The shape of the body in Stefan Boltzmann Law modern use

In summary, the Stefan Boltzmann Law can be used to calculate the temperature of stars, sun, the temperature of the Earth's sky, temperature of particular surface, wall, the radiation emitted by the body by knowing its temperature, and so on.
  • #1

It looks like Stefan Boltzmann Law can be used for a lot of different purposes: to calculate the temperature of stars, sun, temperature of the Earth's sky, temperature of particular surface, wall, the radiation emitted by the body by knowing its temperature, and so on.

What confuses me is: in all these modern examples of the use of Stefan Boltzmann Law, there is an initial assumption that the black or gray body which emits the energy is approximated to be a sphere? Is this correct or not?

Is it crucial for the Stefan Boltzmann Law, that the body in question is a sphere, so that it equally emits the energy in all directions?

Thank you for the reply.
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  • #2
The shape does not matter at all, unless the whole object is small compared to the wavelength of radiation.
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Likes george95
  • #3
Thank you mfb.
Would give an example of an object which is not small compared to the wavelength of its radiation?
My apology for the personal ignorance.
  • #4
Literally everything you can see.

The wavelength range of infrared radiation is micrometers, and visible light is between 0.4 and 0.8 micrometers.
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Likes george95
  • #5
Thank you mfb.

How does a ball of certain dimension relate with the wavelength it radiates?
I still do not understand you, I apologize for that.
  • #6
Ignore the comment on size. It was a remark about an irrelevant special case. If you take a really tiny dust particle or even individual atoms, it won't follow the law.
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  • #7
Why is that so? Why wouldn't a tiny dust particle which emits energy, follow the law? Because it is not visible by the naked eye?
The Stefan Boltzmann Law is applicable only to the objects which can be seen by a naked eye?
  • #8
george95 said:
Why wouldn't a tiny dust particle which emits energy, follow the law?
Quantum mechanics. But I really don't think going into more detail there would help. This has nothing to do with the human eye.
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  • #9
Thank you.
But I am still not sure I understand you.
We can apply the Stefan Boltzmann Law to an object of any shape, as long as its size is not smaller than the size of the wavelength of the radiation it emits.

But when we apply the Stefan Boltzmann Law to that object, do we approximate its shape to be a sphere or not?
Forgive me if my questions sound repetitive, but the way I understood your reply:
The shape does not matter at all, unless the whole object is small compared to the wavelength of radiation.
is: Stefan Boltzmann Law can be applied to an object of any shape...

But when we apply the Stefan Boltzmann Law to an object of any shape, do we assume it to be a sphere, or we do not?
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  • #10
george95 said:
as long as its size is not smaller than the size of the wavelength of the radiation it emits.
Please, forget that I ever made that comment. I see it just leads to confusion.

george95 said:
But when we apply the Stefan Boltzmann Law to that object, do we approximate its shape to be a sphere or not?
What exactly do you mean by "apply the Stefan Boltzmann Law"? The law does not depend on the shape of the object at all, it is a law about radiation per surface area. If you want to calculate the total amount of radiation emitted by the sun, for example, then you have to take care about the shape (and the size!), but that is a different thing.
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  • #11
What exactly do you mean by "apply the Stefan Boltzmann Law"?

"Apply" as Stefan Boltzman Law can be used to calculate either the temperature of the particular body by knowing the radiation it emits, or the radiation it emits by knowing the its temperature.

The law does not depend on the shape of the object at all, it is a law about radiation per surface area.

What confuses me is that on a lot of examples of Stefan Boltzman Law, the black or gray body is presented as a sphere.
So does that mean that even though the law does not depend on the shape of the object, when it's applied to the object, is it assumed that the shape of the object is a sphere?
  • #12
george95 said:
"Apply" as Stefan Boltzman Law can be used to calculate either the temperature of the particular body by knowing the radiation it emits, or the radiation it emits by knowing the its temperature.
Then you have to know size and shape of the object to some extent. Clearly larger objects emit more radiation in total.
That is not just the Stefan-Boltzmann law any more, it is the law integrated over the outer surface.
george95 said:
when it's applied to the object, is it assumed that the shape of the object is a sphere?
Not necessarily. You can assume that if you know that the object is roughly spherical, otherwise you cannot.
  • #13
Not necessarily. You can assume that if you know that the object is roughly spherical, otherwise you cannot.

And the fact that "you cannot" assume that the object's shape is not a sphere, does not prevent one to apply the Stefan-Boltzmann law to that object?
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  • #14
It does not prevent you from applying it, but you cannot use ##4 \pi r^2## for its surface area.
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Likes george95
  • #15
Thank you mfb.

Related to The shape of the body in Stefan Boltzmann Law modern use

1. What is Stefan Boltzmann Law and how is it related to the shape of the body?

Stefan Boltzmann Law is a fundamental law of physics that states the total thermal radiation emitted by a body is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. This law is closely related to the shape of the body because it describes the relationship between the temperature and the radiation emitted by an object, which is influenced by the object's surface area and shape.

2. How does the shape of the body affect its thermal radiation?

The shape of the body directly affects its thermal radiation by determining its surface area and the distribution of its emitted radiation. A larger surface area means more radiation can be emitted, while a more complex shape may result in variations in temperature and radiation distribution.

3. Does the shape of the body impact its ability to absorb or reflect thermal radiation?

Yes, the shape of the body can impact its ability to absorb or reflect thermal radiation. Objects with a larger surface area are more likely to absorb radiation, while objects with a smoother, reflective surface may reflect more radiation than they absorb.

4. How do scientists use the Stefan Boltzmann Law in modern research and technology?

The Stefan Boltzmann Law is used in various fields of research and technology, including astronomy, climate science, and engineering. It helps scientists to understand the thermal properties of objects and how they interact with their surroundings, which is crucial in developing new technologies and predicting the behavior of natural phenomena.

5. Are there any limitations or exceptions to the Stefan Boltzmann Law when it comes to the shape of the body?

While the Stefan Boltzmann Law is a fundamental law of physics, there are some limitations and exceptions when it comes to the shape of the body. For example, the law assumes that the body is a perfect blackbody, which is a theoretical idealization that may not accurately represent real-world objects. Additionally, the law may not apply to objects with highly reflective or absorptive surfaces, such as metals or gases.

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