh sheets and go back to sleep. out of comments...

Awesome idea? Yes.
Sorry, no... just no...

Will it make me billions? Yes. Is it all because another silly habbit society seems to have that men don't really understand? You bet!
...I hate you...

Patent pending! That means you cyrus!
...don't worry about that one.:rolleyes:
  • #13
Pengwuino said:
Awesome idea? Yes. Will it make me billions? Yes. Is it all because another silly habbit society seems to have that men don't really understand? You bet!
No.You'll make trillons
How do make an investment:biggrin:
  • #14
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: got to love cyrus
  • #15
Oh yeah, and...


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The internet is widely considered the greatest invention since the light bulb.

How has the internet impacted society?

The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and conduct business. It has connected people from all around the world and made it possible to share and access information instantly.

Who is credited with inventing the internet?

The internet was not invented by a single person, but rather it was the result of contributions from numerous scientists, engineers, and computer programmers. Some key figures include Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Kahn, and Vinton Cerf.

What are some of the key features of the internet?

The internet allows for the transfer of data, communication through email and messaging, access to a vast amount of information through websites and search engines, and the ability to conduct online transactions and commerce.

What are some potential drawbacks of the internet?

While the internet has greatly benefited society, it also has some potential drawbacks. These include the spread of misinformation, invasion of privacy, and the potential for addiction and overreliance on technology.

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