The NSTP Theory as a Philosophical / Scientific Masterkey

In summary, the NSTP theory, created by Kedar Joshi, presents the universe as a Non-Spatial Computer and Space as a Virtual Reality. This theory can explain the mysteries of quantum mechanics, Zeno's paradoxes, relativity, and more through its four conceptual elements and two hypotheses. According to this theory, the universe is made up of non-spatial feelings and is governed by a central intelligence represented by superhuman thoughts. The existence of this central intelligence is necessary to account for the order in the universe. The NSTP theory combines elements of idealism, realism, mentalism, and materialism to explain the nature of reality.
  • #1
Kedar Joshi
The NSTP ( Non – Spatial Thinking Process ) theory, a published invention of Kedar Joshi ( b. 1979 ) (i.e.Myself), a Cambridge ( England ) based philosopher, is a position that, in computer terminology, regards Universe as a Non – Spatial Computer and Space as a Virtual Reality (UNSCSVR). This model of reality can resolve the mysteries surrounding quantum mechanics ( e.g. the wave – particle duality, the EPR ( Einstein – Podolsky – Rosen ) paradox, the Schrodinger’s cat paradox ), Zeno’s paradoxes, the biological phenomena of ‘protein folding’ and ‘cell development and differentiation’, relativity, action at a distance ( which is a rehabilitated mystery through Joshi’s work ), etc. All these mysterious phenomena are, in fact, multiple aspects of a singular underlying structure, composed of four conceptual elements :
1.impossibility of spatial mechanism as a form of illusion
3.phenomenal mind as non – spatial
4.intelligent orderly execution of spatial events through non – spatial mechanism

The NSTP theory is the unique theoretical representation of that structure. The NSTP theory is a philosophical / scientific masterkey that unifies apparently diverse phenomena through its powerful non – spatial mechanical framework.

The NSTP theory is based on

A] Three axioms ( i.e. self – evident truths ) :

(One's objection that these propositions are not axiomatic is nothing but one's inability to perceive the truth. These propositions are clearly axiomatic to the author.)

1) Phenomenal mind ( or feelings or qualia ) is non – spatial. i.e. No kind of feeling, e.g. feeling of colour blue, can be represented by any spatial structure.

2) All kinds of experiences, even thoughts I know I am having, are feelings or qualias.

3) A phenomenally conscious self is a temporal stream of non – spatial phenomenal mental events. ( A Non – Spatial Thinking Process (NSTP), as every feeling is itself a thought or idea. )

B] And two hypotheses :

1) Space ( as a room or void out there : whether three or higher dimensional, bounded or unbounded ) is a virtual reality ( i.e. a form or projection of non - spatial mind, a kind of feeling ).

2) Individual or local NSTPs are orderly ( or thoughtfully ) executed by a gigantic, central, or global NSTP ( rather a group of NSTPs ), representing superhuman thoughts or ideas, in order to account for the order in the universe, e.g. the gravitational phenomenon. ( The central non – spatial superhuman thoughts are processed in zero time because of no spatial limitations; e.g. in space it takes time to transfer data from one spatial location to another. Although a conscious human is nothing but an NSTP it is, at least partially, conceptually, as opposed to physically, bound to the spatial biochemical brain, and thus the core NSTPs introduce time lag in processing of individual NSTPs, where appropriate. )

Further, the existence of the central NSTPs is assumed for two reasons :

i) In any machine where its peripherals are not intelligent enough to modulate ( or be able to account for ) their own behaviour there has to be some central intelligent part in the machine to bring out the peripheral happenings or phenomena.

ii) As the laws of physics ( or any other than those of pure mathematics or logic ) are not logically or conceptually necessary there has to be a way to change the ways individual NSTPs are generated ( or produced or executed ). And for that to be possible there has to be some central intelligence existing in the form of ( non – spatial ) mental events, which itself could be modulated to alter the modulation of individual NSTPs.

Thus, in computer terminology, in the NSTP model of reality the hardware of the universe is composed of non – spatial feelings, while its central software is made of superhuman thoughts, and the peripheral software is made of non – superhuman ones.

