The Surprising Success of a Dancing Geek

  • Thread starter SpaceTiger
  • Start date
In summary, Josh Green from the latest Beauty and the Geek installment came right out of my department. He danced like Karl Rove and was at one of our grad student "parties". This video is disturbing because he is getting down on one of our grad student's floors. There is a 1:4 girl/guy ratio and he is one of the only men there. He is an affable guy and many people know him from his previous show. He is also a physicist. I think he might be able to plug PF while on the show.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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No, not me, but good guess. Josh Green, the star of the "latest Beauty and the Geek" installment came right out of my department (having started two years after I did). Here is a very disturbing video of him getting down at one of our grad student "parties":

J-Bird Dance

Nobody was surprised when the producers picked him for the show.
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  • #2
He dances like Karl Rove!
  • #3
My god that's one sad party. Its like a ...retard convention.
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  • #4
cyrusabdollahi said:
My god that's one sad party. Its like a ...retard convention.

Haha, well none of the astro grad students are retards, but our parties are an acquired taste.
  • #5
The girl/guy ratio was about 1:4

  • #6
This is why I never dance. More power to those that feel comfortable doing so, but I'll keep my elbows and knees to myself, thank you very much.

I see some of that show before I go to work. I recognize the guy in that video. He tries so hard. Seems like an affable guy.

On a side note, I think I may have finally figured out my 6 degrees of separation to Kevin Bacon. This has been a nagging query since I saw those commercials years ago. I know Space Tiger, who knows Josh Green, who knows Ashton Kutcher, who knows Kevin Bacon. Assuming that chain is correct then I'm only 4 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon. I'm expecting Mr. Bacon to call any moment now to chat with his new friend.
  • #7
cyrusabdollahi said:
The girl/guy ratio was about 1:4

Somehow I think if you were at a party like that the odds are good that you wouldn't have a problem finding a woman despite the girl/guy ratio.
  • #8
Huckleberry said:
Somehow I think if you were at a party like that the odds are good that you wouldn't have a problem finding a woman despite the girl/guy ratio.
Good point. I found the woman right away, I think. My suggestion to all men geeks, learn and practice ballroom dancing. You get to touch women (perhaps for the first time?) and the woman/man ratio is favorable to the men. Women geeks, you might want to take up an interest in physics.
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  • #9
jimmysnyder said:
Women geeks, you might want to take up an interest in physics.
There are no female geeks.
  • #10
I always kind of admired people who can't dance, that have the courage to dance. The most painful part for me, was listening to the music.
  • #11
zoobyshoe said:
There are no female geeks.
Looking for geeks in all the wrong places? You don't find them in the lab, they're on the dance floor. Women in the lab are faced with a favorable male/female ratio and the increased social interaction helps them shed their geekiness.
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  • #12
zoobyshoe said:
There are no female geeks.
Oh yes there are. You can tell a female geek because you only realize she even has a gender once you're told.
  • #13
SpaceTiger said:
No, not me, but good guess. Josh Green, the star of the "latest Beauty and the Geek" installment came right out of my department (having started two years after I did). Here is a very disturbing video of him getting down at one of our grad student "parties":

J-Bird Dance

Nobody was surprised when the producers picked him for the show.

Aw, that isn't so bad. I've seen about the same quality of dancing at the socials at some of the conferences I've attended. At least Josh was happily dancing alone and being the center of attention, and not asking others to join him...when I attend the socials, part of the purpose is to meet your colleagues, and for trainees to meet faculty, etc., so everyone dances with everyone else, and that means sometimes getting stuck dancing with the real dorks. :smile:

So, ST, is that your 15 min of fame as well? :biggrin: Can you get him to plug PF while on the show? :-p
  • #14
hypatia said:
I always kind of admired people who can't dance, that have the courage to dance. The most painful part for me, was listening to the music.

:smile: Yeah, see, it's not his fault...even the best dancer might have a hard time with that music selection. Not exactly dance music, is it? Perhaps he's actually an excellent dancer, and he was doing interpretive dance based on the music? :-p I'm just going to hope all the entertainers involved in the evening had already been drinking for a while by the time that was taped. :smile:
  • #15
Huckleberry said:
Somehow I think if you were at a party like that the odds are good that you wouldn't have a problem finding a woman despite the girl/guy ratio.

Well, he might...
  • #16
SpaceTiger said:
right out of my department.
I hadn't realized what department you are in. Do you know a post-doc named Yen-ting Lin? He is my nephew.
  • #17
jimmysnyder said:
I hadn't realized what department you are in. Do you know a post-doc named Yen-ting Lin? He is my nephew.

Since the thread already has bad dancing and bad music, I'll add bad singing...*It's a small world afterall, it's a small world afterall...*
  • #18
jimmysnyder said:
I hadn't realized what department you are in. Do you know a post-doc named Yen-ting Lin? He is my nephew.

Yeah, he's a great outfielder. :biggrin:
  • #19
Moonbear said:
:smile: Yeah, see, it's not his fault...even the best dancer might have a hard time with that music selection. Not exactly dance music, is it? Perhaps he's actually an excellent dancer, and he was doing interpretive dance based on the music? :-p I'm just going to hope all the entertainers involved in the evening had already been drinking for a while by the time that was taped. :smile:

His theme song was selected (and written, in fact) to be as irritating as humanly possible. He actually complains when that song is played because he likes all the other ones better.
  • #20
Teach that boy some moves

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  • #21
cyrusabdollahi said:
Teach that boy some moves

But if he knew how to dance, he wouldn't be selected to be on a show like Beauty and the Geek where he can have his choice of super-hot bubble heads. :-p You had no idea being a bad-dancing geek could get you such hot women, did you? :smile:
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FAQ: The Surprising Success of a Dancing Geek

1. Who is considered the King of All Geeks?

The title of the King of All Geeks is not a specific person, but rather a term used to describe someone who is highly knowledgeable and passionate about technology, science, and other geeky topics. It is often given to individuals who have made significant contributions to these fields or have a wide range of expertise in various geeky subjects.

2. How is the King of All Geeks chosen or determined?

The King of All Geeks is not a formal title or position, so there is no official way of choosing or determining who holds this title. It is more of an informal label given by peers and fans in the geek community based on their knowledge, passion, and contributions to geek culture.

3. Is the King of All Geeks a real person or just a fictional character?

The King of All Geeks is not a real person, but rather a concept or title used to describe someone who embodies the qualities and characteristics of a geek. While there may be individuals who are highly knowledgeable and passionate about geeky topics, no one person can truly represent all geeks.

4. Can anyone become the King of All Geeks?

Anyone can be considered a geek and have a vast knowledge of geeky topics, but the title of the King of All Geeks is not something that can be achieved or earned. It is given by others and is more of a symbolic title than an actual position or status.

5. Are there any specific requirements or qualifications to be the King of All Geeks?

There are no specific requirements or qualifications to be the King of All Geeks as it is not a formal title or position. However, someone who is highly knowledgeable and passionate about technology, science, and other geeky topics may be more likely to be given this title by their peers and fans in the geek community.

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