The Riemann and Darboux Integrals .... Browder, Theorem 5.10 .... ....

In summary, the Riemann and Darboux Integrals are two methods for calculating the area under a curve. The main difference between them is the type of partitions they use. The Riemann Integral considers all partitions while the Darboux Integral only considers specific types. To calculate the Riemann Integral, the interval is divided into sub-intervals and rectangles are used to approximate the area. The Darboux Integral uses upper and lower sums to calculate the area. The two methods are proven to be equivalent in Browder's work, allowing for flexibility in choosing which method to use in a problem. In real-world applications, Riemann and Darboux Integrals are used in various fields such as physics, economics, engineering
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
TL;DR Summary
I need help to prove a theorem effectively equivalencing Riemann and Darboux integration ...
I am reading Andrew Browder's book: "Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction" ... ...

I am currently reading Chapter 5: The Riemann Integral and am currently focused on Section 5.1 Riemann Sums ... ...

I need some help in understanding the proof of Theorem 5.10 ...Theorem 5.10 and its proof read as follows:
Browder - 1 - Theorem 5.10 ... PART 1 ... .png

Browder - 2 - Theorem 5.10 ... PART 2 ... .png

At the start of the above proof by Browder we read the following:

" ... ... The necessity of the condition is immediate from the definition of the integral ... ... " Can someone please help me to rigorously demonstrate the necessity of the condition ...


Note: I am assuming that proving "the necessity of the condition is proving the following:##\int_a^b f \text{ exists } \Longrightarrow## ... for every ##\epsilon \gt 0 \ \exists \ ## a partition ##\pi## of ##[a, b]## such that ##\overline{S} (f, \pi) - \underline{S} (f, \pi) \lt \epsilon## ... ...


Help will be much appreciated ...

==========================================================================================Note: It may help Physics Forum readers of the above post to have access to Browder's notation, definitions and theorems on Riemann integration preliminary to Theorem 5.10 ... hence I am providing access to the same ... as follows:
Browder - 1 - Start of 5.1 - Relevant Defns & Propns ... PART 1 ... .png

Browder - 2 - Start of 5.1 - Relevant Defns & Propns ... PART 2 ... .png

Browder - 3 - Start of 5.1 - Relevant Defns & Propns ... PART 3 ... .png

Browder - 4 - Start of 5.1 - Relevant Defns & Propns ... PART 4 ... .png
Hope that text helps ...

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  • #2
This would be a lot more readable if you just typed out the relevant definitions instead of a lot of images. That being said, here is how you can proceed (possibly I overcomplicated the matter though).

Let ##\epsilon > 0##. Choose ##\pi## as in the definition of integral such that for all corresponding ##\sigma## we have ##|S(f, \pi, \sigma)-I| < \epsilon/4##.

Since ##\overline{S}(f, \pi) = \sup\{S(f, \pi, \sigma): \sigma \mathrm{\ associated \ to \ \pi}\}##, we can select ##\sigma_1## such that ##\overline{S}(f, \pi)- S(f, \pi, \sigma_1)< \epsilon/4##. Similarly, one can choose ##\sigma_2## such that ##S(f, \pi, \sigma_2) - \underline{S}(f, \pi) < \epsilon/4##

Then ##\overline{S}(f, \pi) - \underline{S}(f, \pi) \leq |\overline{S}(f, \pi) - S(f,\pi, \sigma_1)| + |S(f, \pi, \sigma_1)-I| + |I-{S}(f, \pi, \sigma_2)|+ |S(f, \pi, \sigma_2)- \underline{S}(f, \pi, \sigma_2)| < \epsilon##

which is exactly what we want.
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  • #3
Hi Peter,

a good strategy is always to write down what we have. Here we have that ##I:=\int_a^b f(x)\,dx## exists. Therefore we have to look at definition 5.4. which tells us ##|S(f,\pi,\sigma)-I|<\varepsilon_1\,##. Now we want to show that ##|\underline{S}(f,\pi)-\overline{S}(f,\pi)|<\varepsilon_2\,##.

Whenever we see something like ##|A-B|<\varepsilon ## then then triangle inequality lurks around the corner.
A standard procedure is now ##|A-B|=|A-C + (C-B)| \leq |A-C|+|B-C|## and the approximation of the two resulting summands to get an estimation of the original term.
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  • #4
Thanks to fresh_42 and Math_QED for the hints ...

Based on your advice my proof proceeds as follows ...

We wish to prove:

##\int_a^b f \text{ exists } \Longrightarrow##] ... for every ##\epsilon \gt 0 \ \exists \ ## a partition ##\pi## of ##[a, b]## such that ##\overline{S} (f, \pi) - \underline{S} (f, \pi) \lt \epsilon## ... ...Proof:

Let ##\int_a^b f = I ##


##I## exists ##\Longrightarrow## for any ##\frac{ \epsilon }{2} \gt 0 \ \exists \ \pi_0## such that for any ##\pi \geq \pi_0## and every selection ##\sigma## associated with ##\pi## we have ##| s(f, \pi, \sigma ) - I | \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}##Now ##| S(f, \pi, \sigma ) - I | \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}##

implies that

##- \frac{ \epsilon }{2} \lt S(f, \pi, \sigma ) - I \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}##

and so, obviously, we have that

##S(f, \pi, \sigma ) - I \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}## ... ... ... ... ... (1)But ##| S(f, \pi, \sigma ) - I | \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}##

