The Stable Universe: Human/Alien Intelligence & Time Travel Possibilities

In summary, the conversation discussed two stable states for the universe: void and an intelligent universe. The latter suggests that human or alien intelligence brought the universe into existence, and this also implies the possibility of time travel in the future. However, there are differing opinions on whether the universe possesses intelligence or if it was created by an intelligent force.
  • #1
Leaving all knowledge aside for the moment...

There seems to be two stable states for the universe

1. Void. There is no universe because there's no natural phenomena to bring it into existence.

2. An intelligent universe. Here the intelligence has devised a way of bringing itself into existence. This 'way' manifests itself as the universe as we know it. Hence, future scientists are the intelligence.

As we know the universe is real, therefore state 2 rules. Human/Alien intelligence acted as the force that brought the universe into existence.

State 2 implies time travel will one day be possible.


Does anybody have any comment on the above? Thanking you in advance.

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  • #2
Causal said:
1. Void. There is no universe because there's no natural phenomena to bring it into existence.

But there is a universe. The void is part of the universe. The universe may be the natural phenomena that brought it into existence.

2. An intelligent universe. Here the intelligence has devised a way of bringing itself into existence. This 'way' manifests itself as the universe as we know it. Hence, future scientists are the intelligence.

That's just ludicrous in my opinion. A universe with "intelligence"? You question all these phenomenas because you exist. The universe doesn't have to possesses "intelligence" to provide the right conditions for living organisms to start growing.

As we know the universe is real, therefore state 2 rules. Human/Alien intelligence acted as the force that brought the universe into existence.

Whatever created the universe cannot create its own self. Its perpetual I'm afraid, it goes on and on, hence why I believe that everything is reduced to nothing.

FAQ: The Stable Universe: Human/Alien Intelligence & Time Travel Possibilities

What is the concept of a "stable universe"?

The stable universe hypothesis states that the laws of physics and the fundamental constants of nature remain constant over time and across the entire universe. This means that the universe is predictable and does not undergo significant changes or disruptions.

Is it possible for humans to communicate with alien intelligence?

While there is currently no concrete evidence of communication with alien intelligence, it is theoretically possible. The key challenges include finding a way to overcome language and cultural barriers, as well as the vast distances between different civilizations in the universe.

What is the potential for time travel in a stable universe?

According to the stable universe hypothesis, time travel would not be possible as the laws of physics and the flow of time remain constant. This means that any attempt to travel back in time would likely result in paradoxes and contradictions.

How do scientists study the concept of a stable universe?

Scientists study the concept of a stable universe through various disciplines such as cosmology, astronomy, and theoretical physics. They use observations, experiments, and mathematical models to understand the fundamental laws of the universe and how they have remained constant over time.

What are some implications of a stable universe for the future of humanity?

If the stable universe hypothesis is true, it means that the future of humanity is largely predetermined by the laws of physics. This could have implications for our ability to explore and colonize other planets, as well as the potential for technological advancements and the eventual fate of the universe itself.

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