The No Cloning theorem vs weak measurement

In summary: The third linked to a paper discussing quantum computing and how it might be possible to simulate an entire system without collapsing it.The fourth linked to a paper discussing decoherence and how it might be possible to avoid collapse.The fifth linked to a paper discussing definite outcomes and how they relate to collapse.The sixth and final link was to ask if anyone was willing to theorize with me.
  • #1
Question: hypothesis

Would it be possible to determine/ capture the total wave function of an ensemble using quantum tomography & weak measurement ?

As seen in the following article.. Its been done on a photon.. My question is, could this same technique be done on an ensemble of particles ?
Whether it be a mouse brain, 1TB hard drive or a full fledged computer system,

then host" the 3d information / MRI info of said object,
(using the wave function as a monad to generate the object)

As seen in some quantum computing Haskell sources..

Thereby setting up a symmetric entanglement between the two systems without causing collapse of the system being measured due to the weak measurement process ?

In essence, constructing a Hamiltonian of the cloned system so that it may be modeled and hosted in virtual space on a quantum computer ?Is there any truth to this idea ?

Could you in ANY way, sustain "macroscopic" entanglement, MICROSCOPICALLY ? As mentioned in such university papers as so..."Quantum entanglement of baby universes"

"ABSTRACT We study quantum entanglements of baby universes which appear in non-perturbative corrections to the OSV formula for the entropy of extremal black holes in type IIA string theory compactified on the local Calabi–Yau manifold defined as a rank 2 vector bundle over an arbitrary genus G Riemann surface. This generalizes the result for G=1 in hep-th/0504221. Non-perturbative terms can be organized into a sum over contributions from baby universes, and the total wave-function is their coherent superposition in the third quantized Hilbert space. We find that half of the universes preserve one set of supercharges while the other half preserve a different set, making the total universe stable but non-BPS.
The parent universe generates baby universes by brane/anti-brane pair creation, and baby universes are correlated by conservation of non-normalizable D-brane charges under the process.
There are no other source of entanglement of baby universes, and all possible states are superposed with the equal weight."Would it then be entangled with its real world counter part residing in the "parent" universe ?
Could this same method not be applied to nearly anything, so long as it is placed into the phase space of the "child" baby universe ?Now many might thinking.. Even if you could do this.. Making observations of that system would collapse its state, making the simulated system decohere...

Not so according to this source..
Are there any physicists out there willing to theorize with me ?
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  • #3
You seem to be jumping all over the place with links to all sorts of stuff.

But a few points of clarification about QM may help.

First you can't ever determine via observation the state of a single quantum system. Given a large ensemble of similarly prepared systems by observing all the systems you can determine the state - but not of a single system. Its not due to the uncertainty principle as one of your linked articles suggested - its due to the superposition principle and the Born rule. If you have an observation that gives yes if a system is in a certain state and no otherwise then apply it to a superposition of that state sometimes you get yes and sometimes no. To determine if a system is definitely in that state you need a large ensemble of similarly prepared systems and get yes for all of them. You can't know 100% for sure since you would need an infinite ensemble - but for a large ensemble it will for all practical purposes be true.

Secondly the QM formalism doesn't really contain collapse - its something that's found in some interpretations - but not all - eg many worlds and the ensemble interpretation doesn't have collapse. You see many observations actually destroys what's being observed - the only observations that do not are so called filtering observations. These days such observations are considered state preparation procedures and if anything collapsed depends on how you view the state.

The modern version of the so called wavefunction collapse problem is the issue of definite outcomes. To understand it you need to come to grips with decoherence which explains what is called apparent collapse - but not actual collapse. To understand the difference the following may help:

Anyway you covered a lot of territory. So if you want to discus it further can we narrow down to a single query? At least to start with anyway - we can branch out as we proceed.

  • #4
thanks for the replies.
I thought all my links were relevant to each other.

I was trying to understand entanglement of entire systems and if it were possible without causing "collapse".
The first link dealt with capturing the wave function using tomography and weak measurement.

the second dealt with entanglement of baby universes.. my assumption they could represent an "entire system".

and the third, dealt with once again, weak measurement and its role in avoiding "collapse"...

Seems pretty relevant to me but I am willing to listen to any and all views on the subject.

to narrow it down, I guess I am wondering how you might clone a brain. or a hard drive even.. I assume both are very similar in the way they store information and tend to compute

I am really asking because of what has occurred to myself.

I moved in above an undercover RCMP officer who proved she had control of my computer, even though it has no wifi nor ethernet. She told me she had cloned my computer system, then proceeded to take control of it as it played music, pausing it when I asked her to prove it.. she then repeated it on cue as I asked her to again prove it.

I am trying to determine how she did this.
  • #5
Checkster2323 said:
to narrow it down, I guess I am wondering how you might clone a brain. or a hard drive even.. I assume both are very similar in the way they store information and tend to compute

The no cloning theorem is clear - you can't do that.

But that doesn't mean you can't clone all its features relevant to the given situation so its for all practical purposes exactly the same.

I have no idea how she did that - but you can bet your bottom dollar it wasn't by quantum trickery.

  • #6
[QUOTE="Checkster2323, post: 4903647, member: 529501"
I am really asking because of what has occurred to myself.

I moved in above an undercover RCMP officer who proved she had control of my computer, even though it has no wifi nor ethernet. She told me she had cloned my computer system, then proceeded to take control of it as it played music, pausing it when I asked her to prove it.. she then repeated it on cue as I asked her to again prove it.

I am trying to determine how she did this.[/QUOTE]

This would be an interesting question in the computing sub forum... But QM this is not. Thread closed.

Related to The No Cloning theorem vs weak measurement

1. What is the No Cloning theorem?

The No Cloning theorem is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states it is impossible to create an identical copy of an unknown quantum state. This means that it is not possible to create a perfect clone of a quantum particle, such as an electron or photon, without altering its original state.

2. What is weak measurement in quantum mechanics?

Weak measurement is a type of measurement in quantum mechanics that allows for the measurement of a quantum system without significantly altering its state. Unlike strong measurement, which involves a strong interaction between the quantum system and the measuring apparatus, weak measurement only involves a small and gentle interaction.

3. What is the relationship between the No Cloning theorem and weak measurement?

The No Cloning theorem and weak measurement are two concepts that are closely related in quantum mechanics. Weak measurement is often used as a way to bypass the No Cloning theorem by obtaining partial information about a quantum state without fully measuring or cloning it.

4. Why is the No Cloning theorem important in quantum information processing?

The No Cloning theorem is important in quantum information processing because it sets a limit on the amount of information that can be extracted from a quantum state without altering it. This has implications for quantum computing and cryptography, where the ability to create perfect copies of quantum states could undermine the security of these systems.

5. Can the No Cloning theorem be violated using strong measurement?

No, the No Cloning theorem cannot be violated using strong measurement. Strong measurement involves a strong interaction between the quantum system and the measuring apparatus, which will inevitably alter the state of the system. Therefore, it is not possible to create an identical copy of an unknown quantum state using strong measurement.

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