The Phosphorus Cycle: Gas or No Gas?

  • Thread starter HBar
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    Cycle Gas
In summary: Yes, helium can exist as a liquid at absolute zero, but it is also known that it can become a solid at high temperatures.
  • #1
My last chemistry class was in the 7th grade (currently 10th grader) so bear with me. Last year duing a biology class we were talking about ecology and how phosphorus would cycle through the environment. The reason that the phosphorus cycle is interesting is because phosphorus cannot be a gas, or so my teacher said. I Immediatly questioned this because in my chemistry class i remeber hearing that elements can be in any of the 4 states, but my teacher insisted that it could not. So, who was right?
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  • #2
He probably meant within a living organism. Phosphoros bnoils at just over 500o (like maybe 550?).
  • #3
Your teacher was right. Technically phosphorous can be a gas, but not in the biosphere, the temperature never gets hot enough. And besides, it doesn't occur as elemental phosphorous in the cycle but as inorganic phosphates.
  • #4
There are detectable phosphines floating about in the biosphere in the vapor phase --- that said, the quantity is probably insignificant as far as atmospheric transport of phosphorus.
  • #5
I agree with him that natural vaporizing phosphorus in nature is a rare sight, but he claimed that it couldn't be a gas at all. Or maybe it was just a miscomunication.
But this brings up another question. Can all the elements be in all the 4 states?
  • #6
Originally posted by HBar
I agree with him that natural vaporizing phosphorus in nature is a rare sight, but he claimed that it couldn't be a gas at all. Or maybe it was just a miscomunication.
But this brings up another question. Can all the elements be in all the 4 states?

I'm thinking it was a miscommunication. He probably meant it couldn't be a gas in the context of the phosphorous cycle.

To answer your question, yes, all elements can exist in all 4 states, with one exception. It is believed that helium will remain a liquid at absolute zero, but of course we'll never know.
  • #7
Ahh, that's good to know. I was wondering about that for awhile. I have heard the same about helium, but i thought it was it cannot become a solid at absolute zero at 1 atmosphere of presure. I think that if the presure is increased it can become a solid.

FAQ: The Phosphorus Cycle: Gas or No Gas?

1. What is the Phosphorus Cycle?

The Phosphorus Cycle is the biogeochemical cycle that describes the movement of phosphorus through the Earth's biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. It is an essential element for life and is involved in various biological processes such as DNA and RNA synthesis, energy metabolism, and bone formation.

2. Is phosphorus a gas or a solid in the phosphorus cycle?

In the phosphorus cycle, phosphorus exists primarily in its solid form, as phosphates (PO4³-) in rocks and minerals. However, small amounts of phosphorus can also be found in the atmosphere in the form of gaseous compounds, such as phosphine (PH3) and diphosphine (P2H4).

3. How does phosphorus enter the atmosphere in the phosphorus cycle?

Phosphorus can enter the atmosphere through natural processes such as volcanic eruptions and dust storms. Human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and agricultural practices, can also contribute to the release of phosphorus into the atmosphere.

4. Why is the phosphorus cycle important?

The phosphorus cycle is crucial for the growth and survival of all living organisms. It is a key element in the production of food and is essential for plant growth. Phosphorus also plays a vital role in regulating the Earth's climate by influencing the amount of carbon stored in soils.

5. How can human activities impact the phosphorus cycle?

Human activities, such as deforestation, mining, and the use of fertilizers, can disrupt the natural balance of the phosphorus cycle. Excess phosphorus runoff from agricultural fields can lead to eutrophication in bodies of water, causing harmful algal blooms and negatively impacting aquatic ecosystems. It is essential to manage phosphorus use carefully to prevent these negative impacts on the environment.

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