Now take for instance the EPR paradox or some equivalent mysterious experimental quantum phenomenon ( e.g. In 1997 experiments were conducted in which light particles ( photons ) originated under certain conditions and traveled in opposite directions to detectors located about seven miles apart. The amazing results indicated that the photons interacted or communicated with one another instantly or in no time. See Robert Nadeau, and Menas Kafatos, 1999. The non – local universe. 1st ed. Oxford : OUP. Back page. ). According to the NSTP theory this is no longer a mystery as the behaviour of photons is just a form of illusion, a virtual reality ( to non – spatial mind/s ) which is actually modulated ( or orderly executed ) by hidden / core non – spatial superhuman mental events. ( Again in analogy with spatial desktop computers such a photonic behaviour on the computer monitor screen has no slightest mystery surrounding it, as it is just a changing pattern of pixels which is modulated by some hidden software processes. )

The NSTP theory maintains both idealism ( as reality is exclusively mental ) and realism ( as the material entities we see out there do have a real existence in the core central non – spatial mind/s, which would exist independent of any other mind perceiving them ), and both mentalism ( as reality is exclusively mental ) and materialism ( as mind is real, it is physical / material ).

‘Philosophy is written in this grand book - I mean the universe - which stands continually open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it.’
- Galileo Galilei

In reality the universe has no geometry.
- Kedar Joshi
The Ultramodern Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica : The Foundations of Ultramodern Science and Philosophy.

Most of the mysteries of the universe are out of the human belief that any mechanism has to be spatial. In reality the mechanism of the universe is non -spatial, whose appropriate understanding shall resolve those mysteries.
- Kedar Joshi
Physics news on
  • #2
Kedar Joshi said:
The NSTP ( Non – Spatial Thinking Process ) theory, a published invention of Kedar Joshi ( b. 1979 ) (i.e.Myself), a Cambridge ( England ) based philosopher, is a position that, in computer terminology, regards Universe as a Non – Spatial Computer and Space as a Virtual Reality (UNSCSVR). This model of reality can resolve the mysteries surrounding quantum mechanics ( e.g. the wave – particle duality, the EPR ( Einstein – Podolsky – Rosen ) paradox, the Schrodinger’s cat paradox ), Zeno’s paradoxes, the biological phenomena of ‘protein folding’ and ‘cell development and differentiation’, relativity, action at a distance ( which is a rehabilitated mystery through Joshi’s work ), etc. All these mysterious phenomena are, in fact, multiple aspects of a singular underlying structure, composed of four conceptual elements :
1.impossibility of spatial mechanism as a form of illusion
3.phenomenal mind as non – spatial
4.intelligent orderly execution of spatial events through non – spatial mechanism

The NSTP theory is the unique theoretical representation of that structure. The NSTP theory is a philosophical / scientific masterkey that unifies apparently diverse phenomena through its powerful non – spatial mechanical framework.

The NSTP theory is based on

A] Three axioms ( i.e. self – evident truths ) :

(One's objection that these propositions are not axiomatic is nothing but one's inability to perceive the truth. These propositions are clearly axiomatic to the author.)

1) Phenomenal mind ( or feelings or qualia ) is non – spatial. i.e. No kind of feeling, e.g. feeling of colour blue, can be represented by any spatial structure.

2) All kinds of experiences, even thoughts I know I am having, are feelings or qualias.

3) A phenomenally conscious self is a temporal stream of non – spatial phenomenal mental events. ( A Non – Spatial Thinking Process (NSTP), as every feeling is itself a thought or idea. )

B] And two hypotheses :

1) Space ( as a room or void out there : whether three or higher dimensional, bounded or unbounded ) is a virtual reality ( i.e. a form or projection of non - spatial mind, a kind of feeling ).

2) Individual or local NSTPs are orderly ( or thoughtfully ) executed by a gigantic, central, or global NSTP ( rather a group of NSTPs ), representing superhuman thoughts or ideas, in order to account for the order in the universe, e.g. the gravitational phenomenon. ( The central non – spatial superhuman thoughts are processed in zero time because of no spatial limitations; e.g. in space it takes time to transfer data from one spatial location to another. Although a conscious human is nothing but an NSTP it is, at least partially, conceptually, as opposed to physically, bound to the spatial biochemical brain, and thus the core NSTPs introduce time lag in processing of individual NSTPs, where appropriate. )

Further, the existence of the central NSTPs is assumed for two reasons :

i) In any machine where its peripherals are not intelligent enough to modulate ( or be able to account for ) their own behaviour there has to be some central intelligent part in the machine to bring out the peripheral happenings or phenomena.

ii) As the laws of physics ( or any other than those of pure mathematics or logic ) are not logically or conceptually necessary there has to be a way to change the ways individual NSTPs are generated ( or produced or executed ). And for that to be possible there has to be some central intelligence existing in the form of ( non – spatial ) mental events, which itself could be modulated to alter the modulation of individual NSTPs.

Thus, in computer terminology, in the NSTP model of reality the hardware of the universe is composed of non – spatial feelings, while its central software is made of superhuman thoughts, and the peripheral software is made of non – superhuman ones.

