The Most Impactful Year in Physics: 1666 or 1905?

  • Thread starter Loren Booda
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discussed which year saw the greatest contribution to physics by any individual, with one person arguing for 1666 and another for 1915. It was also mentioned that Newton's work has had a lasting impact on modern physics.
  • #1
Loren Booda
Which year saw the greatest contribution to physics by any individual?
Physics news on
  • #2
But GR is the greatest.
  • #3
I'd have to go with 1666. Comparing the intellectual climate of both eras, Newton had a much tougher trail to blaze, due to his lack of fellow researchers, as well as the fact that he didn't even have the mathematical tools in place to formulate his theories. Not that einstein picked SR off the shelf or anything, but he did have a significant supporting cast.
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  • #4
But the question is about Newton or SR...
  • #5
1686. vs 1915. ?

To throw in another question ^
  • #6
Which of those years more underlies today's physics overall?
  • #7
Theoretical physics really had it's roots with Newton, so i'd say 1666.

FAQ: The Most Impactful Year in Physics: 1666 or 1905?

1. What happened in the year 1666 that made it the most impactful year in physics?

In 1666, Isaac Newton published his groundbreaking work Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, which introduced the three laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation. This work laid the foundation for classical mechanics and revolutionized our understanding of the physical world.

2. How did Albert Einstein contribute to the most impactful year in physics in 1905?

In 1905, Albert Einstein published four papers that had a significant impact on physics. These papers introduced the theory of special relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space and time, and also proposed the concept of mass-energy equivalence, summarized in the famous equation E=mc^2.

3. Which year had a greater overall impact on physics: 1666 or 1905?

It is difficult to determine which year had a greater overall impact on physics as both 1666 and 1905 had significant contributions. While Newton's work laid the foundation for classical mechanics, Einstein's theories revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and energy. Both years are considered monumental in the history of physics.

4. Were there any other significant developments in physics during the year 1666 or 1905?

Yes, there were other significant developments in physics during both years. In 1666, Robert Hooke discovered the law of elasticity and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope, which allowed for the observation of microscopic organisms. In 1905, Max Planck developed the quantum theory and J.J. Thomson discovered the electron, laying the foundation for modern atomic theory.

5. How did the discoveries made in 1666 and 1905 impact modern physics?

The discoveries made in 1666 and 1905 had a profound impact on modern physics. Newton's laws of motion and universal gravitation are still used to calculate the motion of objects in our everyday lives, while Einstein's theories of relativity led to advancements in areas such as GPS technology. The development of quantum theory also had a significant impact on modern physics, leading to the understanding of subatomic particles and the development of technologies such as computer chips and lasers.

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