The Uncertainty Principle - question within Griffiths' Text

In summary: The expectation value of the product of two operators is the same as the product of the expectation values of the individual operators. Therefore, ##\langle AB \rangle = \langle A \rangle \langle B \rangle = \langle B \rangle \langle A \rangle = \langle BA \rangle##. So, yes, you are correct that <B><A> = <A><B>.
  • #1

In Griffiths (2nd edition) pgs 110-111 - deriving the uncertainty principle

I have 2 questions

I am stuck on a point ...

(h = ^ hat )

<f | g > = < ( Ah - <A>) ψ | ( Bh - <B>) ψ >

= <Ψ | ( Ah - <A>) ( Bh - <B>) Ψ>


= <ψ | AhBh ψ> - <B><ψ | Ah ψ> - <A>< ψ | Bh ψ> + <A><B>< ψ | ψ>

I do see where < ψ | Ahψ > = <A> so <B>< ψ | Bh ψ> = <A><B>

I don't understand how / why : < ψ | AhBh ψ> = <AhBh> the expectation of A hat times B hat = <AhBh>

why would it not be <AB> instead <AhBh>
like expectation of A hat = <A> not <Ah>

Meaning with the single operator A-hat or B-hat the result is <A> and <B> respectively

the double < ψ | AhBh ψ>, Griffiths has = <AhBh>2) I want to confirm I am correct with this ...

the book shows <B><A> - <A><B> + <A><B>
the result is <A><B>
(I want to say <B><A> instead)

Am I correct that <B><A> = <A><B>

(thinking of the expectations as a resulting number or average)

Physics news on
  • #2
Sparky_ said:
I do see where < ψ | Ahψ > = <A> so <B>< ψ | Bh ψ> = <A><B>

I don't understand how / why : < ψ | AhBh ψ> = <AhBh> the expectation of A hat times B hat = <AhBh>

why would it not be <AB> instead <AhBh>
like expectation of A hat = <A> not <Ah>

Meaning with the single operator A-hat or B-hat the result is <A> and <B> respectively

the double < ψ | AhBh ψ>, Griffiths has = <AhBh>
Different authors use different conventions. Personally, I prefer to always indicate operators with hats and to write it as the expectation value of the operator,
\langle \hat{A} \rangle \equiv \langle \psi | \hat{A} | \psi \rangle
but many authors will use the symbol for the eigenvalue when expressing the expectation values. You will often see it for energy as ##\langle E \rangle##, meaning
\langle E \rangle = \langle \psi | \hat{H} | \psi \rangle
Since there is no symbol for the eigenvalue of the operation of two operators, that particular notation breaks down and one has to revert to using operators in the expectation value. Using ##\langle A B \rangle## instead ##\langle \hat{A} \hat{B} \rangle## is misleading, since it looks like
\langle A B \rangle = \langle A \rangle \langle B \rangle
which is only true if ##\hat{A}## and ##\hat{B}## commute.
Sparky_ said:
2) I want to confirm I am correct with this ...

the book shows <B><A> - <A><B> + <A><B>
the result is <A><B>
(I want to say <B><A> instead)

Am I correct that <B><A> = <A><B>

(thinking of the expectations as a resulting number or average)
## \langle A \rangle## and ##\langle B \rangle## are real numbers, so commutativity applies.

FAQ: The Uncertainty Principle - question within Griffiths' Text

1. What is the Uncertainty Principle?

The Uncertainty Principle is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states that it is impossible to simultaneously know the exact position and momentum of a particle. This means that the more precisely we know the position of a particle, the less we know about its momentum, and vice versa.

2. Who first proposed the Uncertainty Principle?

The Uncertainty Principle was first proposed by German physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1927. Heisenberg's principle states that it is impossible to measure certain pairs of physical quantities with arbitrary precision, and that the more accurately one is measured, the less accurately the other can be measured.

3. How does the Uncertainty Principle affect our understanding of the physical world?

The Uncertainty Principle has had a profound impact on our understanding of the physical world, particularly in the field of quantum mechanics. It has forced scientists to rethink the classical idea of determinism, where the state of a system can be predicted with absolute certainty. Instead, the Uncertainty Principle suggests that there is inherent randomness at the quantum level, and that our ability to measure and observe particles is fundamentally limited.

4. Can the Uncertainty Principle be violated or overcome?

No, the Uncertainty Principle is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics and cannot be violated or overcome. It is a fundamental aspect of how the universe works and has been confirmed by numerous experiments and observations.

5. How does the Uncertainty Principle relate to the wave-particle duality of quantum particles?

The Uncertainty Principle is closely related to the concept of wave-particle duality, which states that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. This means that particles, such as electrons, have a wave-like nature that makes it impossible to know both their position and momentum with absolute certainty. The Uncertainty Principle helps to explain this duality and highlights the limitations of our ability to describe and understand the behavior of quantum particles.

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