The linear in linear least squares regression

In summary, the least squares method can be used to fit a variety of functions, such as quadratic, cubic, and quartic, by solving a set of linear equations for the unknown coefficients. Linearity is required for the coefficients, and while normality is not necessary for the method to work, it is helpful for hypothesis testing. The assumption of normality is related to the classical linear model, rather than the linearity of the coefficients themselves.
  • #1
It is my understanding that you can use linear least squares to fit a plethora of different functions (quadratic, cubic, quartic etc). The requirement of linearity applies to the coefficients (i.e B in (y-Bx)^2). It seems to me that I can find a solution such that a coefficient b_i^2=c_i, in other words I can just express the squared b_i with a linear c_i. So can't I always find a linear solution?

My gut feeling is that linearity is required because normality is required for the orthoganality principle to hold? But I am not sure.

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  • #2
joshthekid said:
It is my understanding that you can use linear least squares to fit a plethora of different functions (quadratic, cubic, quartic etc). The requirement of linearity applies to the coefficients (i.e B in (y-Bx)^2). It seems to me that I can find a solution such that a coefficient b_i^2=c_i, in other words I can just express the squared b_i with a linear c_i. So can't I always find a linear solution?

My gut feeling is that linearity is required because normality is required for the orthoganality principle to hold? But I am not sure.

I'm not sure what your question is here.

The least squares method for fitting a set of data to a general polynomial function (linear, quadratic, cubic, etc.) results in a set of linear equations which must be solved to determine the unknown coefficients of the polynomial. The number of equations to be solved is equal to the degree of the polynomial plus 1.
  • #3
Normality is only required in OLS for accurate testing of error terms. As long as you have finite variance and a non-singular covariance matrix you can get the beta terms, nothing is required to be orthogonal.
  • #4
It has nothing to with normality; linearity in the parameters just let's you derive a solution using linear algebra. It's entirely possible to fit non-linear functions by least squares, it just requires numerical methods.

The model
[tex]y = \alpha + \beta^2x + \epsilon[/tex]
is linear in the parameters [itex](\alpha, \beta^2)[/itex], so there's no problem. Conversely, the model
[tex]y = \alpha e^{\beta x} + \epsilon[/tex]
is clearly non-linear in [itex]\beta[/itex].

Normality is only required in OLS for accurate testing of error terms. As long as you have finite variance and a non-singular covariance matrix you can get the beta terms.

This is mostly true. Strictly speaking, the Gauss-Markov theorem guarantees that the least-squares estimates have good properties assuming only zero-mean, equal variance, and uncorrelated errors, so the normality assumption isn't so important if you just want to curve fit, but modelling is easier assuming normal errors. Under the usual normality assumptions, the least-squares estimates are the maximum likelihood estimates, which are better understood than the more general least-squares estimates. It also makes in easier test hypotheses about the coefficients.
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  • #5
I am not completely sure about my answers, but I try my best.

You do not need normally distributed error terms for an OLS estimator to be unbiased, nor is that the reason that you have linearity in coefficients. According to the central limit theorem your estimates will be normally distributed in the limit anyway. However, you want to have normally distributed error terms for hypothesis testing in small samples. Overall the assumption of normality has something to do with the assumption of the classical linear model in general an not with the linearity of its estimates (for an elaboration on the ols assumption see for example

I think the answer to you question is far more technical, in the sense that what you get for your coefficient is a scalar which is constant per se. In that sense it cannot be a function of an non linear form. However, that is my own understanding of this subject and I would love to hear another answer to this question if there is one.


FAQ: The linear in linear least squares regression

1. What is the linear least squares regression method?

The linear least squares regression method is a statistical technique used to find a linear relationship between two or more variables. It is commonly used to predict the value of a dependent variable based on the values of independent variables.

2. How does linear least squares regression work?

The method works by minimizing the sum of the squared differences between the actual values of the dependent variable and the predicted values by a linear function. This is achieved by finding the values of the slope and intercept of the linear function that best fits the data points.

3. What is the significance of the term "linear" in linear least squares regression?

The term "linear" refers to the fact that the relationship between the variables is assumed to be linear, meaning that the change in the dependent variable is directly proportional to the change in the independent variable. This allows for a simpler and more straightforward calculation of the regression line.

4. What are the assumptions of linear least squares regression?

The main assumptions of linear least squares regression include linearity, independence, normality, and homoscedasticity. This means that the relationship between the variables is linear, the errors are independent and normally distributed, and the variance of the errors is constant across all values of the independent variable.

5. How is the goodness of fit measured in linear least squares regression?

The goodness of fit in linear least squares regression is typically measured using the coefficient of determination, also known as R-squared. This value represents the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable that is explained by the independent variable(s). A higher R-squared value indicates a better fit of the regression line to the data.
