Is Using Jedi in My Sci-Fi Book Title Legal?

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  • Thread starter jlcd
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In summary: The summary is that the author wants to write a sci-fi book where the first 50 years of the protagonist's life are filled with extraordinary experiences. The author wants to know if writing a book with the title "Jedi" but with a different story inside violates the copyright of "Star Wars." The author also mentions other sci-fi franchises with similar story or themes, such as "X-men" and "Avengers." The author reasons that the reason he wants to use the Jedi theme is because the truth is similar to what is depicted in the Star Wars movies, and the Mahatmas in Theosophy were similar to Jedi's. The author also mentions meeting hundreds of psychics in the first 50 years of his
  • #1
I want to write as sci-fi the first 50 years of the my life where I had the most extraordinary experiences. Need to let them out to release some steam. I'd like to know the following:

1. If the title of your sci-fi book has Jedi written on the title but inside is another story not related to Star Wars. Do you violate the "Jedi" copyright?

2. Besides Star Wars Jedi. What other sci-fi has similar story or themes? (I don't want to use X-men or Avengers because these don't focus on the training and sacrifices a Jedi require or went through).

3. The reason I want to use the Jedi theme is because the truth is similar to it (at least the truth as I experienced it and knew).

4. The reason I met hundreds and hundreds of psychic in the first 50 years of my life is because I am an apprentice of a real order very similar to the Jedi (only more powerful than the Jedi).

5. The Mahatmas in Theosophy were really similar to Jedi's. They have powers as well as their apprentices. However, they hide it by under the disguise concept of the Great White Brotherhood. A supposedly spiritually enlightened group of Highly Evolved Humans. The "spiritual" thing is only a cover. This is why lies and deception were abound because not only where benevolent Jedi involved but there existed something similar to the Sith Lords. Even neutral Jedis have their own agendas. The reason I knew Mahatmas were some kind of Jedi is because the hundreds of psychics I met were related to one of the Mahatmas in Theosphy.

6. This is the 1900s. In modern times. Some of the Sith Lords were shapeshifting reptilians. I joined an abductee/contactee support group and many met reptoids and victims of them. Some reptilians were in league with The Mothmans or interdimensional beings. In Star Wars, at least you don't have nonphysical nemesis but only aliens belonging to flesh and blood. This is why reality is more complicated than sci-fi so we need to integrate all this to our sci-fi so they are more realistic.

7. Just like there were benevolent Jedi versus the malevolent Sith Lords (are the benevolent ones simply called "good Jedis" in Star Wars or is there a specific term?). In this world. The benevolent Jedi's protect the Earth against the full control of the shapeshifting reptilian Sith Lords and Interdimensional Mothmen. So a full fledge Jedi has opponents way more powerful than depicted in Star Wars.

8. Why do I mention all this and risk other science fiction writers getting and writing the same idea. Because deep inside I want to avoid writing it and reveal the personalities because I don't want to be caught in the crossfire. This was the reason I bolted out of the abductees/contactees group decades ago because I was fast falling into the consciousness of the Reptilian Sith Lords when I encountered poltergiest intrusion. Real Sith Lords have elementals or nonphysical entities as their servants to do their bidding. In Star wars, the Sith Lords didn't have nonphysical servants. Did they? Another reason why I want others to write it is because I literally don't know if the Jedi order I belong to was benevolent Jedis or something similar to Sith Lords (using me as slave). I pondered this the last 10 years.

9. In the next 50 or 30 years of my life (I'm 50 now). I just want to focus on unraveling the physics of it at least part of it related to simple manifestation like telepathy. I don't want to be involved with any further training from either the benevolent Jedi or the Reptilian Sith Lords. In Star Wars, you were born with potential of a Jedi. This is similar in this Earth due to something to do with the soul past lineage. Very high part of consciousness can cross between lives (this produced the concept of reincarnation but the truth is more complex). What worries me is if I serve under the Sith Lords. I may remain so for centuries to come until I'm fully assimilated and can no longer get out. So my hope is when scientists and public realize all this and intiate some kind of uprising. I'll be free of their hold.

