The Moon's Rotation and Why it Doesn't Spin: Theories and Explanations

  • Thread starter godzilla7
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In summary, the Earth rotates on its axis, while the moon rotates around the Earth every 28 days, causing it to have a gravitational lock with Earth and only show one side. This is similar to Uranus, which also rotates on its axis, but at a dramatic tilt compared to other planets. While there is a theory that Uranus was captured by the sun and never had initial rotation, it is generally believed to have formed from the same materials as the rest of the solar system. The perihelion advance of Mercury has been explained by General Relativity, but was once thought to be caused by a hidden planet.
  • #1
I've seen this mentioned on another post but some questions remain, the Earth rotates about it's axis as I understand it and the moon rotates about the Earth every 28 ish days, the moon has no axis rotation so we only see one side of the moon, is that right?

This I can grasp, however why doesn't the moon spin is this because according to one theory when it was spewed from the Earth it had no spin and forces do not cause it to have a spin of it's own? or is there some balancing factor that stops it rotating about it's own axis.

Uranus doesn't spin about it's own axis( I think that's right) and is also a wandering planet, it is theorised, caught by our sun so never had any initial rotation, any similarities here. Any thoughts?
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  • #2
If the moon did not spin on its axis we would see the other side. Think about it!

The rotation of the moon has become gravitationaly locked to its revolution about the earth. The moon rotates once every 28 days therefore we see only one side of it.

You can observe this easily. Simply observe some moveable object on your right. Pick it up and move it without rotation to your left. You will now be looking at the other side of the object.
  • #3
godzilla7 said:
I've seen this mentioned on another post but some questions remain, the Earth rotates about it's axis as I understand it and the moon rotates about the Earth every 28 ish days, the moon has no axis rotation so we only see one side of the moon, is that right?
The Moon rotates every 28 days. It happens that its rotation on its own axis and its revolution around Earth are exactly the same. This is not a coincidence.

godzilla7 said: there some balancing factor that stops it rotating about it's own axis.
Yes, it is called a tidal or gravitational lock. If you park a satellite (or anything) in orbit, and don't bother to correct its tilt, it will eventually point itself so that its long axis is pointing toward Earth - simple orbital mechanics. The Moon is not perfectly spherical. Over eons, this has slowed it rotation until it has one side facing toward Earth. If you measured the Moon it would be slightly bigger along a line parallel to the Earth-Moon axis, than if you measured it cross-wise.

godzilla7 said:
Uranus doesn't spin about it's own axis( I think that's right)
Uranus rotates in 17h 24m, according to Wikipedia.
  • #4
To spin off integral's model...(excuse the pun)...

Get 2 coins to represent the Earth and Moon. Have the moon's face pointing at the Earth. Now move the moon around (orbit) the Earth but keep the face pointing to it all the way around. See how it has to rotate to keep one side facing the earth?
  • #5
godzilla7 said:
Uranus doesn't spin about it's own axis( I think that's right)

As noted above, Uranus does rotate on an axis (sounds crude, eh?).
The odd thing about it's axis is that it is dramatically tilted compared to the other planets.

and is also a wandering planet, it is theorised, caught by our sun so never had any initial rotation, any similarities here.

As far as I know, the theory is that Uranus formed from the same stuff as the rest of this solar system. Where did you hear that it originated from somewhere other than this solar system?
  • #6
Pluto is often considered a captured body. Its orbit is eccentric compared to the other planets - for a brief time it is actually inside Neptune's orbit (as it was between 1979 and 1999. Its orbit is also and highly inclined (>10 degrees) wrt the solar plane.
  • #7
Phobos said:
As far as I know, the theory is that Uranus formed from the same stuff as the rest of this solar system.
Would be very weird if it weren't, seeing as it is visually almost indistinguishable from Neptune.
  • #8
there is the oddity of mercury's perihelion in contrast...something like 45 odd seconds per mecury year, if I remember right?
  • #9
x8jason8x said:
there is the oddity of mercury's perihelion in contrast...something like 45 odd seconds per mecury year, if I remember right?

Are you talking about the perihelion advance? That's a GR effect.
  • #10
x8jason8x said:
there is the oddity of mercury's perihelion in contrast...something like 45 odd seconds per mecury year, if I remember right?

Like SpaceTiger said, that has been explained by General Relativity (see "frame dragging"). When that oddity was first discovered (before GR), it was speculated that there was another hidden planet in the vicinity of Mercury that was affecting its orbit, but Einstein's work solved the mystery.
  • #11
I wasn't implying that it was still a mystery per se, just that it's an oddity comparable with the tilt of uranus' axis. I should have elaborated on what I meant, sorry about that...

FAQ: The Moon's Rotation and Why it Doesn't Spin: Theories and Explanations

1. Why does the Moon always show the same side to the Earth?

This phenomenon is known as synchronous rotation, where the Moon's rotational period is the same as its orbital period. This means that the Moon takes the same amount of time to rotate on its axis as it does to revolve around the Earth, causing it to always show the same side to us.

2. What causes the Moon to have a slow rotation compared to other celestial bodies?

One theory suggests that the Moon's rotation was initially faster, but it gradually slowed down due to tidal forces from the Earth. Another theory proposes that the Moon was formed with a slow rotation due to the collision that created it.

3. How does the Moon's rotation affect its temperature and surface features?

The Moon's lack of rotation results in extreme temperature differences between the sunlit and dark sides. This is why the side facing the Earth has more moderate temperatures and is covered in dark, smooth basaltic plains, while the far side is colder and has more rugged, mountainous features.

4. Is there a chance that the Moon's rotation could change in the future?

It is possible that the Moon's rotation could change over time due to various factors such as impacts from other celestial bodies or changes in the Earth-Moon system. However, these changes would likely occur over millions of years.

5. How does the Moon's rotation affect Earth?

The Moon's rotation has a significant impact on Earth's tides. The gravitational pull of the Moon on the Earth's oceans causes the tides to rise and fall. Additionally, the Moon's rotation helps stabilize Earth's axial tilt, which is crucial for maintaining stable climate patterns on our planet.

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