The speed composition vs the light aberration in SR

In summary: But the transformed equations are still valid, and still apply to the same scenario, even if you never choose to transform back.So, the ease of solving the equation is entirely irrelevant to the physical applicability of the results.And, as I already pointed out, this is not a speed formula. It is a purely geometric formula. It applies just fine to any object moving in any way, not just to light. Do you understand the difference between a geometric formula and a physics formula? That is a standard mathematical technique, routinely used to transform intractable and messy equations into more easily solved forms. It works because rotating the frame is just a coordinate transformation, with no more physical significance than any other coordinate transformation. Once
  • #1
The Lorentz's transform:
##x' = k(x - vt), t' = k(t - vx)\ k = \gamma,\ and\ c = 1##

I. The speed composition derivation:

##w' = dx'/dt' = \frac{dx - vdt}{dt - vdx}##
and we divide everything by dt, and:
##w' = \frac{dx/dt - v}{1 - vdx/dt}##

now we assume the dx/dt is some speed u, and the wanted formula is ready:
##w' = \frac{u - v}{1 - vu}##

II. The second part - the relativistic light aberration

##\cos f = \frac{c_x}{c} = \frac{dx}{cdt} = \frac{dx}{dt}## (c = 1)
thus the aberration is:

cosf' = dx'/dt' = ... identical!

we go, and on the stage: cosf' = (dx/dt - v)/(1 - vdx/dt)
and now we don't assume dx/dt is a speed, but it's now just cosf, therefore:

##\cos f' = \frac{\cos f - v}{1 - v\cos f}##
it's a correct result for the relativistic aberration.

Very well, but I have one question: what is it in the SR the quantity dx/dt - a speed or a cosine (of a light ray)?
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  • #2
quo said:
Very well, but I have one question: what is it in the SR the quantity dx/dt - a speed or a cosine (of a light ray)?

If ##x## is the position of an object in a given frame, then dx/dt is the speed of that object in that frame.

Depending on the trajectory of the object, both x and dx/dt may be more or less complicate functions of t.
  • #3
This is not an answer, but my question, repeated in different form only.

You told firstly the dx/dt is a speed, and further noticed only the speed can change is any way in time.

The equations imply:
u = cosf, or u = c cosf, in general, and this is rather wrong, thus: u <> c cosf, and this means one of two formulas must be wrong:
the for the speed composition or for the aberration.
  • #4
The speed composition formula you posted assumes colinear motion. The aberration formula does not. They are based on different assumptions, they can be incompatible without either being wrong.
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  • #6
DaleSpam said:
The speed composition formula you posted assumes colinear motion. The aberration formula does not. They are based on different assumptions, they can be incompatible without either being wrong.

Where is an assumption about dx/dt, in the derivation?
dx/dt = c_x - it's always true in SR.
  • #8
quo said:
Where is an assumption about dx/dt, in the derivation?
Usually right at the beginning of the section where they derive the formula.

quo said:
dx/dt = c_x - it's always true in SR.
Not always. Only for light. The velocity addition formula in particular is often used for slower than light objects.

In any case, so what? That doesn't change my comment at all. If two equations are derived using different assumptions then they will often disagree. That does not imply that either is wrong.

To find a true contradiction you must find a scenario where both equations assumptions are satisfied and they disagree. Here that means f=0, so your "contradictory" equations reduce to u=c and u=1, which are both true since you used units where c=1. They agree where they both apply.
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  • #9
DaleSpam said:
Not always. Only for light. The velocity addition formula in particular is often used for slower than light objects.

Yes, because the c_x can be lower than c.
DaleSpam said:
To find a true contradiction you must find a scenario where both equations assumptions are satisfied and they disagree. Here that means f=0, so your "contradictory" equations reduce to u=c and u=1, which are both true since you used units where c=1. They agree where they both apply.

I'm not trying to find a contradiction, but the... say: applicability of the Lorentz transform.
And this example implies that it is probably a light transformation only.
  • #10
quo said:
I'm not trying to find a contradiction, but the... say: applicability of the Lorentz transform.
And this example implies that it is probably a light transformation only.
The Lorentz transform is applicable to any pair of inertial reference frames in flat spacetime. It certainly is not limited to light only. I don't even know how a coordinate transform could in principle be limited to light only. If you are going to try to make conclusions like that then you need to provide some acceptable references, per the rules.

The aberration formula is for light only. So anything you do using it is clearly going to apply only to light. Trying to make some claim about timelike (slower than light) objects using the aberration formula is nonsense.
  • #11
quo said:
Very funny... rotate the frame of reference adequately, and the life will be much easier...

That is a standard mathematical technique, routinely used to transform intractable and messy equations into more easily solved forms. It works because rotating the frame is just a coordinate transformation, with no more physical significance than any other coordinate transformation. Once you have your result, you can invert the coordinate transformation if you want to see the results in the original coordinates.

Related to The speed composition vs the light aberration in SR

1. What is the speed composition in Special Relativity (SR)?

The speed composition in SR refers to how velocities are combined or added together when objects are moving at high speeds, close to the speed of light. This is important because it affects how we measure and perceive velocities of objects in different frames of reference.

2. How does Special Relativity explain the speed of light?

Special Relativity explains that the speed of light is a fundamental constant in the universe, and is the same for all observers regardless of their relative motion. This is known as the principle of relativity, and it forms the basis of Einstein's theory of Special Relativity.

3. What is the difference between speed composition and light aberration in SR?

Speed composition refers to how velocities are combined, while light aberration refers to how the direction of light appears to change when the observer is moving. In SR, the equations for speed composition and light aberration are related, but they are not the same concept.

4. How does Special Relativity affect our perception of time and space?

Special Relativity predicts that time and space are relative and can be perceived differently by different observers depending on their relative motion. This is known as time dilation and length contraction, and it has been confirmed through many experiments, such as the famous Twin Paradox.

5. Can the speed of light ever be exceeded in Special Relativity?

No, according to Special Relativity, the speed of light is an absolute limit and cannot be exceeded by any object or particle. This is because as an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases and requires an infinite amount of energy to accelerate further.

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