10. I'm crazy right? Yes. I'll be very happy if I'm simply crazy. But I'm getting crazy because I think I'm not crazy. So maybe by writing the science fiction (or better yet, someone writing it). I'll let out some steam before I lose my mind? Maybe there are among science fiction writers writing it to let out some steam? Again I know I can't use the Jedi trademark. So what should I use instead that would have similar theme to it? How does one be original? Are the thoughts of you science fiction writers really 100% original or did you model it from some existing ones? How about other writers?
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  • #2
jlcd said:
1. If the title of your sci-fi book has Jedi written on the title but inside is another story not related to Star Wars. Do you violate the "Jedi" copyright?
Probably (Walt Disney is tough with copyrights), because it is the same genre. Your title sounds more like a conspiracy theory about the templar, or freemasons. Has it to be aliens?
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  • #3
fresh_42 said:
Probably (Walt Disney is tough with copyrights), because it is the same genre. Your title sounds more like a conspiracy theory about the templar, or freemasons. Has it to be aliens?

I don't have any experience with the Templers or Freemasons. But I know they have they own Masters. The east have their Mahatmas, the west have their own Masters. I met Astara's group which has Master Swouzer as their Ascended Masters (Jedis?). Some reported the ultimate leader of the Freemasons were shapeshifting reptilians/Sith Lords (whether aliens or just residents of dark matter version of Earth i do not know). We have a mix of benevolent and malevolent Jedi order on earth. It's great to detail this in sci-fi books for those writers who can do it.

What good movies or sci-fi about these Templers thing I can watch or read this week that has similar theme to the description above (the leaders belonging to some kind of Jedi Order on Earth)? Frankly I prefer to just read them than write at least I won't be the receiving end of any retribution from offended parties.
  • #4
jlcd said:
...I am an apprentice of a real order very similar to the Jedi (only more powerful than the Jedi).
You know, you could make a lot of money choking crooked politicians and lifting airplanes out of swamps.

Then you could release that steam on a sandy beach in Bali...
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  • #5
jlcd said:
9. In the next 50 or 30 years of my life (I'm 50 now). I just want to focus on unraveling the physics of it at least part of it related to simple manifestation like telepathy. I don't want to be involved with any further training from either the benevolent Jedi or the Reptilian Sith Lords. In Star Wars, you were born with potential of a Jedi. This is similar in this Earth due to something to do with the soul past lineage. Very high part of consciousness can cross between lives (this produced the concept of reincarnation but the truth is more complex). What worries me is if I serve under the Sith Lords. I may remain so for centuries to come until I'm fully assimilated and can no longer get out. So my hope is when scientists and public realize all this and intiate some kind of uprising. I'll be free of their hold.
Have your talked with your family doctor about these thoughts?
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Likes Vanadium 50
  • #6
I did a quick search at and found 85 trademarks using the word jedi.

You can't copyright a single word, but you can get a trademark. But trademarks are infringed only if you use it in a context that could confuse customers. For example, Apple Computer can stop people from selling computers named apple, but not from selling fruit.

So have a look at those 85 trademarks and see if they preclude a novel title.
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  • #7
Jedi in the title uses intentionally the association of a jedi from star wars. This is even more than just the same genre. It takes advantage of the trademark jedi. I cannot believe this would survive a lawsuit, and even less if it is Disney.

The title works the same without a reference to jedi, it makes readers even more curious. And then the OP could either work with an earthly order, e.g. Tibetan monks, or invent their own alien connection.
  • #8
fresh_42 said:
Jedi in the title uses intentionally the association of a jedi from star wars. This is even more than just the same genre. It takes advantage of the trademark jedi. I cannot believe this would survive a lawsuit, and even less if it is Disney.

The title works the same without a reference to jedi, it makes readers even more curious. And then the OP could either work with an earthly order, e.g. Tibetan monks, or invent their own alien connection.

What happened if the title "The Hidden Jedi Order on Earth" was used for non-fiction. Would it also attract lawsuit from Disney? (Oh, did Disney own the Star Wars trademark now?)

There is a coming movie. "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker".. So the Jedi would be back in public consciousness again.

By the way. If they run out of idea. They can really produce the ideas of hidden jedi order on Earth isn't it. So there should be future movie title like "Star Wars: Jedi Order on Earth". Remember the event occurred a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away. They can use the story they seeded life on earth, and stuff.

