The mixture of two gases in gravitational field

In summary, two ideal gases are mixed in the box of infinite height placed in a gravitational field. The total pressure and total density are a function of height.
  • #1
Two ideal gases are mixed in the box of infinite height placed in constant gravitational field.
There are [tex]n_1[/tex] moles of the first gase and [tex]n_2[/tex] moles of the second. Their
molar mases are [tex]M_1[/tex] and [tex]M_2[/tex] respectively. Let's assume that the
temperature is constant. What's the molar concentration as a function of height of each gas.

If in the box was only one gas the answer would be simple but when there are two different
types of molecules we have to take into consideration the entropy of mixing. That's the
problem because I don't know any formula that might be easily incorporated into differential
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  • #2
Try the following.
First write the total density as a function of height. You get this solving
\partial p_{total} / \partial y = \rho_{total}(y) g
(using the equation of state [itex]p_{total}=\rho_{total} R T / M_{total}[/itex])
where [itex]M_{total}[/itex] is the total molar mass.
Then write the total pressure as a function of height. Each of these expressions will have an unknown pre-factor.

Next write
\rho_{total} = N_1 M_1 + N_2 M_2
p_{total} = RT (N_1 + N_2)
where [itex]N_1[/itex] and [itex]N_2[/itex] are molar concentrations.

You have two equations and two unknowns [itex]N_1[/itex] and [tex]N_2[/itex] which you can solve.

Finally you can obtain the pre-factors by using the information given about the total amount of stuff you have. You will have to integrate your concentrations with respect to height and set them equal to [itex]n_1[/itex] and [itex]n_2[/itex].
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  • #3

Instead of [itex]N_{total}[/itex] for the total molar mass I meant to write [itex]M_{total}[/itex] and I was unable to edit it for some reason.
  • #4
loveequation said:

Instead of [itex]N_{total}[/itex] for the total molar mass I meant to write [itex]M_{total}[/itex] and I was unable to edit it for some reason.

What exactly do you mean by [itex]M_{total}[/itex]. It should depend on [itex]N_{1}(y)[/itex] and [itex]N_{2}(y)[/itex] ([tex]M_{total} = (N_1(y) M_1+N_2(y)M_2)/(N_1(y)+N_2(y))[/tex]).

So in fact there is only one equation:

\frac{\partial \left( R T (N_1(y)+N_2(y)) \right)}{\partial y} = g (N_1(y) M_1 + N_2(y) M_2 )
  • #5
Let me think about it. In the meanwhile you might want to re-post it to see if others can be of more immediate assistance.
  • #6
I think you have to write for each [itex]i[/itex]th constituent of the gas
\frac{\partial p_i}{\partial y} = -\rho_i(y)g
and use the equation of state [itex]p_i = \rho_i R T/m_i[/itex] where [itex]m_i[/itex] is the molecular mass. Note that the molar density [itex]N_i = \rho_i/m_i[/itex].

I assume you can do the rest. If not let me know.

I apologize for the initial wrong answer.

Related to The mixture of two gases in gravitational field

1. How do the two gases in a mixture behave in a gravitational field?

The behavior of the two gases in a mixture in a gravitational field is dependent on their individual properties. Generally, the heavier gas will tend to settle at the bottom of the container while the lighter gas will rise to the top. However, if there is a significant difference in the molecular size of the two gases, this behavior may be altered.

2. What factors affect the equilibrium of the mixture in a gravitational field?

The equilibrium of the mixture in a gravitational field is affected by factors such as the density, molecular weight, and temperature of the gases. These factors determine the rate at which the gases will mix and reach equilibrium.

3. How does the concentration of each gas affect the behavior of the mixture in a gravitational field?

The concentration of each gas in the mixture can affect its behavior in a gravitational field. If the two gases have different concentrations, the heavier gas will have a greater effect on the overall behavior of the mixture. However, if the concentrations are similar, the molecular weight and density of the gases will play a larger role.

4. Can the gravitational field affect the diffusion of the gases in the mixture?

Yes, the gravitational field can affect the diffusion of gases in a mixture. The heavier gas will tend to diffuse slower due to its weight, while the lighter gas will diffuse faster. This can result in a concentration gradient within the mixture, with the heavier gas being more concentrated at the bottom and the lighter gas at the top.

5. How does the gravitational field affect the pressure of the mixture?

In a gravitational field, the pressure of the mixture will be higher at the bottom and lower at the top due to the weight of the gases. This is known as the hydrostatic pressure. The pressure also depends on the density of the gases, with the denser gas contributing more to the overall pressure of the mixture.
