The Mystery of Mass & Charge: LHC Experiments

In summary, the biggest problem that the LHC is currently focused on is understanding the relationship between mass and particles. While the Higgs boson is predicted by the Standard Model to add mass to particles, there are other options as well. Charge, on the other hand, is a fundamental property of particles that can be derived from theory. The Standard Model includes terms for charge and interactions between particles, but mass is determined through experiments and is important for both gravity and inertia. Charges are globally conserved in isolated systems and can be seen in Feynman diagrams.
  • #1
Biggest problem which LHC is worried about is knowing how mass is related to particles.does this mean that physical significance or understanding about charge is discovered.? If yes,what charge is.? If No,why scientists are not concerned to know about what fundamental charge is by conducting some experiments similar to LHC..Hope I sound meaningful.Thanks for answering
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  • #2

Biggest problem which LHC is worried about is knowing how mass is related to particles.
Well, two LHC experiments try to find the Higgs boson, which is predicted by the Standard Model. While it is known that there has to be something which adds mass to the bosons of the weak force (W+, W-, Z), the Higgs mechanism is just the preferred way. There are other options, too.

this mean that physical significance or understanding about charge is discovered.?

Charges (there are more than just the electromagnetic charge) are fundamental properties of particles. Unlike the mass of three bosons mentioned above, charges can just appear from the theory, you don't need something special to get them.
  • #3
  • #4
mfb said:
charges can just appear from the theory, you don't need something special to get them.

Is there any link where I can get data about this.I read that the standard model doesn't find any need why mass arises,In similar way,Is significance of charge stated in standard model
  • #5

Well, the Lagrangian of the Standard Model (basically the thing you have to find to describe physics) contains terms which describe the interaction between bosons (force carriers) and fermions ("regular particles"), so you can read off which particles will interact with which. Charge is just a way to say "this particle interacts via this force [in this strength]". I don't know how to explain it in more detail without any actual quantum field theory, so you might look for an introduction in that yourself.

Mass is different - it determines the coupling to gravity (so you could call mass "gravitational charge"), but in addition it is important for inertia of particles.

The charges of the individual particles are not something fundamental in the Standard Model - they are determined in experiments and put into the theory. But it is easy to do this.
  • #6

You ask what is charge.
There several charges.
I think one can say that a charge is what is globally conserved during time or scattering for isolated systems. They are conserved at each vertex of Feynman diagrams.
search Noether charge on wikipedia

FAQ: The Mystery of Mass & Charge: LHC Experiments

1. What is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator located at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland. It is the world's largest and most powerful particle collider, designed to collide particles at extremely high energies in order to study the fundamental building blocks of matter and the forces that govern them.

2. How does the LHC work?

The LHC works by accelerating protons or lead ions to nearly the speed of light using powerful magnets and radiofrequency cavities. These particles are then directed into two beams that travel in opposite directions around the 27-kilometer-long circular tunnel. When the beams intersect at four different points along the ring, the particles collide, producing new particles that can be studied by detectors surrounding the collision points.

3. What is the purpose of the LHC experiments?

The LHC experiments aim to study the fundamental properties of matter and the forces that govern it. This includes researching the existence of new particles, the properties of the Higgs boson, and the nature of dark matter. By colliding particles at high energies, scientists hope to unlock the mysteries of mass and charge and gain a deeper understanding of the universe.

4. How do scientists analyze the data from LHC experiments?

The detectors surrounding the collision points record the energy and trajectory of particles produced during collisions. This data is then analyzed by powerful computers and compared to theoretical models in order to identify any new particles or phenomena. The large amounts of data produced by the LHC experiments are shared among scientists around the world for further analysis and collaboration.

5. What are the potential implications of the LHC experiments?

The LHC experiments have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics. They could lead to the discovery of new particles and forces, provide insight into the origins of the universe and dark matter, and potentially even advance technologies such as medical imaging and energy production. The knowledge gained from these experiments could have a profound impact on our understanding of the world around us.
