The phase transition of the universe during inflation

In summary: After ~a few minutes, nuclear fusion started (remember, it was much hotter than the core of a star). This is called Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, and it explains the abundance of light elements in the universe.In summary, Guth's concept of inflation as a phase transition in the early universe could solve multiple problems in cosmology, such as the Horizon, Flatness, and Monopole problems. This was based on the idea that as the universe cooled, the configuration of matter and radiation might have gotten "stuck" in a meta-stable state before suddenly undergoing a phase transition to the energetically preferred ground state. This transition would release "latent heat" which would affect the expansion of the universe. Guth
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This is from Krauss' A Universe from Nothing:

Guth thought that If, as the universe cooled, it underwent some kind of phase transition—as occurs, for example, when water freezes to ice or a bar of iron becomes magnetized as it cools—then not only could the Horizon Problem be solved, but also the Flatness Problem (and, for that matter, the Monopole Problem).
If you like to drink really cold beer, you may have had the following experience: you take a cold beer bottle out
of the refrigerator, and when you open it and release the pressure inside the container, suddenly the beer freezes completely, during which it might even crack part of the bottle. This happens because, at high pressure, the preferred lowest energy state of the beer is in liquid form, whereas once the pressure has been released, the preferred lowest energy state of the beer is the solid state. During the phase transition, energy can be released because the lowest energy state in one phase can have lower energy than the lowest energy state in the other phase. When such energy is released, it is referred to as “latent heat.”
Guth realized that, as the universe itself cooled with the Big Bang expansion, the configuration of matter and radiation in the expanding universe might have gotten “stuck” in some meta-stable state for a while until ultimately, as the universe cooled further, this configuration then suddenly underwent a phase transition to the energetically preferred ground state of matter and radiation. The energy stored in the “false vacuum” configuration of the universe before the phase transition completed—the “latent heat” of the universe, if you will—could dramatically affect the expansion of the universe during the period before the transition.

It seems like he's saying that before inflation kicked in around 10^-36 or 10^-34 I forget which that the universe, I'm guessing from 10^-43 - 10^-36 was in some sort of false vacuum state, analogous to the way matter changes phase from gas to liquid. Is that right?
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It's not that the universe itself was in this state - the field that drives inflation, the inflaton field, was in a false vacuum. Essentially, this field would have been trapped in a high density false vacuum, which would have produced an enormous negative pressure. In general relativity, negative pressures can drive the metric expansion of space.

Guth's original model of inflation held that, after the universe inflated exponentially for a short period of time, regions of the inflaton field would decay, through a process called quantum tunneling, into true vacuum 'bubbles'. These bubbles would collide, putting the whole universe in a true vacuum state, ending inflation. Guth actually realized that under his model of inflation, it tended to last forever, as the bubbles never were able to reach each other. He called this 'eternal inflation', which holds that the true vacuum bubbles never collide, and give rise to an inflationary multiverse.

However, Guth's 'old inflation' was replaced by new inflation, called slow-roll inflation. In this model, the inflaton field slowly rolls down a potential energy 'hill', until the inflaton field reaches a true vacuum, and decays into a hot bath of radiation.
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Mark M said:
It's not that the universe itself was in this state - the field that drives inflation, the inflaton field, was in a false vacuum.
Does anyone know what a false vacuum is like? For some reason or other I get the feeling that the false vacuum is E and a true vacuum is mc2

Guth's original model of inflation held that, after the universe inflated exponentially for a short period of time, regions of the inflaton field would decay, through a process called quantum tunneling, into true vacuum 'bubbles'.
what type of matter is in the bubbles?

In this model, the inflaton field slowly rolls down a potential energy 'hill', until the inflaton field reaches a true vacuum, and decays into a hot bath of radiation.

Then when the radiation cools to maybe 8000 k matter begins to form, right?
  • #4
robertjford80 said:
Does anyone know what a false vacuum is like? For some reason or other I get the feeling that the false vacuum is E and a true vacuum is mc2
A false vacuum is just a local minimum - rather than a true vacuum, which is the global minimum. False vacuums are unstable, as fields will, via instanton processes (e.g. quantum tunneling) tend to decay into a true vacuum, a desirable, low energy state.
what type of matter is in the bubbles?
They aren't literally bubbles (that's why I used quotations), they are regions in a true vacuum that are expanding at a normal rate, and not inflating. They're filled with a decayed inflaton field, which translations to a bath of radiation.
Then when the radiation cools to maybe 8000 k matter begins to form, right?
I'm not sure of the exact temperature, but that is the idea, yes. Once the radiation cooled, particle pair production created matter and anti matter. Somehow, matter managed to outnumber anti-matter by one part in a billion. After ~70,000 years, matter began to dominate radiation.
  • #5
The temperature would have been in the 10 trillion K range (~ a microsecond age) when it was cool enough for protons and neutrons to exist.

Related to The phase transition of the universe during inflation

1. What is the phase transition of the universe during inflation?

The phase transition of the universe during inflation refers to a rapid expansion of the universe in the first moments after the Big Bang. This period of inflation is thought to have lasted for a fraction of a second and is responsible for the large-scale homogeneity and isotropy of the universe that we observe today.

2. How does inflation explain the flatness problem of the universe?

The flatness problem of the universe refers to the observation that the universe appears to be flat on a large scale, meaning that space is nearly Euclidean rather than curved. Inflation offers a solution to this problem by proposing that the rapid expansion during inflation caused the universe to become flat and homogeneous.

3. What evidence supports the theory of inflation?

There are several lines of evidence that support the theory of inflation. These include the observed homogeneity and isotropy of the universe, the flatness of the universe, and the presence of cosmic microwave background radiation. Inflation also makes predictions about the distribution of matter in the universe, which have been confirmed by observations such as the large-scale structure of the universe.

4. How does the phase transition during inflation relate to the formation of galaxies?

The phase transition during inflation is thought to have created small quantum fluctuations in the early universe. These fluctuations grew and became more pronounced as the universe expanded, eventually leading to the formation of galaxies and other large-scale structures in the universe.

5. Could there have been multiple phase transitions during inflation?

There is no consensus among scientists on whether there could have been multiple phase transitions during inflation. Some theories propose that there may have been multiple periods of inflation with different characteristics, while others suggest that the universe underwent a single phase transition. This is an area of ongoing research and debate in the field of cosmology.

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