If they do it. Hope they can mention something about the Mahatmas and Masters written in all cultures. So in case they were real, some kind of uprising can occur without me lifting a finger. Because I don't want to be involved in a crossfire of cosmic proportion. It happened to be once before. I'm brave but not stupid.
  • #9
jlcd said:
What happened if the title "The Hidden Jedi Order on Earth" was used for non-fiction. Would it also attract lawsuit from Disney? (Oh, did Disney own the Star Wars trademark now?)
I don't know. However, we live in modern times and they surely have a large PR department, i.e. they can always be asked via email. I do this when I'm not sure whether I can quote or link an article. I simply ask. However, I ask e.g. the AMS and chances that they give me a go are much higher.
  • #10
What's an AMS?
  • #11
American Mathematical Society
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  • #12
fresh_42 said:
Jedi in the title uses intentionally the association of a jedi from star wars. This is even more than just the same genre. It takes advantage of the trademark jedi. I cannot believe this would survive a lawsuit, and even less if it is Disney.

The title works the same without a reference to jedi, it makes readers even more curious. And then the OP could either work with an earthly order, e.g. Tibetan monks, or invent their own alien connection.

About your "OP could either work with an earthly order, e.g. Tibetan monks, or invent their own alien connection.". I don't have to invent it. Because I'll just report what I experienced.

I used to know someone who is a third degree Initiate. He has abilities that exceeded that of any Jedi in Star Wars. His Master is allegedly not of this world but from Sirius. Note this line in the introductory book by the Mahatmas called Initation:

"Secondly, that the first three initiations are taken upon the ray of the Ego, and link a man up with the great White Lodge; the last two are taken upon the ray of the monad, and have a definite effect upon the path for service that will be chosen later by the adept. This statement must be linked up with that earlier made, which stated that the fifth initiation made a man a member of the Greater Lodge, or Brotherhood, on Sirius, being literally the first of the Sirian initiations. The fourth initiation is the synthesis of the Initiations of the Threshold in the Sirian Lodge.".

First, can Sirius really support life? If not, then perhaps its dark matter sector in Sirius? Or just dark matter sector in this very Earth and lying it's Sirius. My suspect was these Great White Brotherhood were from dark matter sectors that just need humans to host so they can function in this world. Imagine discarnate Sith Lords.

Hope some science fiction writers can look at this. I hesitate to write more about them for fear or reprisal. Remember I know the third degree initiate who is connected with these Great White Brotherhood who may just be Sith Lords in disguised. Once he become 5th degree initiate. He would become part of the Lodge of Sirius.. or assimilated into the dark matter sector on or near Earth or completing becoming host to the disincarnate Sith lords or equivalent? Of course it could all just be illusion but the thing is these Adepts/Jedis really contacted humans in different cultures and locations.
  • #13
Jedi came from Jedak from the John Carter of Mars book series. Lucas read it as a boy and borrowed some plot devices from the story.

It would be better to come up with your own noble name and introduce the readers to that order. Naming things is a fine art in story telling.

Perhaps a Samii ie a simplification of samurai. Or some other variant ending in i.
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Likes sysprog
  • #14
jedishrfu said:
Jedi came from Jedak from the John Carter of Mars book series. Lucas read it as a boy and borrowed some plot devices from the story.

It would be better to come up with your own noble name and introduce the readers to that order. Naming things is a fine art in story telling.

Perhaps a Samii ie a simplification of samurai. Or some other variant ending in i.

Right now. I want to decide whether to use dark matter or ether to refer to the Adepts or Jedis or Sith Lords location on earth. Consider this part in the Adept introductory book:

"The central home of this Hierarchy is at Shamballa, a centre in the Gobi desert, called in the ancient books the "White Island." It exists in etheric matter, and when the race of men on Earth have developed etheric vision its location will be recognised and its reality admitted. The development ofthis vision is rapidly coming to pass, as may be seen from the newspapers and the current literature of the day, but the location of Shamballa will be one of the latest etheric sacred spots to be revealed as it exists in the matter of the second ether. Several of the Masters in physical bodies dwell in the Himalaya mountains, in a secluded spot called Shigatse, far from the ways of men, but the greater number are scattered all over the world, dwelling in different places in the various nations, unrecognised and unknown, yet forming each in His own place a focal point..".

Would dark matter or ether be more appropriate?

