The number of vibrational modes g(v)dv in Debye theory

In summary, the Debye theory states that the number of excited vibrational modes in a frequency range is proportional to x2e-x, where x is the ratio of Planck's constant to Boltzmann's constant times the temperature. The maximum of this function occurs at a frequency that decreases as temperature approaches absolute zero. By using the partition equation for a single excited oscillator and the partition equation for a monoatomic crystal, we can derive the equation for g(ν)dν, which is the number of vibrational modes in a small frequency range.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that, in the Debye theory, the number of excited vibrational modes in the frequency range ##\nu## to ##\nu+d\nu##, at temperature T, is proportional to x2e-x, where ##x=h\nu/kT##. The maximum in this function occurs at a frequency ##\nu'=2kT/h##; hence ##\nu'→0## as ##T→0##.

2. The attempt at a solution
The Debye theory gives that ##g(\nu)\sim α\nu^2##. Since the problem comtains the term of ##e^{-x}##. I think it might be related to the partition equation of single excited classic oscillator(##n>0##):
where ##\theta_i=h\nu_i/k##. So the partition equation for the monoatomic crystal becoms:
-lnQ = \frac{N\phi(0)}{2kT}+\int^\infty_0[ln(1-e^{-h\nu/kT})+\frac{3h\nu}{2kT}]g(\nu)d\nu
where ##\phi(0)## is the internal energy of all the atoms in the crystal are at equilibrium locations and ##N## the number of atoms. With these equations and:
How should I proceed to get ##g(\nu)d\nu## ?
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FAQ: The number of vibrational modes g(v)dv in Debye theory

What is Debye theory?

Debye theory is a model used to describe the behavior of solids at low temperatures. It assumes that the atoms in a solid vibrate at specific frequencies, and that these vibrations contribute to the overall energy of the solid.

What is the significance of g(v)dv in Debye theory?

g(v)dv represents the number of vibrational modes within a specific range of frequencies (v to v+dv) in Debye theory. It is an important factor in calculating the total energy of a solid and understanding its thermal properties.

How is g(v)dv calculated in Debye theory?

In Debye theory, g(v)dv is calculated by integrating the density of states function over a specific frequency range. This function takes into account the number of vibrational modes at different frequencies and their corresponding energies.

What factors can affect the number of vibrational modes g(v)dv?

The number of vibrational modes in Debye theory can be affected by factors such as the type of material, its crystal structure, and the temperature at which it is being studied. These factors can influence the frequency range and density of states function, ultimately affecting the value of g(v)dv.

How does the number of vibrational modes g(v)dv relate to the specific heat of a solid?

The specific heat of a solid is directly proportional to the number of vibrational modes g(v)dv. This means that as the number of vibrational modes increases, so does the specific heat. Debye theory uses g(v)dv to accurately predict the specific heat of a solid at low temperatures.

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