Now take for instance the EPR paradox or some equivalent mysterious experimental quantum phenomenon ( e.g. In 1997 experiments were conducted in which light particles ( photons ) originated under certain conditions and traveled in opposite directions to detectors located about seven miles apart. The amazing results indicated that the photons interacted or communicated with one another instantly or in no time. See Robert Nadeau, and Menas Kafatos, 1999. The non – local universe. 1st ed. Oxford : OUP. Back page. ). According to the NSTP theory this is no longer a mystery as the behaviour of photons is just a form of illusion, a virtual reality ( to non – spatial mind/s ) which is actually modulated ( or orderly executed ) by hidden / core non – spatial superhuman mental events. ( Again in analogy with spatial desktop computers such a photonic behaviour on the computer monitor screen has no slightest mystery surrounding it, as it is just a changing pattern of pixels which is modulated by some hidden software processes. )

The NSTP theory maintains both idealism ( as reality is exclusively mental ) and realism ( as the material entities we see out there do have a real existence in the core central non – spatial mind/s, which would exist independent of any other mind perceiving them ), and both mentalism ( as reality is exclusively mental ) and materialism ( as mind is real, it is physical / material ).

‘Philosophy is written in this grand book - I mean the universe - which stands continually open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it.’
- Galileo Galilei

In reality the universe has no geometry.
- Kedar Joshi
The Ultramodern Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica : The Foundations of Ultramodern Science and Philosophy.

Most of the mysteries of the universe are out of the human belief that any mechanism has to be spatial. In reality the mechanism of the universe is non -spatial, whose appropriate understanding shall resolve those mysteries.
- Kedar Joshi

The NSTP ( Non – Spatial Thinking Process ) theory, if true, must pass the following tests:

1) It must completely explain the universe, and above all the human reality, without SPATIO-TEMPORAL HISTORIES.

2) It must completely reconcile SEQUENTIALISM with SIMULTANEITY without any qauntitative and logical deficits.

3) It must fully account for (both quantitatively and logically) the nature of forms and their relations to things that habitually take them when they come into existence.

4) It must account for materialism, its underlying mechanics and its relation to phantoms such as consciousness, 'Godoids', Lucifoids, 'Omopoids' etc,,etc.

5) Finally, it must give a full and coherent account of CAUSAL RELATIONS in general without any logical and quantitative deficits.

These five tests are the WARRANT for declarng 'The NSTP ( Non – Spatial Thinking Process ) theory' WHOLLY consclusive!

Think Nature! May the 'Book of Nature' serve you well and bring you all that is good.
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  • #3
Philocrat said:
These five tests are the WARRANT for declarng 'The NSTP ( Non – Spatial Thinking Process ) theory' WHOLLY consclusive!

No, at most they are the warrant for declaring the NSTP theory logically consistent and consistent with the empirical facts we already know about nature (although there may be other 'tests' needed to assert this fully). Such consistencies are the base requirements for a theory to be viable; they are certainly not sufficient to declare a theory conclusive.
  • #4
To an extent, yes! I agree...and that's the reason why I stated the five tests in the first place. Other categories of declaratory, existential and quantificational aparatuses may be called into play, if any. I am not ruling out this either.

Related to The NSTP Theory as a Philosophical / Scientific Masterkey

1. What is the NSTP Theory as a Philosophical / Scientific Masterkey?

The NSTP Theory is a conceptual framework that combines elements of philosophy and science to provide a comprehensive understanding of the world and our place in it. It is based on the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected and can be explained through a combination of natural, spiritual, and technological principles.

2. How is the NSTP Theory different from other scientific theories?

Unlike traditional scientific theories, the NSTP Theory takes a holistic approach to understanding the world. It combines scientific concepts with philosophical ideas, including spirituality and consciousness, to provide a more comprehensive and all-encompassing perspective.

3. What are the core principles of the NSTP Theory?

The NSTP Theory is based on five core principles: interconnectedness, balance, evolution, consciousness, and technology. These principles work together to explain the interdependent and dynamic nature of the universe and our role within it.

4. How can the NSTP Theory be applied in practical terms?

The NSTP Theory can be applied in various fields, including science, philosophy, psychology, and spirituality. It can provide a framework for understanding complex systems and phenomena, as well as guide personal development and decision-making.

5. What are the potential implications of the NSTP Theory?

The NSTP Theory has the potential to change the way we view and interact with the world. It can lead to a more balanced and harmonious relationship with nature and technology, as well as a deeper understanding of ourselves and our interconnectedness with the universe.

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