The Impact of a Moonless Earth: Effects on Tides and Beyond

  • Thread starter stoned
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In summary, the conversation discusses the potential consequences of the Moon suddenly disappearing from Earth. The absence of tides is the most immediate effect mentioned, but it is also speculated that the Earth's axis could tilt more and cause extreme changes in seasons. Some people believe that the effects would be felt instantly, while others think it would take longer for the gravitational field to adjust. One person mentions the disaster that could occur for marine life if the Moon were to disappear. The conversation also references a science fiction movie where humans cause the Moon to break in half, resulting in a disaster on Earth.
  • #1
No Moon :(

What would happen to the Earth if suddenly Moon was gone?Except no more tides I can not think of something else.
Astronomy news on
  • #2
stoned said:
What would happen to the Earth if suddenly Moon was gone?Except no more tides I can not think of something else.

I can think of something else.

at present the Earth's axis is inclined around 23 degrees

the moon helps keep this angle small

if there were no moon then this tilt angle might slowly increase to 30 degrees, say, and then the changes of season would be more extreme, even harsh.

Also your question is like asking "what would it be like if suddenly all the horses were gone, and women had no breasts?"

it is a strange idea. a kind of anti-poem
  • #3
If the moon disappeared, would we feel the effect immediately, or would we feel the effect more gradually?

Some people think that gravitational differences can be sensed instantaneously.

Some think that we would feel the effects at the speed of light.

I personally think that it would take time for the gravitational field to re-orient and the effects would not be felt for even longer than those expected under speed-of-light scenarios. Perhaps LISA can help settle this.
  • #4
It would be a disaster for marine life, many of which depend on tides for survival.
  • #5
Chronos said:
It would be a disaster for marine life, many of which depend on tides for survival.

And all the moths in the world would get lost ;)
  • #6
a funny & serious response...
  • #7
Did you guys watch "Time Machine " few years ago?
When our hero went into the future, humans were mining Moon or something like that and caused moon to break in half and huge disaster followed on Earth.Cool :biggrin:

FAQ: The Impact of a Moonless Earth: Effects on Tides and Beyond

What if there were no moon?

If there were no moon, many aspects of our planet and daily lives would be significantly different. Here are 5 frequently asked questions about this scenario:

1. How would the absence of the moon affect Earth's tides?

The moon's gravitational pull is what causes our planet's tides. Without the moon, tides would be much weaker and occur less frequently. This could have a major impact on coastal ecosystems and navigation.

2. What would happen to the Earth's rotation?

The moon's gravitational pull also helps stabilize the Earth's rotation. Without the moon, the Earth's rotation would become more irregular and could potentially impact our planet's climate and weather patterns.

3. Would there still be seasons?

Yes, there would still be seasons on Earth even without the moon. However, they would be less extreme as the moon's gravity helps tilt our planet's axis, causing more distinct seasonal changes.

4. How would the absence of the moon affect life on Earth?

The moon plays a vital role in regulating the Earth's environment and protecting it from asteroids and other space debris. Without the moon, our planet would be more susceptible to collisions and potentially catastrophic events.

5. Could we survive without the moon?

It is difficult to say for certain, but it is likely that human life on Earth would be drastically different without the moon. Our evolution and development have been influenced by the moon's presence, so it is possible that we may not have evolved in the same way without it.

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