The shock required to detonate C4

  • Thread starter fawk3s
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In summary, the conversation revolved around the amount of shock needed to detonate a C4 plastic explosive. There were discussions about the detonation velocity, speed of sound in C4, and the possibility of using high current to detonate it. Some sources mentioned that C4 is very stable and can even withstand being hit with a hammer. The conversation also touched on the potential risks of searching for this information. Overall, the group concluded that thermal shock may be the most effective way to detonate C4.
  • #1

I need to know how much shock is needed to detonate a C4 plastic explosive for my report in chemistry. I searched for it, but I didnt find a certain number. Somewhere I read it's about 4900 m/s of detonation velocity needed to create the shock, but it was from a source I wouldn't trust. As I understand, the shock/detonation velocity of the blasting cap needs to be over the speed of sound in C4 in order to create that shockwave. So I guess it would be nice to know the speed of sound in C4 aswell.

Also, I've heard from several sources that high current through C4 can detonate it? Is this true?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
The only way I know of how to blow up C4 is though a blasting cap. You can hook up and electrical switch t the blasting cap to set the blasting cap off then the C4. I would say the min would be what the blasting cap can do, C4 is extreamly stable you can even set it on fire and stomp on it with no problems.
  • #3
Your post doesn't help me. Please read my original post again and see what I have requested for.
  • #4
I have read it several times
and I also don't really know what else you want
Megaman gave you good info

I don't know about hi current, its always been blasting caps
as commented earlier C4 is very stable, you can even strike it hard with a hammer

I only learned these thing through onsite education from a blasing technician in a mine site

so do you want to elaborate a bit ?

  • #5
You are looking at something in the range of 1 to 4 GPa of pressure before detonation of C4.
  • #6
256bits said:
You are looking at something in the range of 1 to 4 GPa of pressure before detonation of C4.

Is it a matter of pressure? I assumed it was a shock which supplied simultaneous pressure and heat. If you put some in a hydraulic press I don't think it will detonate at any pressure. Or am I wrong?
  • #7
Antiphon said:
If you put some in a hydraulic press I don't think it will detonate at any pressure. Or am I wrong?

from my understanding that is true. its the shock factor

Im not even going to risk googling such info... with the paranoia in the world today,
I wouldn't be suprised to have federal police knocking on my door in quick time

  • #8
davenn said:
I have read it several times
and I also don't really know what else you want
Megaman gave you good info

I don't know about hi current, its always been blasting caps
as commented earlier C4 is very stable, you can even strike it hard with a hammer

I only learned these thing through onsite education from a blasing technician in a mine site

so do you want to elaborate a bit ?


He did give valid info, but nothing I can't find from google or wikipedia.
What I precisely asked for was what would be the force/blasting power/detonation velocity/shock (not sure about the unit) of the blasting cap in order to give C4 that kick-off reaction.

Im sorry if I was unclear.

Thanks in advance
  • #9
Thermal shock works on most stable explosives too.

TNT does need a 2000 deg in a fractin of a second for a thermal shock detonation.
For more info on thermal shock sources search lightbulb fillament.

No ideea for C4, 2 wires with electric current clearly don't work it is very likley an insulator.

FAQ: The shock required to detonate C4

1. What is C4 and what is it used for?

C4 is a plastic explosive commonly used in military and industrial applications. It is made up of a combination of RDX (cyclotrimethylene trinitramine), plastic binder, and other additives. It is known for its stability and destructive power, making it a popular choice for demolition and combat operations.

2. How much shock is required to detonate C4?

The amount of shock required to detonate C4 depends on a variety of factors, such as the type and quality of the explosive, the density of the material surrounding it, and the type of detonator used. Generally, a minimum shockwave of around 4000 meters per second is needed to initiate detonation of C4.

3. Can C4 be detonated by impact or fire?

C4 is a very stable explosive and requires a significant amount of shock to detonate. It is not typically detonated by impact or fire alone, unless in very specific circumstances. C4 is designed to withstand high temperatures and can only be detonated by a strong shockwave from a detonator.

4. Are there any safety precautions when handling C4?

Yes, C4 is a dangerous explosive and should only be handled by trained professionals. It is important to follow proper safety protocols, such as wearing appropriate protective gear and storing and transporting C4 properly. It is also important to avoid any impact or shock to the explosive, as this could lead to accidental detonation.

5. How does the shock required to detonate C4 compare to other explosives?

C4 is considered a high explosive, meaning it requires a significant amount of shock to detonate compared to low explosives like gunpowder. However, some other high explosives, such as TNT and PETN, require slightly less shock to detonate than C4. The exact amount of shock required can vary depending on the specific type and quality of the explosive.
