The Science Behind the Impact of a Punch: Understanding Force and Velocity

  • Thread starter benhou
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In summary, the impact force of a punch is proportional to the mv^2 of the arm. Additional small corrections are made due to deformation effects.
  • #1
I have searched online and found that the power of a punch P=Fv, where F is the force of the punch and v is the speed. But in my mind it works like this: let's just say that only the arm speed is taken into account, then before impact, the energy of the arm traveling is E=(1/2)mv^2. That is how much work the target has to do to stop the punch. Therefore, the impact force Fi = E/L where L is the displacement before the arm reaches zero speed.

In conclusion, the impact of a punch is proportional to m & v^2?
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  • #2
Yes, in short you are correct that the impact force of a punch is proportional to the mv^2 of the arm. Of course, there are some additional small corrections that you could apply due to deformation effects. For example, the stopping displacement L is not a constant, but will increase slightly as the energy increases, because a good solid punch deforms more flesh than a soft one. Also, the arm and fist are not nondeformable objects, so some energy will also be lost in them as well. Hitting a brick wall will put more energy into your hand than it will into the wall.

Back when I was taking Karate, our sensei would often try to exhort us to punch harder and faster by quoting things like "Power = Force times velocity!". Of course, in physics words like power and force have specific meanings, which aren't always the same as they mean outside of physics. When punching, force or the energy absorbed by the target are more important than power. Consider these 3 cases, all using the same amount of power a) a fan blowing air (small force, high velocity, high deformability), b) a guy punching you (medium force, medium velocity, medium deformability), c) a guy punching you wearing brass knuckles (medium force, medium velocity, low deformability). Which you would rather be hit with?
  • #3
Thank you!

The low deformability of the "weapon" would transfer more energy to the target, and less to itself. It would make sense that the impact would be stronger with less deformable weapons. Also, the less the contact area the more the impact.
  • #4
The force of a Punch:
It’s easy to start from the equation that force equals energy divided by distance to confirm that the force is proportional to the kinetic energy of the punching fist. Since kinetic energy is (1/2) mv^2 you can then see the importance of the velocity of the strike and why all martial artists want to put body weight behind their punch (or why a good kick can finish a fight because it’s both fast and ‘heavy’). The distance referenced in F = E/d is the distance traveled during the impact to expend the energy referenced – e.g. the penetration into the target. But that’s not necessarily the end of the story. What you may be interested in is the deformation energy that’s imparted into the object that’s struck – useful when calculating if you can break a certain size and type of wooden board. To derive that relationship use the conservation of energy and conservation of momentum equations for the collision of two bodies – such as a fist and board. Then if you really want to be precise include a coefficient of restitution that reflects the hardness of the bodies being struck. Best reference for this type of physics of kicking and punching is the book “Parting the Clouds” by Grenville Harrop.
  • #5

I can confirm that the equation P=Fv is commonly used to calculate the power of a punch. However, your understanding of the energy and force involved in a punch is also correct. Both mass and velocity play a crucial role in determining the impact of a punch.

The equation E=(1/2)mv^2 represents the kinetic energy of the punch before impact. This energy is transferred to the target upon impact, and the target must do the work of stopping the punch, as you mentioned. This work is equal to the force of the punch multiplied by the displacement, which is represented by the equation Fi = E/L.

Therefore, we can say that the impact force is proportional to both mass and velocity, as stated in your conclusion. This means that a punch with a higher mass and higher velocity will have a greater impact force. It is also important to note that other factors such as technique, angle of impact, and body mechanics can also affect the force and velocity of a punch.

In summary, the science behind the impact of a punch involves understanding the principles of force, energy, and velocity. By considering all these factors, we can better understand and analyze the impact of a punch.

FAQ: The Science Behind the Impact of a Punch: Understanding Force and Velocity

1. How does force affect the impact of a punch?

Force is a measure of the strength of a punch. The greater the force applied, the more powerful the impact of the punch will be. This is because force is directly proportional to the acceleration of an object, which in this case is the fist. A higher force means the fist will move faster and hit with more energy, resulting in a stronger impact.

2. What role does velocity play in the impact of a punch?

Velocity is the speed at which an object is moving. In the context of a punch, velocity refers to the speed at which the fist is moving towards the target. The higher the velocity, the more energy the punch will carry, resulting in a stronger impact. This is because velocity is directly proportional to the kinetic energy of an object, which is the energy an object possesses due to its motion.

3. How does body weight affect the impact of a punch?

Body weight can have a significant impact on the force and velocity of a punch. A person with a higher body weight will likely have a stronger punch because they can generate more force. However, body weight alone does not determine the impact of a punch. Factors such as technique, speed, and accuracy also play a crucial role.

4. Can the impact of a punch be increased without increasing force or velocity?

Yes, the impact of a punch can be increased without increasing force or velocity through proper technique and accuracy. By focusing on hitting the target with the correct angle and precision, the punch will be more effective. Additionally, using the entire body to generate force, rather than just the arm, can also increase the impact of a punch.

5. How does the surface area of impact affect the force of a punch?

The surface area of impact refers to the area of the fist that makes contact with the target. The smaller the surface area, the more force will be concentrated in that area, resulting in a stronger impact. This is why boxers often make a fist with their hands, to decrease the surface area and increase the force of their punches. However, a larger surface area can also be beneficial in dispersing the force and reducing the chances of injury to the hand.
