The Physics of Stopping: Mercedes Commercial 80 mph in 4 Sec

  • Thread starter krehbester
  • Start date
In summary, the Mercedes commercial claims their car can stop from 80 mph in 4 seconds. The stopping distance for any object moving at 80 mph in 4 seconds is dependent on the friction coefficient of the tires/ground, which would need to be .95 in order to decelerate by 20 mph every second. This means that the size and weight of the object are already accounted for if the time and speed are given. The average speed during deceleration would be 58.7 fps, resulting in a stopping distance of 235 ft.
  • #1
There's a Mercedes commercial that claims one of their cars can stop from 80 mph in 4 seconds. My question is: if you stop any object moving at 80 mph in 4 seconds will it always take the same distance to stop no matter the size or weight? If so how far?
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  • #2
If they give you the time and speed, the size and weight are already accounted for.

80mph is 117 fps. Assuming constant deceleration, the average speed is 58.7fps and therefore the distance is 235 ft.

The primary factor in stopping distance is the friction coefficient of the tires/ground. In this case, to decelerate by 20mph every second, you need a friction coefficient of .95, as g is 21 mph/s.
  • #3

The physics of stopping an object in motion is determined by several factors, including the initial velocity, the mass of the object, and the force applied to stop it. In the case of the Mercedes commercial, the car's ability to stop from 80 mph in 4 seconds is likely due to its advanced braking system and powerful engine.

However, the distance it takes to stop an object moving at 80 mph in 4 seconds will not always be the same, regardless of the object's size or weight. This is because the force required to stop an object is directly proportional to its mass, according to Newton's second law of motion (F=ma). Therefore, a heavier object would require more force to stop it in the same amount of time compared to a lighter object.

Additionally, the distance it takes to stop an object also depends on the friction between the object and the surface it is traveling on. For example, a car traveling on a wet road will take longer to stop compared to the same car on a dry road, due to the decrease in friction.

Therefore, it is not possible to determine a specific distance that it would take to stop an object moving at 80 mph in 4 seconds, as it would depend on the specific circumstances and variables involved. However, it can be said that a more massive object would require a longer distance to stop compared to a lighter object, all other factors being equal.

Related to The Physics of Stopping: Mercedes Commercial 80 mph in 4 Sec

1. What is the physics behind the Mercedes commercial of going from 0 to 80 mph in 4 seconds?

The physics behind this feat is the concept of acceleration. Acceleration is defined as the change in velocity over time, and in this case, the velocity changes from 0 to 80 mph in 4 seconds. This requires a large amount of force to be applied to the car to overcome its inertia and reach that speed in such a short amount of time.

2. How does the engine of the Mercedes car produce such high acceleration?

The engine of the Mercedes car is designed to produce a high amount of horsepower, which is a measure of the engine's power output. This high horsepower allows the car to generate a large amount of force, which in turn, accelerates the car to reach 80 mph in 4 seconds. Additionally, the car may also have advanced technologies such as turbochargers or superchargers, which increase the amount of air and fuel being combusted in the engine, resulting in more power and acceleration.

3. What factors affect the acceleration of a car?

Several factors can affect the acceleration of a car, including the engine's horsepower, the car's weight, and the type of tires on the car. The amount of friction between the tires and the road also plays a significant role in acceleration, as more friction allows for a better grip and faster acceleration. The aerodynamics of the car can also impact its acceleration, as a more streamlined design can reduce air resistance and allow the car to move faster.

4. How does the Mercedes car maintain stability while accelerating at such high speeds?

The Mercedes car is designed with advanced suspension and stability control systems that help maintain stability and control while accelerating at high speeds. These systems work together to adjust the car's suspension, traction, and steering to keep the car balanced and in control, even during rapid acceleration. Additionally, the car's aerodynamics also play a role in maintaining stability, as a well-designed aerodynamic body can reduce wind resistance and increase stability.

5. Is it safe to accelerate at such high speeds?

The safety of accelerating at high speeds depends on various factors, such as the condition of the car, the driver's skill level, and the road conditions. While the Mercedes car in the commercial is designed to handle such high acceleration, it is always essential to follow speed limits and exercise caution while driving at high speeds. Additionally, proper maintenance and regular vehicle inspections are crucial to ensure the car is safe to operate at high speeds.

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