The Rational Animal: Exploring the Limits of Human Rationality

In summary, the phrase "Man, the rational animal" is optimistic because it suggests that man has rational abilities, not that he is impervious to irrational emotions. However, the phrase "dog the rational animal", "red-butted lemur the rational animal", and "turkey the rational animal" are pessimistic because they suggest that reason is limited to only humans.
  • #1
Dissident Dan
Most of you have probably heard a phrase along the lines of "man the rational animal". I think that it is fairly obvious that this phrase is meant to refer to the the idea that man has rational abilities, not that he is impervious to irrational emotions. Perhaps it is supposed to suggest that man's rational abilities are stronger than his emotional biases.

However, have you ever heard the phrase, "dog the rational animal" or "red-butted lemur the rational animal" or "turkey the rational animal"? Is reason limited to only humans?
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  • #2
We only appear rational from a subjective perspective. If we look exclusively at our behaviour, we can appear as dumb as a fly hopelessly hitting a window pane in its attempt to leave the room. What are those wars out there if not the result of our own imbecility?
  • #3
You could also look at it as a type of selectivity. We decide we are different from other animals, and label that difference rationality. Then, by definition, we are rational and all other animals are not.

  • #4
But is that really what rational means? I have always taken "rational" to mean "having the ability to use logic" or "not letting emotion overcome reason". When I started this thread, I was thinking more of the former.

Going back to what you said, Njorl, how do we describe what that difference is, and does it stand up to scrutiny?
  • #5
I think the answer depends on whether or not one stipulates linguistic capacity as a requirement for rationality.
  • #6
Perhaps the dichotomy between rational and emotional modes of thought is another one of those obfuscating categorical blunders which are generally so appealing because of their simplicity and ease of formulation (much like the left vs. right brain, nature vs. nurture false dichotomies). We say that primitive, instinct driven behaviors are emotional, while logical and creative behaviors are rational. However, this is a dramatic oversimplification, as in reality the two "forms" of thought are mutually inclusive and totally inseparable.
  • #7
The phrase, "Man, the rational animal", is optimistic. Even trying to be rational, springs from a decision based in emotion. Most super-rational people are that because they feel unsure in the emotional arena; their thinking hats are really helmets. I am an observer of the reflexive relationship, between various poses. The more rational an individual has to be, is in reflex to a more uncertain set of circumstances that exists elsewhere in that psyche. Our history is much, much longer than the history of this society, we have a nice little veneer going here, but enter almost any chat room, on the net, and watch that disappear.
  • #8
Dayle Record,
I agree when you say "Even trying to be rational, springs from a decision based on emotion". But I don't fully agree on where you go with this assertion. You say "Most super-rational people are that because they feel unsure in the emotional arena...". Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are implying that people act rationally as an attempt to cover up emotional uncertainty? I didn't realize that we had such fine control over which aspects of our consciousness are activated in response to a given stiumulus. I tend to think that we don't control how we feel, we just struggle to describe how we feel (for whatever reason, this can be a topic for another discussion, at another time). But you can't describe how you feel without descriptive faculties and feelings, right? There's no such thing as "just emotion" nor does there exist anywhere "just rational thought". Any thought or action can be described as being either or both. In my opinion, the correct approach to the notion of emotion vs. rational is to discard it entirely. There's no emotion or rational thought, there's only emotion and rational thought, and the two are not easily distinguishable from one another.

FAQ: The Rational Animal: Exploring the Limits of Human Rationality

What sets humans apart from other animals?

Humans have several unique characteristics that set them apart from other animals. These include their highly developed cognitive abilities, complex language, and capacity for abstract thinking and self-awareness. Humans also have the ability to use tools and technology, form complex social structures, and engage in cultural and artistic expression.

Are humans truly rational beings?

While humans are capable of rational thought and decision-making, they are also influenced by emotions, biases, and other non-rational factors. This means that humans may not always make completely rational decisions, but they do possess the capacity for rational thinking and behavior.

How do emotions play a role in human behavior?

Emotions are an integral part of human behavior and can impact decision-making, social interactions, and overall well-being. While emotions may sometimes lead to irrational behavior, they also serve important functions such as signaling potential threats and guiding our actions towards certain goals.

What is the relationship between reason and instinct in humans?

The relationship between reason and instinct in humans is complex. While humans have the ability to think and reason, they also have innate instincts and drives that influence their behavior. However, humans also have the capacity to override their instincts with rational thought and make decisions based on logical reasoning.

How do humans learn and acquire knowledge?

Humans have the ability to learn and acquire knowledge through various processes such as observation, experience, and education. They also have the capacity for abstract thinking, which allows them to understand and create complex concepts and ideas. Human learning is a continuous process throughout their lifespan and is essential for their development and adaptation to their environment.

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