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Demystifier said:Where can I see a simple general quantitative explanation of why exactly that happens?
By simple I mean not longer than a couple of pages, by general I mean referring to a wide class of cases, by quantitative I mean containing equations (not merely verbal hand waving). Mathematical rigor is not required.
The detailed dynamics of an open system is governed by a (piecewise deterministic or quantum diffusion) stochastic process of which a Lindblad equation is only a summary form. See, e.g., the book by B&P cited in Part III, which has lots of (not fully rigorous) formulas and lots of examples.Demystifier said:I guess the answer to my question above is the following. The dynamics of the open subsystem is described not only by a single Hamiltonian, but also by a series of Lindblad operators. The consequence, I guess, is that there are many (rather than one) stable states to which the system can finally decay. To which one it will decay depends on fine details of the initial state that in practice cannot be known exactly, so they play a role of "hidden variables".
For measurement settings, if one assumes the noise to be small (weak coupling to the environment), there is a deterministic dissipative part which makes the system generically move into a fixed point; each fixed point corresponding to a measurement outcome. If the detector (e.g., a bubble chamber) is initially in a metastable state, there is an ambiguity into which fixed point it is mapped, and this ambiguity is resolved randomly by the noise in the stochastic process. This is analogous to a ball balanced on the top of a hill, which moves under noise into a random direction, eventually ending up at the bottom of one of the valleys.
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