The Pros and Cons of Being a Zoobie

  • Thread starter zoobyshoe
  • Start date
In summary, zoobies have to put up with yetis who will say they are more evolved than zoobies, and yetis aren't really welcome to be here.
  • #1
I have a question for zoobies around here: what are the good/bad things about being a zoobie?

As for me:
Bad things:

1. Having to put up with yetis who will say they are more evolved than zoobies.

Good things:

1. I didn't have to go through the pain of premature white hair like a yeti.
2. I don't need to make a fuss about my hair, smell and looks. (for most zoobies)

PS Since we might want to talk about zoobonic and proud things, yetis aren't really welcome to be here. Thanks!
Physics news on
  • #2
Is it true that you guys don't ever have to shave, ever?
That sounds like a plus to me.
  • #3
I don't know wether it's good/bad but I know they're virgin.(go watch MIH's movie):-p
  • #4
What you got against the yetis?
  • #5
ranger said:
What you got against the yetis?
Umm...'scuse me? They started it.
  • #6
{peeks in} jeez ...zoobs!
  • #7
Lisa! said:
I don't know wether it's good/bad but I know they're virgin.(go watch MIH's movie):-p
Everyone has a bad date now and then.

I don't think Yetis even know how to make brush shelters. Not too bright.
  • #8
Lisa! said:
I don't know wether it's good/bad but I know they're virgin.(go watch MIH's movie):-p
Holy cows, Batman! How did I miss that??! MIH is making porn movies involving livestock*?? I thought that sort of thing was illegal!

*(I'm sure livestock is the wrong term, and it might even be offensive, but I'm not really sure how you classify zoobies. I'd ask my coworkers, but they left to star in a "CareerBuilder" Super Bowl ad and still haven't come back. I guess once acting is in your blood, it's hard to get it out, even with dialysis.)
  • #9
Lisa! said:
I don't know wether it's good/bad but I know they're virgin.(go watch MIH's movie):-p
I am a virgin, yes, but it is by choice, Lisa! You see, I have been saving myself for you! Yes, I always knew you'd come along some day, and I have been patiently waiting for your exclamatorily-pointed love to complete me and rock my world.

I have never done this before, but for you, Lisa! I am going to post an authentic picture of what I look like, so you will appreciate the blissfull future that waits you in my arms in my brush shelter:
  • #10

Come to Zooby, Lisa!
  • #11
Jeez, man! You've been hitting the gym since your avatar photo was taken! Just make sure to take your booster inocculations; those steroids increase your susceptibility to Zoobonic Plague.
MIH, how could you expect Yetis to know how to make brush shelters? There's not all that much brush in the Himalayas. On the other hand, they're great at igloos.
  • #12
Good: Faking Yeti footprints for entertainment
Bad: Finding shoes that fit

Good: Lives in the comfort of the S. Cal climate
Bad : No smoking allowed in brush shelters by state law.

Good: Never needs a bath [according to legends]
Bad : Never takes bath [according to locals]
  • #13
zoobyshoe said:
I have a question for zoobies around here: what are the good/bad things about being a zoobie?
There are other zoobies here? Wow! They really should stop lurking.
  • #14
Come to Zooby, Lisa!

Keep us posted on how that works out. :smile: :wink:
  • #15
zoobyshoe said:
Come to Zooby, Lisa!
Careful what you wish for, Zoob! :smile:

p.s. that picture of you is not your best!

p.p.s. Why is this Yeti cartoon funny? I don't get it.
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  • #16
Math Is Hard said:
p.p.s. Why is this Yeti cartoon funny? I don't get it.
Me neither. Everything looks normal.
  • #17
  • #18
zoobyshoe said:
I am a virgin, yes, but it is by choice, Lisa! You see, I have been saving myself for you! Yes, I always knew you'd come along some day, and I have been patiently waiting for your exclamatorily-pointed love to complete me and rock my world.

I have never done this before, but for you, Lisa! I am going to post an authentic picture of what I look like, so you will appreciate the blissfull future that waits you in my arms in my brush shelter:

:sigh: How romantic!
I don't want you to betray to your zoobie identity! You do know that I'm not a zoobie and that's what's kept us apart from each other for whole our lives.:cry: :cry:

"I am a burning candle;
You are the morning light,
If I do not see You, I burn;
if I see You, I vanish.
This is my condition
in separation and closeness.
I can bear neither separation nor proximity."
  • #19
I don't know if you two are compatible, Lisa. What did you get on the OK Cupid test?
  • #20
No matter since we have to be apart anyway! Please don't increase my pain by talking about this forbidden love. :frown:
  • #21
Lisa! said:
Please don't increase my pain by talking about this forbidden love. :frown:
Methinks you're holding out for the Yeti after seeing that cartoon.
  • #22
Danger said:
Methinks you're holding out for the Yeti after seeing that cartoon.
Don't be so jealous! You're still my number 1!:smile:
  • #23
Lisa! said:
You're still my number 1!:smile:
Oh... okay then.:smile:
I'm glad you're not picky. I couldn't make tracks like that crawling. :redface:
  • #24
Danger said:
Oh... okay then.:smile:
I'm glad you're not picky. I couldn't make tracks like that crawling. :redface:
No, I am! Just look at those pics in this thread and soon you find out your avatar look a lot better than them!:-p

FAQ: The Pros and Cons of Being a Zoobie

What is a Zoobie?

A Zoobie is a fictional creature that is part human and part animal. They are often portrayed as having characteristics and abilities of both humans and animals.

What are the pros of being a Zoobie?

One of the pros of being a Zoobie is having the ability to communicate with animals and understand their behaviors. Zoobies also have enhanced physical abilities and can often use their animal instincts to their advantage.

What are the cons of being a Zoobie?

One of the cons of being a Zoobie is the constant struggle of balancing their human and animal sides. They may also face discrimination and misunderstanding from both humans and animals. Additionally, some Zoobies may struggle with controlling their animal instincts and impulses.

Can someone become a Zoobie or are they born that way?

In most fictional stories, Zoobies are typically born with their unique characteristics and abilities. However, there have been instances where people have been transformed into Zoobies through scientific experiments or magical means.

Are there different types of Zoobies?

Yes, there are many different types of Zoobies, each with their own unique animal characteristics and abilities. Some common types of Zoobies include werewolves, werecats, and mermaids, but there are countless other variations in literature and media.

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