The one-form basis and contraction

In summary, the tangent vectors to a curve can be written as a linear combination of the corresponding curve's coordinates.
  • #1
Ben Niehoff
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I haven't been able to find a good answer using the search function.

I have a differentiable manifold M and some coordinate chart. I have vector and covector fields on this manifold, but no metric. At some point P, I know I can write the tangent vectors as a linear combination of directional derivative operators

[tex]v = \sum v_i \frac{\partial}{\partial x^i}[/tex]

and I can write the covectors as a linear combination of one-forms

[tex]\omega = \sum \omega_j \, dx^j[/tex]

Furthermore, I ought to be able to take the contraction [itex]\langle \omega, v \rangle[/itex] algebraically, using linearity and the relations

[tex]\langle dx^i, \frac{\partial}{\partial x^j} \rangle = \delta^i_j[/tex]

Now, by definition, the one-form basis lies in the dual space of linear functionals on V, so the contraction above really means that the linear functionals dx^i must "act upon", in some sense, the basis vectors d/dx^j of V; i.e.

[tex]dx^i \left( \frac{\partial}{\partial x^j} \right) = \delta^i_j[/tex]

But my question is, what in the world does this mean? I thought that this "canonical" set of bases was supposed to lead to some natural way to compute the contraction, but I don't see it.

What does it mean for dx( ) to act upon some other object?
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  • #2
I have to catch my bus to work in a few minutes, and I have a lot on my plate today, so I might not be able to respond today in as much detail as I'd like.

Ben Niehoff said:
[tex]v = \sum v_i \frac{\partial}{\partial x^i}[/tex]

The indices on the components of v should be superscrpts.

[tex]dx^i \left( \frac{\partial}{\partial x^j} \right) = \delta^i_j[/tex]

Use this and linearity to calculate [itex]\omega(v)[/itex].
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  • #3
I think you missed my question. I was asking why

[tex]dx(\frac{\partial}{\partial x}) = 1[/tex]

should be true in the first place.
  • #4
Ben Niehoff said:
I think you missed my question.

I couldn't decide what you were asking. I though that first you wanted to get at the component version of contraction.

I was asking why

[tex]dx(\frac{\partial}{\partial x}) = 1[/tex]

should be true in the first place.

By definition!
  • #5
George Jones said:
By definition!

So then what was the point of using dx and d/dx as basis vectors? I thought the contraction was supposed to somehow arise naturally out of that choice, via calculus intuitions.

If we're just going to define the contraction ad hoc, then doesn't it increase readability to use e^i and e_i?

I guess the real question is, does the symbol dx( ) have some real meaning from which the contraction with d/dx naturally follows? Ideally, whatever it is should also have a sensible meaning in one-dimensional calculus; i.e., there should be some sense in which dx and d/dx are natural "inverses". But I don't see it.
  • #6
The 1-forms [tex] dx^i [/tex] are covectors representing linear approximations to the coordinate functions [tex] \pi^i [/tex], i.e they are linear functions. As you probably know, these form a vector space, and any gradient can be written as a linear combination of these coordinate gradients.

For example, let [tex] f [/tex] be a function defined on [tex] \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} [/tex] to [tex] \mathbb{R} [/tex]. What is the linear approximation to f at the origin? We want a linear function [tex] df : \mathbb{R}^2 \longrightarrow \mathbb{R} [/tex] such that for small [tex] (x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2 [/tex], we have [tex] df(x,y) \approx f(x,y) [/tex]. Again, as you probably know, this function can be written as a linear combination of functions [tex] dx [/tex] and [tex] dy [/tex]:

[tex] df = \partial_x{f} dx + \partial_{y}{f} dy [/tex].

This of course looks very familiar, and this is the reason we use this notation instead of [tex] e^i [/tex].

That takes care of functions, but what about their dual objects, i.e. parametrized curves? consider a curve [tex] \gamma : \mathbb{R} \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}^2 [/tex] which passes through the origin with [tex] \gamma(0) = (0,0)[/tex]. The linear approximation to this curve (the tangent vector) is a linear function of the form [tex] \gamma(u) = (ua,ub) [/tex], which can always be written as a combination of curves [tex] \gamma(u) = a\gamma_1(u) + b\gamma_2(u) [/tex] where [tex] \gamma_1(u) = (u,0) [/tex] and [tex] \gamma_2(u) = (0,u) [/tex]. You can convince yourself that these tangent vectors to parametrized curves also form a vector space, and can always be written as a linear combination of curves determined by the coordinate system. [tex] \gamma_1[/tex] and [tex] \gamma_2 [/tex] are usually denoted by

[tex] \gamma_1 = \frac{\partial}{\partial{x}} [/tex]

[tex] \gamma_2 = \frac{\partial}{\partial{y}} [/tex]

Now we see why [tex] dx \circ \partial_x [/tex] is 1: [tex] (dx \circ \partial_{x})(u) [/tex] = [tex] dx(u,0) [/tex]= u.

Related to The one-form basis and contraction

1. What is the one-form basis?

The one-form basis is a set of linearly independent one-forms that can be used as a basis for all one-forms in a vector space. These one-forms are typically denoted as αi, where i is the index of the one-form.

2. How is the one-form basis related to the dual basis?

The one-form basis is closely related to the dual basis, which is a set of linearly independent vectors that can be used as a basis for all vectors in the vector space. The dual basis is formed by taking the one-form basis and applying the Hodge star operator.

3. What is meant by the contraction of a one-form?

The contraction of a one-form is a mathematical operation that involves multiplying a one-form with a vector to produce a scalar. This is achieved by using the metric tensor to lower the index of the one-form, resulting in a covector that can be multiplied by the vector to yield a scalar value.

4. How is the contraction operation used in physics?

The contraction operation is used in physics to calculate physical quantities, such as work and energy. It is also used in the study of electromagnetism, where it is used to calculate the electric and magnetic fields at a point in space.

5. Can the one-form basis and contraction be extended to higher dimensions?

Yes, the one-form basis and contraction can be extended to higher dimensions, such as in the study of differential forms in differential geometry. In these cases, the one-form basis is referred to as a k-form basis, where k is the number of variables in the vector space.

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