The perturbed sine-Gordon equation.

  • Thread starter sigmund
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the implementation of a semi-difference scheme in Matlab for the perturbed sine-Gordon equation. The discretization method and boundary conditions are presented, and the implementation in Matlab is shown in attached files. The speaker initially believes there may be errors in the implementation, but later realizes that the incorrect values were being plotted, resulting in incorrect solutions. After correcting the issue, the correct solutions were obtained.
  • #1
Well, maybe this is not a mathematics question after all, but however, I ask it here.

I have to implement a semi-difference scheme in Matlab of the perturbed sine-Gordon equation

u_{2,t}=u_{1,xx}-\sin(u_1)-\alpha u_2+\gamma.

Here [itex]u_1[/itex] and [itex]u_2[/itex] are functions of [itex]x[/itex] and [itex]t[/itex], and [itex]\alpha[/itex] and [itex]\gamma[/itex] are constants. Solutions are searched in the interval [itex]0\leq x\leq\ell[/itex] and for [itex]t\geq0[/itex].

Discretization gives

u_{2i,t}=\frac{1}{(\Delta x)^2}(u_{1(i-1)}-2u_{1i}+u_{1(i+1)})-\sin(u_{1i})-\alpha u_{2i}+\gamma

for [itex]i=2,3,\dots,N-1[/itex].
For [itex]i=1[/itex] and [itex]i=N[/itex] we get

u_{21,t}=\frac{1}{(\Delta x)^2}(2u_{12}-2u_{11}-2\eta\Delta x)-\sin(u_{11})-\alpha u_{21}+\gamma


u_{2N,t}=\frac{1}{(\Delta x)^2}(2u_{1(N-1)}-2u_{1N}+2\eta\Delta x)-\sin(u_{1N})-\alpha u_{2N}+\gamma

Here, the constant [itex]\eta[/itex] comes from the two boundary conditions [itex]u_x(0,t)=\eta[/itex] and [itex]u_x(\ell,t)=\eta[/itex].

I have implemented this into Matlab. The implementation is seen in the attached files sineG.m and sineGsol.m. I believe my implementation is correct, but I do not get the correct solution.

I would like to receive some comments on the implementation. Do you see any errors? It might be that I am plotting the wrong values against each other.


  • sineG.m
    234 bytes · Views: 511
  • sineGsol.m
    879 bytes · Views: 525
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  • #2
Well, after all, everything is correct. It just occurred to me that I did not plot the correct arrays against each other. I've corrected that, and now I have got the correct solutions.

FAQ: The perturbed sine-Gordon equation.

1. What is the perturbed sine-Gordon equation?

The perturbed sine-Gordon equation is a nonlinear partial differential equation that describes the dynamics of a one-dimensional scalar field. It is often used in mathematical physics to model a wide range of physical phenomena, such as the propagation of waves in nonlinear media.

2. What are the main properties of the perturbed sine-Gordon equation?

The perturbed sine-Gordon equation is a completely integrable equation, meaning that it can be solved exactly using certain mathematical techniques. It exhibits soliton solutions, which are localized, stable, and robust structures that can propagate without changing shape. It also has a rich symmetry structure, including an infinite number of conservation laws.

3. What are some applications of the perturbed sine-Gordon equation?

The perturbed sine-Gordon equation has various applications in physics and engineering, such as in the study of optical and acoustic solitons, magnetic fluxons in superconductors, and Bose-Einstein condensates. It has also been used in the modeling of biological systems, such as the dynamics of DNA molecules.

4. How is the perturbed sine-Gordon equation solved?

There are several methods for solving the perturbed sine-Gordon equation, depending on the specific problem at hand. Some common techniques include the inverse scattering method, the Hirota method, and the Darboux transformation. Other numerical methods, such as finite difference or finite element methods, can also be used to approximate solutions.

5. What are some open questions and current research on the perturbed sine-Gordon equation?

Despite its rich mathematical structure and numerous applications, there are still many open questions and ongoing research on the perturbed sine-Gordon equation. Some current areas of interest include investigating the stability and dynamics of soliton solutions, studying the effects of perturbations on the system, and exploring the integrability properties of related equations. Additionally, there is ongoing research on the application of the perturbed sine-Gordon equation to new and emerging fields, such as topological insulators and quantum information theory.

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