... also implies that

##- \frac{ \epsilon }{2} \lt I - S(f, \pi, \sigma ) \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}##

so, obviously, we have that

##I - S(f, \pi, \sigma ) \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}## ... ... ... ... ... (2)

Now we also have that

##\underline{S} (f, \pi) \leq S(f, \pi, \sigma ) \leq \overline{S} (f, \pi)## ... ... ... ... ... (3)Now (1) and (3) imply

##\overline{S} (f, \pi) - I \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}## ... ... ... ... ... (4)Similarly (2) and (3) imply

##I - \underline{S} (f, \pi) \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}## ... ... ... ... ... (5)Adding (4) and (5) gives

##\overline{S} (f, \pi) - \underline{S} (f, \pi) \lt \epsilon## ... ...
Is that basically correct?

  • #5
Math Amateur said:
Thanks to fresh_42 and Math_QED for the hints ...

Based on your advice my proof proceeds as follows ...

We wish to prove:

##\int_a^b f \text{ exists } \Longrightarrow##] ... for every ##\epsilon \gt 0 \ \exists \ ## a partition ##\pi## of ##[a, b]## such that ##\overline{S} (f, \pi) - \underline{S} (f, \pi) \lt \epsilon## ... ...Proof:

Let ##\int_a^b f = I ##


##I## exists ##\Longrightarrow## for any ##\frac{ \epsilon }{2} \gt 0 \ \exists \ \pi_0## such that for any ##\pi \geq \pi_0## and every selection ##\sigma## associated with ##\pi## we have ##| s(f, \pi, \sigma ) - I | \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}##Now ##| S(f, \pi, \sigma ) - I | \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}##

implies that

##- \frac{ \epsilon }{2} \lt S(f, \pi, \sigma ) - I \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}##

and so, obviously, we have that

##S(f, \pi, \sigma ) - I \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}## ... ... ... ... ... (1)But ##| S(f, \pi, \sigma ) - I | \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}##

... also implies that

##- \frac{ \epsilon }{2} \lt I - S(f, \pi, \sigma ) \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}##

so, obviously, we have that

##I - S(f, \pi, \sigma ) \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}## ... ... ... ... ... (2)

Now we also have that

##\underline{S} (f, \pi) \leq S(f, \pi, \sigma ) \leq \overline{S} (f, \pi)## ... ... ... ... ... (3)Now (1) and (3) imply

##\overline{S} (f, \pi) - I \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}## ... ... ... ... ... (4)Similarly (2) and (3) imply

##I - \underline{S} (f, \pi) \lt \frac{ \epsilon }{2}## ... ... ... ... ... (5)Adding (4) and (5) gives

##\overline{S} (f, \pi) - \underline{S} (f, \pi) \lt \epsilon## ... ...
Is that basically correct?


How do (1) and (3) imply (4)?

Similarly for (2) and (3) implies (5).
  • #6
Hi Math_QED ...

Hmmm ... problem ... just checked ... the implications do not follow ... don't know what I was thinking ... apologies ..

Thanks again for your help ..

  • #7
Math Amateur said:
Hi Math_QED ...

Hmmm ... problem ... just checked ... the implications do not follow ... don't know what I was thinking ... apologies ..

Thanks again for your help ..


No problem. A possible proof is in post #2.
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FAQ: The Riemann and Darboux Integrals .... Browder, Theorem 5.10 .... ....

1. What is the difference between the Riemann and Darboux integrals?

The Riemann integral is defined as the limit of a sum of rectangles, while the Darboux integral is defined as the limit of a sum of upper and lower sums. The main difference is that the Riemann integral uses a partition of equally spaced intervals, while the Darboux integral allows for irregular partitions.

2. What is Theorem 5.10 in Browder's book about?

Theorem 5.10 in Browder's book is a fundamental theorem of calculus that states that if a function is continuous on a closed interval, then it is also integrable on that interval. This means that the Riemann and Darboux integrals will give the same result for a continuous function.

3. How do you prove Theorem 5.10 in Browder's book?

The proof of Theorem 5.10 involves using the properties of continuity and the definition of the Riemann integral. It can be shown that if a function is continuous on a closed interval, then it must also be bounded on that interval, which is a necessary condition for integrability. Then, by using the definition of the Riemann integral, it can be shown that the limit of the Riemann sums converges to a unique value, which is the value of the integral.

4. Can Theorem 5.10 be extended to functions that are not continuous?

No, Theorem 5.10 only applies to continuous functions. For functions that are not continuous, there are other methods for determining integrability, such as the Lebesgue integral. The Riemann and Darboux integrals may not give the same result for non-continuous functions.

5. How is Theorem 5.10 used in real-world applications?

Theorem 5.10 is a fundamental result in calculus and is used in many real-world applications, such as in physics, engineering, and economics. It allows for the calculation of areas, volumes, and other quantities that can be represented by integrals. It is also used in numerical methods for approximating integrals, such as the trapezoidal rule and Simpson's rule.
