The order and signature of a k-cycle

  • Thread starter Etenim
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In summary, the conversation is about someone seeking help with a problem in Group Theory. They are trying to study it on their own and are looking for feedback and corrections on their proof attempts. The specific problem they are working on involves proving the order of a k-cycle and the sign of the cycle. The other person in the conversation suggests using a slightly formalized handwaving proof for the first problem and offers their understanding of the notation used in the original proof attempt.
  • #1

I am faced with a problem in Group Theory. It's not homework. I am trying to study it by myself. The statements are quite obvious, but I want to write the proofs (correctly) with more precision. Could you comment on it or suggest corrections, please?

1. Let [tex]\sigma \in Sym_n[/tex] be a k-cycle.
1.1. The order [tex]o( \sigma ) = k[/tex] (intuitively obvious, but I failed to prove it without resorting to prior results. It's likely my proof attempt is wrong, too.)
1.2. [tex]sgn(\sigma)[/tex] = [tex](-1)^{k-1}[/tex]

Proof: (1.1.) Let [tex]\sigma = (a_1 \, a_2 \, ... \, a_k)[/tex] be a k-cycle, [tex]a_i \in M \, \forall_i[/tex]. Since [tex]\left< \sigma \right> a_1 \, = \, \bar{a_1}[/tex], the (finite) equivalence class of [tex]a_1[/tex] under the equivalence relation a ~ b [tex]:\Leftrightarrow \, \exists_{m \in \mathbb{Z}} \,\, \sigma^m (a) = b[/tex]; [tex]a,b \in M[/tex] it is known that there exists a least positive integer [tex]k \in \mathbb{N}[/tex] of the property [tex]\sigma^k (a) = a \, \forall_{a \in M}[/tex]. Therefore [tex]o( \sigma)\, = \, k[/tex].

(1.2.) Let [tex]\sigma = (a_1 \, a_2 \, ... \, a_k)[/tex] be a k-cycle, [tex]a_i \in M \, \forall_i[/tex]. The k-cycle [tex]\sigma = (a_1 \, a_2)(a_2 \, a_3)\,...\,(a_{k-1} \, a_k)[/tex] can be factored into k-1 transpositions. It follows immediately that [tex]sgn(\sigma)[/tex] = [tex](-1)^{k-1}[/tex], since [tex]sgn[/tex] is a homomorphism of groups and transpositions have odd parity.

In (1.1) I could, of course, give a hand-wavy proof of how [tex]\sigma^k[/tex] passes on its argument internally, eventually resulting in the identity function, but that doesn't sound rigorous enough. I am not even sure whether my proofs work.

Thanks a lot!

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  • #2
Are those proof attempts so bad that they don't deserve a comment? :( Since I am studying this on my own, some input could be very helpful.
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  • #3
I'm sorry, but I can't really make sense out of your proof. Not because I think it is incorrect, but I can't understand your notation. What is, for example [tex]M[/tex]? If I understand your notation correctly, you introduce an equivalence relation to show the existence of a least positive integer k with the required property. However, the existence does not seem to imply that it coincides with the k used to describe the length of the cycle. Or have I misunderstood?

Anyway, wouldn't some slightly formalized handwaving proof of (1.1) do just well? For example, as we are working with a k-cycle, we let [tex]\sigma = (a_{1}, ... , a_{k})[/tex]. By the definition of a cycle, for all i = 1, 2, ... k, we have [tex]\sigma(a_{i}) = a_{i + 1 (mod(k)}[/tex]. Thus, [tex]\sigma^{l}(a_{i}) = a_{i + l (mod k)}[/tex]. This reduces the problem to the problem of showing that [tex]min\{l \in \mathbb{Z}^{+} | \sigma^{l}(a_{i}) = a_{i}\} = k[/tex], which is equivalent to [tex] min\{l \in \mathbb{Z}^{+} | i + l \equiv i (mod k)\} = k[/tex], which is true. In fact, if there would exist some integer smaller than k with that property, that integer would be congruent to zero mod k, which is not possible.

Now I might have been to fast thinking this through, but I think that it holds. I hope I could be to some help.

FAQ: The order and signature of a k-cycle

1. What is a k-cycle?

A k-cycle is a type of permutation in mathematics that involves rearranging a set of k elements in a specific order.

2. How is the order of a k-cycle determined?

The order of a k-cycle is determined by the number of elements in the cycle. For example, a 3-cycle would have an order of 3, as it involves rearranging 3 elements.

3. What is the signature of a k-cycle?

The signature of a k-cycle is a mathematical term used to describe the number of times the elements in the cycle must be swapped in order to return to their original order. This is also known as the parity or sign of the permutation.

4. Can a k-cycle have repeated elements?

No, a k-cycle cannot have repeated elements. Each element in a k-cycle must appear only once, as the cycle is used to rearrange the elements in a specific order.

5. How is a k-cycle different from a permutation?

A permutation is a general term used to describe any rearrangement of a set of elements, while a k-cycle is a specific type of permutation that involves rearranging a set of k elements in a specific order.

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