The informational paradox of rectilinear motion

In summary, the conversation discusses the conservation of information in a system and the problem of defining the torsion of a straight line. It is believed that the solution to this paradox is to add a postulate stating that all bodies in the universe move on trajectories with well-defined curvature and torsion. This includes the principle of inertia, where a body at rest has infinite curvature and a body in rectilinear motion has zero curvature.
  • #1
Abel Cavaşi
If the torsion of the straight line is undefined what happens with the information about the torsion?

It is known (, that the information conserved in a system can be nor created, neither destroyed.

Therefore, if a body is heading on a certain pathway, the information about the pathway’s curvature and torsion should remain unchanged, no matter the modifications the body is suffering.

Let’s assume then, in the beginning, that, under the influence of some forces, a body is firstly heading on a pathway that has its curvature and its torsion non-zero and well defined - a state we call “initial state”.

Then, following a certain process (for example, releasing the body), the body starts moving rectilineal, more exactly, on a straight line - a state we can call “final state”. The straight line has zero curvature, and the vanishing of the curvature could be informationally correlated with the intensity of the forces that lead to the initial state.

However, the problem is THE TORSION. The straight line’s torsion is impossible to be defined (–Serret_formulas#Special_cases). Therefore, the information about the initial state’s torsion is irrecoverable lost in the final state! But this data is contradictory with the principle of information's conservation.

Of course, the problem can be also reversed. It can be assumed that in the initial state, the body is moving rectilineal and then, in the final state, it starts moving on a curve with the torsion well defined. In this case, the information would be created out of nowhere, data that is again contradictory with the principle of information's conservation.

How can we solve this problem?
  • #3
I believe the paradox can be solved if we add the following postulate in Physics:

- Every body in the Universe is moving on trajectories having the curvature and torsion well defined. In particular, free bodies are moving on trajectories having the curvature and torsion constant.

This postulate includes the current principle of inertia as a particular case. More exactly, the body's rest state corresponds to an infinite curvature, while a rectilinear
motion corresponds to a null curvature."

If something is unclear please let me know and I'll try to rephrase - I'm not a native English speaker so it might be that some paragraphs are not correctly expressed.

FAQ: The informational paradox of rectilinear motion

1. What is the informational paradox of rectilinear motion?

The informational paradox of rectilinear motion is a concept in physics that refers to the idea that while an object moving in a straight line may appear to have no change in its information or entropy, it is actually undergoing continuous changes in information and entropy due to the fluctuations of its internal particles.

2. How does the informational paradox impact our understanding of motion?

The informational paradox challenges our traditional understanding of motion, which is based on the idea that a moving object has a constant velocity and therefore no change in its information or entropy. However, this paradox suggests that even in seemingly uniform motion, there are fluctuations and changes occurring at a microscopic level.

3. What are some implications of the informational paradox for other scientific fields?

The informational paradox of rectilinear motion has implications for fields such as thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and information theory. It highlights the interconnectedness of seemingly unrelated concepts and the need for a more integrated understanding of the physical world.

4. Is there any evidence or experiments that support the informational paradox?

There have been various experiments and studies conducted that support the informational paradox of rectilinear motion. For example, the Brownian motion of particles in a fluid demonstrates the continuous fluctuations and changes in information and entropy, even in seemingly uniform motion.

5. How can we reconcile the informational paradox with our current understanding of motion?

One approach to reconciling the informational paradox is to incorporate the concept of information and entropy into our equations and models of motion. This would allow for a more comprehensive understanding of the complex and dynamic nature of motion, and potentially lead to new advancements in our understanding of the physical world.