I know people who have seen these Shamballa place. They said they can shapeshift into spaceship or spacemen (at one time the Asthar Command). In fact, some believe the UFOs seen by the Navy and reported to Trump and congress were these shapeshifting shamballa inhabitants. So is dark matter or ether more appropriate to describe the phenomena. Visualize this statement to get in the mood.

"Discarnate Sith Lords descended on Earth and take refuge in a dark matter locality in the Gobi Dessert." Or

"Discarnate Sith Lords descended on Earth and take refuge in a ether locality in the Gobi Dessert."

Which is better? And at least more accurate in terms of depending its possible physics. Of course it's not the diffuse dark matter known in astronomy but unique self interacting and baryon interacting dark matter, etc. I want it to be hard sci fi that i can even defend against Witten.
  • #15
I found myself watching all the previous Highlander movies to get a feel of it. I heard a new one is being written?

I like this passage:

"From the dawn of time we came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you… until now."

I'm trying to rephase it to describe the hidden Jedi order on earth. Can you rephase it as I can't do better.

I like the song Bonny Portmore, it's very haunting song, but it's about an ornamental tree.

Try to listen to the music (listen to the actual vocal). Do you like it? I'm looking for similar song to it.

  • #16
jlcd said:
What happened if the title "The Hidden Jedi Order on Earth" was used for non-fiction.

Are you again arguing that the woo you are posting is real? <sigh>
  • #17
Vanadium 50 said:
Are you again arguing that the woo you are posting is real? <sigh>

I saw you have Ph.D. in particle and nuclear physics. Good. Please teach me.

If wave functions were just subjective and for detecting observables or observations only. Then what is the real dynamics of the particles. Could some hidden Hamiltonian dynamics include ether or dark matter?

If wave functions were real and I don't want unitarity and many worlds as consequence. How can I modify it to be non-unitarity and still match experimental results with additional data?

I can't decide between the two. Which do you suggest? This is what i want to think from then on. I mentioned the jedi order on Earth thing in case some newbie writer or screenwriter wants to expand on the idea. At least i mentioned it so i won't dwell on it anymore. Its depressing.
  • #18
jlcd said:
I found myself watching all the previous Highlander movies to get a feel of it.
Uh. I cannot stress this enough.

There is only one Highlander film.

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  • #19
I don't believe you are a writer. Real writers don't use the non-word "wanna".
I don't believe this is about a work of fiction. Otherwise you would have answered my question "Are you again arguing that the woo you are posting is real? " with a note.
I believe you have ideas that are well-described as "a steaming pile of woo" that are not grounded at all in actual science, but you are trying to sneak them in past the forum rules.

Prove me wrong.
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Likes sysprog
  • #20
There is no need to prove us wrong as we are closing the thread.

No writer would openly steal from other writers as you are suggesting here. Others have mentioned it appears you're trying to push your ideas of an alternate physics onto our forum when we have expressly told you not to.

This thread is now closed.
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Likes Vanadium 50, hmmm27, sysprog and 1 other person

Related to Is Using Jedi in My Sci-Fi Book Title Legal?

1. What is "The Hidden Jedi Order on Earth"?

"The Hidden Jedi Order on Earth" is a popular conspiracy theory that suggests that there is a secret group of individuals on Earth who possess supernatural abilities and follow the principles of the Jedi from the Star Wars franchise.

2. Is there any evidence to support the existence of this hidden Jedi order?

No, there is no scientific or credible evidence to support the existence of a hidden Jedi order on Earth. The concept is purely fictional and has not been proven to be true.

3. How did this conspiracy theory originate?

The origins of this conspiracy theory are unclear, but it likely stems from the popularity and influence of the Star Wars franchise. Some individuals may have taken the fictional concept of the Jedi and applied it to real life, leading to the belief in a hidden Jedi order on Earth.

4. Is it possible for humans to possess supernatural abilities like the Jedi?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that humans possess supernatural abilities like the Jedi. While some individuals may have exceptional skills or talents, there is no proof that these abilities are supernatural in nature.

5. Why do some people believe in the existence of "The Hidden Jedi Order on Earth"?

Belief in this conspiracy theory may stem from a desire for something magical or supernatural to exist in the world. It may also be fueled by a fascination with the Star Wars franchise and a desire to believe in its fictional concepts in real life.

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